Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday February 28, 2024

today's list

Hi all, 

forgot to come and write up my lists, and got lost in the mire of unstructured time ( once again). 


Here's todays list; 


yoga, breakfast, wippersnip ( finish by 10am ) 

ceiling work ( finish by 1pm) 


lunch, kiirtan


- I'm having so much trouble with the taxes, they are late, and each day I put them off.   



To do 28th Feb



  1. Readings - done
  2. notes on readings spend only 5 mins
  3. T Rec
  4. B experiment
  5. Wry postponement
  6. brush teeth done
  7. wash done
  8. drop off C
  9. 1 minute exercise - walk on treadmill - feel free to increase beyond 1minute but 1 minute minimum


  1. Continue to summarise and highlight the most important findings in pen on the document as I go along - FINISH THIS TODAY
  2. highlight the most important findings AND THEN
  3. Highlight the sections which need to be graphified or tabulated in the printed chapter 1 draft 1  
  4. Highlight the text in results which needs to be moved to the discussion
  5. Act on any comments from LER IN PROGRESS
  6. D'scpy quiz on You D'scpy