Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I really need to clock 6-7 hours today. I'm paid by the hour, so I can't afford to take any more time off. I'm going to include time estimates with each task.
To Do:
Debug random case and submit for testing - 2 hrs Finish merge of login/signup and submit for test - 3 hrs Read Fuji emails and email status 1/2 hr Review bugs/features and work on one until I reach 7 hrs of work (maybe the case rating feature) 1 1/2
Home: tidy kitchen 1/4 hr tidy living room 1/4 hr walk Wiggie (2x) 3/4 hr prepare and eat dinner 1 hr
Health: eat oatmeal 1/4 hr cardio 1/2 hr
Sanity: baby time 1 hr practice guitar - scales/arpeggio/ligado 1/2 hr guitar - repertoire 1/2 hr read The Sea 1 hr
13 hrs worth of stuff -- something will have to go -- probably reading The Sea and practicing guitar
I'm so relieved to have finished a long overdue writing assignment. I want to translate the relief & lack of anxiety into momentum to get started on the next thing, but I'm still basking in the glory of being done. This pattern happens every time. Then it seems that by the time I stop basking, I'm freaking out again. So, I'm gonna try to get myself on track and focused by posting.
Clear desk
Call KM
Clear floor
Spend 30 mins on RG
Put groceries away
Finish feeding cat
Wash dishes
x Call KM
x Clear floor
x Put groceries away
x Finish feeding cat
x Spend 30 mins on RG
x Wash dishes
x Call MC
x Read T1 for MC
x Call MW
x Call CG
x Call WL
Clear desk
Read T2 for MC
Draft ltr & fax pkg to WL
Call JA
Sign up for CRL class
Call KS
Go to mtg
Call D @ D - need to get info from MC before calling
x Call KM
x Clear floor
x Put groceries away
x Finish feeding cat
x Spend 30 mins on RG
x Wash dishes
x Call MC
x Read T1 for MC
x Call MW
x Call CGx2
x Call WL
x Go to PO
x Shower & dress
x Call JA
x Draft ltr & fax pkg to WL
x Go to mtg
x Call SG
Clear desk
Read T2 for MC
Call D @ D - need to get info from MC before calling
Sign up for CRL class
Call KS
Love how you've organized your task list. Looks like you're really cookin' with the task completion there! Is there a way to cut and paste or print items? I feel like I'm wasting time when I retype things.
Thanks for the support! Today was a good day. The best I've had in awhile.
As for cutting and pasting, if you do subsequent posts as replies to your own messages (I got this idea from Rexroth--many thanks!), then the last post pops up when you go to enter the new one, so you can copy & paste from there. If you do the posts as new comments, you can copy from your last post before clicking "add new comment" and then paste it in. I used to spend a lot of time messing w/my to do list before I started doing it this way. I like it.
Thanks! I knew there was an easier way... I hate wasting a lot of time doing things the hard way. I'd rather waste time stacking piles on my desk for the tenth time, watching funny You Tube videos, making lists, searching for fun earrings to purchase online, petting my cat or continually reheating my coffee! ;) ha
Hi everyone. Hope you all do well today. I over-booked myself with work this week, and I'm angry at both my clients and myself. I'll check backlater. To do: morning routine focus on project A work on B between times sort out workshop
up prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages emails post
meet Environmental Health Officer at my flat and show him round
if time go to mass
sort out contact with priest who is ill and see if I can help
finish letter to landlord
finish notes for psychologist tomorrow
I have already dressed myself and done the bed. Soon I go to work and have my breakfast there in a staff meeting.
To at work Think about and start palnning a new project If "boys" are coming we clean second hand furniture saling apartment together Call RV Ask for new workers
At home Take care that somebody makes the dinner clean up the kitchen clean the dust from living room iron for 15 minutes garden work for 10 minutes (I have no flowers in my garden)
ey CI
(edited to summarize the day, 11:14 PM)
X meeting
X take meeting notes
X shower, shave
X go to clothing store
(partway) add late combination results
X leave for dinner by 4:40pm
Mark CI 12:36 PM
I really need to clock 6-7 hours today. I'm paid by the hour, so I can't afford to take any more time off. I'm going to include time estimates with each task.
To Do:
Debug random case and submit for testing - 2 hrs
Finish merge of login/signup and submit for test - 3 hrs
Read Fuji emails and email status 1/2 hr
Review bugs/features and work on one until I reach 7 hrs of work (maybe the case rating feature) 1 1/2
tidy kitchen 1/4 hr
tidy living room 1/4 hr
walk Wiggie (2x) 3/4 hr
prepare and eat dinner 1 hr
eat oatmeal 1/4 hr
cardio 1/2 hr
baby time 1 hr
practice guitar - scales/arpeggio/ligado 1/2 hr
guitar - repertoire 1/2 hr
read The Sea 1 hr
13 hrs worth of stuff -- something will have to go -- probably reading The Sea and practicing guitar
05-09-07 CI 10:52 AM EST
WED. 05-09-07 10:52 AM EST
Mollie's CI 10:20am
I'm so relieved to have finished a long overdue writing assignment. I want to translate the relief & lack of anxiety into momentum to get started on the next thing, but I'm still basking in the glory of being done. This pattern happens every time. Then it seems that by the time I stop basking, I'm freaking out again. So, I'm gonna try to get myself on track and focused by posting.
