Procrastinators Anonymous
Have a productive Thursday!
1. Morning routine
2. Walk
3. Get started on PA journey: open mail, file paper work and create to do list (brain dump)
4. Clean bathroom/kitchen
All complete by 3.30pm. Anything else is gravy.
10:15 - 12 - look at L4
12:00 - 12:30 - lunch
12:30 - 3 - prepare for Friday
3 - 4 - run and shop
4 - 6 - make dinner, wash dishes, put away laundry
6 - 8 - AI video
Things I did today
Strength training
Things I will do today
1. Go to the ATM
2. Go to the pharmacy
3. Go to the store
4. Put groceries away
5. Put books away
6. Go through my e-mail
Books Web Sites and Techniques Coaching Procrastination Song
My To Do's - Thursday
1. Morning routine
2. Walk
3. Get started on PA journey: open mail, file paper work and create to do list (brain dump)
4. Clean bathroom/kitchen
All complete by 3.30pm.
All complete by 3.30pm. Anything else is gravy.
My to dos - Thursday
10:15 - 12 - look at L4
12:00 - 12:30 - lunch
12:30 - 3 - prepare for Friday
3 - 4 - run and shop
4 - 6 - make dinner, wash dishes, put away laundry
6 - 8 - AI video
Things to do
Things I did today
Strength training
Things I will do today
1. Go to the ATM
2. Go to the pharmacy
3. Go to the store
4. Put groceries away
5. Put books away
6. Go through my e-mail