Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Thursday 26 April 2007
Good morning everybody and welcome.
God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change what I can and
Wisdom to know the difference.
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Happy Birthday!!!!!
I hope you're having a great birthday Rexroth. I'm new and it was your book-ending posts that got me started. Thank you for that! Enjoy!
scarlett CI 3:45 pm EST
Doing pretty well today.
Already done:
Make tea
Check voicemail
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Email A re: V
Print invoice
Talk to A
Email DP re: E
Set up call w/ I&P
Call JB re: V
Call FB re: BB (LM)
Fill out travel form
Update 2 HLs for OC and mail
To do:
Call L (LM)
Buy plane ticket (waiting on L to call)
Submit travel form
Update WS
scarlett CI 12:31 pm
Busy morning. Catching up on some things...
Already done:
Make tea
Check voicemail
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Email A re: V
Print invoice
Talk to A
Email DP re: E
Set up call w/ I&P (sent email)
Call JB re: V
To do:
Call L (LM)
Buy plane ticket (waiting on L to call)
Fill out travel form
Submit travel form
Update 2 HLs for OC
Update WS
scarlett CI 9:20 am EST
Today is going to need to be a slow and steady kind of day, or I will freak out. I kept putting off paying a credit card bill, plus I forgot to submit a new charge for reimbursement, and now the total charge is due, and I don't have it.
So. Deliberate actions, from here on out today.
Make tea
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Call L
Buy plane ticket
Fill out travel form
Submit travel form
9:00am CI for Lark
Although there have been many interruptions, plus having a bandaged hand, I've been lazy this week, and the pile of things which need to be done is getting higher. In the past I've had to break thngs down into shorter time spans, so I'm not listing anything beyond the next four hours.
This morning:
morning routine
light house cleaning
call client A
call client B
focus on main project in workshop
login to this site later for next step
Mollie's CI 9am
I've been puttering, working on my to do list, having trouble getting focused to actually start doing anything. So here goes:
Call D
Find emails re: AA for AK
Check deadline for A for MC
Respond to RW's email
Call nh for MW
Mollie's CI 10am
x Call D
x Find emails re: AA for AK
x Check deadline for A for MC
x Respond to RW's email
x TC w/ML
Call nh for MW - left mssg
Call MB - left mssg (4/25)
Call CC - left mssg (4/25)
Call SG - left mssg (4/25)
Call KL - left mssg (4/25)
Call BS re: ins
Read S
Make bed
Do leg exercises
Read emails re: AK
Mollie's CI 11am
x Call D
x Find emails re: AA for AK
x Check deadline for A for MC
x Respond to RW's email
x TC w/ML
x Call BS re: ins
x Read S
x Make bed
x Do leg exercises
x Read emails re: AK
x Call nh for MW - left mssg
Call MB - left mssg (4/25)
Call CC - left mssg (4/25)
Call SG - left mssg (4/25)
Call KL - left mssg (4/25)
Read C
Straighten bedroom
Followup re: email re: AK-#1
Write ltr for DS
Read G
Mollie's CI 12:05pm
I just discovered I made a pretty significant error and am trying to stay calm and focused so that I can deal with it. Gonna take a lunch break and hope I can think straight afterward.
x Call D
x Find emails re: AA for AK
x Check deadline for A for MC
x Respond to RW's email
x TC w/ML
x Call BS re: ins
x Read S
x Make bed
x Do leg exercises
x Read emails re: AK
x Call nh for MW - left mssg
x Read C
x Straighten bedroom
Call MB - left mssg (4/25)
Call CC - left mssg (4/25)
Call SG - left mssg (4/25)
Call KL - left mssg (4/25)
Followup re: email re: AK-#1
Write ltr for DS
Read G
Mollie's CI 3:30pm
My effort at not freaking out over the mistake that I made didn't work too well. I wound up taking an hour and a half nap after lunch. At least I finally took my shower after that. And just renewed a book. Things that needed doing, but not things that are addressing the problem. I'm really struggling to be productive instead of putting all my energy into feeling bad and beating myself up. The mistake was that I missed an important deadline, totally due to procrastination and just not dealing with something I needed to deal with because I felt anxious about it and wasn't sure how to handle it. I didn't even check to see when the deadline was, until today, when I discovered I'm about 6 weeks past it. It's the first time I've messed something like this up. I have to figure out my next step, but what I want to do it just run away.
Rexroth 07.58 BST
My birthday today. I'm 63 and grateful for so much I've experienced so far and looking forward to the future with faith and confidence.
You can't put birthdays off.
Todo today
up prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages emails post
out to see psychologist
time in museum before
then take it easy/havent made my mind up yet
Regards Rexroth
I have yet to know more about you, but I'm still going to give my fellow PA-er a cheer for his birthday, especially when he's great at keeping up with his check-ins and outs on a daily basis.
Hmmmm, I would have posted a picture of a cake here, but do you like pastries, cakes, or ice-creams?
"Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power."
happy birthday
I hope today goes well with you. Do something nice for yourself, and share it with someone else! Someone told me that years ago, and it makes each birthday memorable. Take care friend.
Happy Birthday!
Hope you have a fun and wonderful day.
Happy Birthday, Rexroth!
I really appreciate your steady presence here. I wish you a wonderful 63rd birthday. Enjoy the museum!
Rexroth, Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to you, Rexroth.
Thanks from Rexroth
Thanks friends for birthday wishes. I couldn't post from late afternon yesterday as my phone line stopped working. I've been out today, Friday from 4.00pm and its been working again since I came back.
Yours in recovery
Ritva 8.40 local time
I have already made the bed, had the breakfast, fed the cat and dressed myself.
To do.
Go to my nonpaid work.
Go to an afternoon seminar
make the dinner (or ask my son to do it)
wash dishes
handle washed clothes
wash clothes
clean the sauna for 15 minutes
put things into right places in living room
vacuumclean the living roon
talk to or call MA
EDIT Friday 27 April 0:20 am
I did everything on the list. Yet I did procrastinate. I came home 6 pm. I went to the computer and online for an hour. Then I slept for two hours. I really did not want to do anything. I finaly started homework after 9 pm but I managed everything on my list before midnight. I did not do things perfect. I would not have time for that.