Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday 30 April 2007

Hi, it is Monday.

Graphics added by pro.

6:21 PM mshanama CI

k, guess it helps if I actually read what I'm supposed to do 

  • Implement random case feature (due 11 pm)
  •   reply to 3 emails (due midnight)
  • clear office floor and desk (due midnight)
  • k, those and dinner seem enough for tonight.  If my wife goes into labor, all bets are off.


12:25 am follow-up

I implemented most of the new requirements, and I sent out the 3 emails.  Didn't clean at all, but cleaning always seems endlessly deferrable.


Mollie's CI 9:50am

Check net re: $
Email DB re: $
Clear desk
Review MC trans-complete?
Check bank acct

Mollie's CI 10:25am

x Check net re: $
x Email DB re: $
x Clear desk
x Review MC trans-complete?
x Check bank acct
x TC w/MB

Call KSA re: MC
Pay ins
Read P
Check RB aff
Add list to RB MNH

Mollie's missing final CI

x Check net re: $
x Email DB re: $
x Clear desk
x Review MC trans-complete?
x Check bank acct
x TC w/MB
x Call KSA re: MC
x Pay ins
Then got some good news that distracted me for the rest of the day.

Read P
Check RB aff
Add list to RB MNH

8:40am CI Lark

Gee, everyone seems in the same place as far as messes go today. Perhaps it's some sort of cosmic phase. The phrase "Clutter attracts clutter." is very true. Sometimes we must make a mess to get rid of one, though. Keep movin' everyone.
morning routine
run errands for relative
finish project A for work
clean some in workshop
begin (or commit myself to) work project B
tackle the clutter problem for an hour (total)

Good luck everyone!

first post -- need to implement a feature

While putting off work on some new requirements that my boss added to a feature I was working on, I came across this site.  

Guess I'll set the goal to

Implement the most irksome of the new requirements
and take the dog for a walk in the park.

It's already 4:39 PM, so those 2 items are enough, I think.



Rexroth 09.18 BST

Today I'm in a low mood so its challenging though there is nothing particularly difficult for me to do.

up prayer reflection meditation
post this
deal with emails phone messages post
clean up mess in kitchen after defrosting fridge and freezer yesterday
go out shopping
clean up mess in living/bedroom, why is it a mess?
work on letter to landlord

then I'm not sure

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth 12.50 BST

I've been shopping twice and am now unpacking in an already messy kitchen. Just don't know where all the mess has come from. I got rid of an old wardrobe and an old chest of drawers last year so there is less space for things to go. There is also virtually no storage in my kitchen. Landlords promise to provide units but there is not sight of them yet.

And a good thing, a payment from my publishers for £112 for royalties due from work finished around 1988.

Wishing everyone well

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth 15.33 BST

Kitchen sorted apart from cleaning floor and then it will be done.

Now to start on landlord file -- again

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth 22.15 BST

Well I looked at the landlord file but didn't do anything much with it. I feel fed up and I'm going to bed.

Night Folks Rexroth