Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Friday February 23, 2024

To do 23/2/24


  1. Readings - 
  2. notes on readings spend only 5 mins- DONE
  3. brush teeth
  4. wash
  5. 1 minute exercise - walk on treadmill - feel free to increase beyond 1minute but 1 minute minimum


  1. Reply to Clare re. work - DONE
  2. Printing protocol to view - write out- DONE
  3. PRINT the document with correct view DONE
  4. Save the document which LER returned to me DONE
  5. Save another copy of it and rename it draft  7 and keep working on this - DONE
  6. Write the most important findings in pen on the document as I go along 
  7. highlight the most important findings AND THEN
  8. Highlight the sections which need to be graphified or tabulated in the printed chapter 1 draft 1  
  9. Go through any comments from LER IN PROGRESS
  10. BCC - word dump on dermoscopy from 2 weeks ago -DONE 
  11. Compare BCC word dump with my notes

Things to do

Things I will do today

1. Go through my DVR

2. Put boxes together

3. Put some food together to take to church

4. Sweep the floor to a pile

5. Pick up stuff off the floor