Clear desk
Call KM
Clear floor
Spend 30 mins on RG
Put groceries away
Finish feeding cat
Wash dishes
Mollie's CI 11:25am
x Call KM
x Clear floor
x Put groceries away
x Finish feeding cat
Clear desk
Spend 30 mins on RG
Wash dishes
Mollie's CI 1:45pm
x Call KM
x Clear floor
x Put groceries away
x Finish feeding cat
x Spend 30 mins on RG
x Wash dishes
Clear desk
Read Tx2 for MC
Call MC
Call MW
Call WL
Call CG
Call D @ D
Mollie's CI 4:10pm
x Call KM
x Clear floor
x Put groceries away
x Finish feeding cat
x Spend 30 mins on RG
x Wash dishes
x Call MC
x Read T1 for MC
x Call MW
x Call CG
x Call WL
Clear desk
Read T2 for MC
Draft ltr & fax pkg to WL
Call JA
Sign up for CRL class
Call KS
Go to mtg
Call D @ D - need to get info from MC before calling
Mollie's Final CI
x Call KM
x Clear floor
x Put groceries away
x Finish feeding cat
x Spend 30 mins on RG
x Wash dishes
x Call MC
x Read T1 for MC
x Call MW
x Call CGx2
x Call WL
x Go to PO
x Shower & dress
x Call JA
x Draft ltr & fax pkg to WL
x Go to mtg
x Call SG
Clear desk
Read T2 for MC
Call D @ D - need to get info from MC before calling
Sign up for CRL class
Call KS
Hi Mollie,
Love how you've organized your task list. Looks like you're really cookin' with the task completion there! Is there a way to cut and paste or print items? I feel like I'm wasting time when I retype things.
Hi Glenna!
Thanks for the support! Today was a good day. The best I've had in awhile.
As for cutting and pasting, if you do subsequent posts as replies to your own messages (I got this idea from Rexroth--many thanks!), then the last post pops up when you go to enter the new one, so you can copy & paste from there. If you do the posts as new comments, you can copy from your last post before clicking "add new comment" and then paste it in. I used to spend a lot of time messing w/my to do list before I started doing it this way. I like it.
Good luck!
Thanks! I knew there was
Thanks! I knew there was an easier way... I hate wasting a lot of time doing things the hard way. I'd rather waste time stacking piles on my desk for the tenth time, watching funny You Tube videos, making lists, searching for fun earrings to purchase online, petting my cat or continually reheating my coffee! ;) ha
8:40am CI for Lark
Hi everyone. Hope you all do well today. I over-booked myself with work this week, and I'm angry at both my clients and myself. I'll check backlater.
To do:
morning routine
focus on project A
work on B between times
sort out workshop
Rexroth 07.07 BST
Todo today
up prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages emails post
meet Environmental Health Officer at my flat and show him round
if time go to mass
sort out contact with priest who is ill and see if I can help
finish letter to landlord
finish notes for psychologist tomorrow
rest and think
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep
Thanks it folks
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth 13.47 BST
EHO was late and not much help so I didn't get out.
Now I have letter to landlord to finish and notes for tomorrow and I don't feel like doing either.
So there!
Rexroth 18.57 BST
Notes for meeting with psychologist finished. I'm tired.
Now for a rest.
Rexroth 22.25 BST
Night Folks
zingyprince 11:00 am local time
To Do List:
1. Single spread page pharmacology classifications.
2. 1/3 of General Microbiology.
3. 9 Bacterias.
4. 2 Forensic Medicine sections.
"Good timber does not grow with ease,
The stronger wind, the stronger trees."
--Douglas Malloch
zingyprince 5:00 pm local time
1. Single Spread page pharmacology classifications.
2. 1/3 of General Microbiology.
To do:
1. 9 Bacterias.
2. 2 Forensic Medicine sections.
"Good timber does not grow with ease,
The stronger wind, the stronger trees."
--Douglas Malloch
Ritva 7: 49 am
I have already dressed myself and done the bed.
Soon I go to work and have my breakfast there in a staff meeting.
To at work
Think about and start palnning a new project
If "boys" are coming we clean second hand furniture saling apartment together
Call RV
Ask for new workers
At home
Take care that somebody makes the dinner
clean up the kitchen
clean the dust from living room
iron for 15 minutes
garden work for 10 minutes (I have no flowers in my garden)
Ritva before going to sleep
At work I forgot to phone RV
I did not yet start planning a new project still I was busy all day.
Seems so odd to see some of
Seems so odd to see some of you starting a new day. It is midnight here in California and I am still struggling with yesterday's list! ;)