Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Friday May 24, 2024

May 24 - Do frogs first


      1. Eprog - do the teaching section FROG - DONE YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      2. Graphically represent key findings
        1. Exposure time
        2. Time to onset (latency)
        3. Recovery
        4. min 
        5. max 
        6. range
      3. Continue to act on any comments from LER
      4. Update the introduction with my lit review findings
      5. Transfer text from results to discussion - check comments as some of this text will be there
      6. Distribution of skin lesions - distribution /mannequin data  - finish this 
      7. Management 


  1. Readings-DONE
  2. Readings quick notes ..........
  3. Teeth-done FROG
  4. Pilates x5 mins- AFTER 8
  5. Run x 20-25 - AFTER 8


Distractions to eliminate

  1. smart phone - keep in kitchen on loud 
  2. jot down in notebook