Procrastinators Anonymous
Have a productive Saturday!
1)begin writing facts & stories for for 30 min
2) prepare home for son's maltapoo for her 3 day weekend visit, here
3) Decide on something pleasurable for today
Things I will do today
1. Go to the store (Done)
2. Put groceries away
3. Put clothes away
4. Get medicine ready for the next four weeks (Done)
5. Go through my e-mail
Books Web Sites and Techniques Coaching Procrastination Song
Things to do today
1)begin writing facts & stories for for 30 min
2) prepare home for son's maltapoo for her 3 day weekend visit, here
3) Decide on something pleasurable for today
Things to do
Things I will do today
1. Go to the store (Done)
2. Put groceries away
3. Put clothes away
4. Get medicine ready for the next four weeks (Done)
5. Go through my e-mail