Procrastinators Anonymous
Have a productive Sunday!
8 - 9 - student TY, emails, plan fior Monday, update unit 4
9:30 - 11:30 - put away clothes and laundry, sweep floor, put away junk on floor, pack up, set alarm for 5:30 am
Things I will do today
1. Take some food to church
2. Wash dishes
3. Clear kitchen counter
4. Put medicine away
Books Web Sites and Techniques Coaching Procrastination Song
My to-dos - Sunday
8 - 9 - student TY, emails, plan fior Monday, update unit 4
9:30 - 11:30 - put away clothes and laundry, sweep floor, put away junk on floor, pack up, set alarm for 5:30 am
Things to do
Things I will do today
1. Take some food to church
2. Wash dishes
3. Clear kitchen counter
4. Put medicine away