Procrastinators Anonymous
Have a productive Tuesday!
I am feeling encouraged as I am finally getting some things done.
1. pro. insurance
2. med. insurance. X
3. CR 1
4. CR 2- ask S.
5. VR -did 1X
6. Sched M-tried X done!!
7. Sched BW X
8. Sched C virtualX
9. Check on credentials
10. shred box brought in X
11. Paint
12. call about return-finish up X
Things I will do today
1. See sleep doctor
2. Wash dishes
3. Clean front room
4. Go through boxes and totes
5. Go through my e-mails
Books Web Sites and Techniques Coaching Procrastination Song
Tuesday to do list
I am feeling encouraged as I am finally getting some things done.
1. pro. insurance
2. med. insurance. X
3. CR 1
4. CR 2- ask S.
5. VR -did 1X
6. Sched M-tried X done!!
7. Sched BW X
8. Sched C virtualX
9. Check on credentials
10. shred box brought in X
11. Paint
12. call about return-finish up X
Things to do
Things I will do today
1. See sleep doctor
2. Wash dishes
3. Clean front room
4. Go through boxes and totes
5. Go through my e-mails