Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday 2 April 2007

First time.

Well, this is my first post. I figure I might as well try it out, since I've been fighting my procrastination for 5 or 6 years with few results. Today I will:
Complete my Networking lab

Thomas C., 9:27 a.m.

Had a very bad day yesterday--got into a big fight with my wife, and we are still chilly towards each other. Talking, but distantly. Hoping to resolve it soon.

Anyway, here's my to-do list today:

* drop off found check card at bank
* call Classroom Technology
* get master copies from library
* drop off master at copy shop, email students
* balance checkbook
* call uncle: Happy Birthday
* write lecture for class 2, review lecture for class 1
* pay bills

Thomas C., 4:06 p.m.

Talked a little with my wife, feel a little less bad. In the meantime, mired in item 4, getting the master set of copies done for dropoff. Almost done, but took forever! As it so often does. Gotta call uncle, then start on lecture, at least, then balance checkbook.

Glad things are getting better for you.

Sometimes when I'm in a space like that all I see is that little space. A little time usually helps.

8:30am, Lark

Seems I've been pulled in several directions for a week or so.Once I'm focusing on a task, and get interrupted, it's difficult to get started again (like I have to build the fire all over). When this happens to any of you, what solutions do you have? Good luck everyone
To do:
(X)morning things
meditation (above and beyond what's included in the above item)
(Not well enough)focus on work project
(X)take elderly relative for appointments
(X)return movie
go to noon meeting
a little housework
make rough schedule for April

Garfield 09.32 CET

To do:
9 lessions of course-book

Garfield 15.11 CET

5 out of 9 lessons, repeated 3 out of 5.

Rexroth 08.08 BST

Todo today

up prayer reflection meditation
deal with post emails phone messages
email brother re meetup in Scotland this summer*
email friend who I didn't meet on Friday
clean up a bit
go out and
DA meeting first time in 2 years I feel nervous
food shopping
new crockery
rest and take it easy and
I'm not sure
research Scotland on internet
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep

* this is something I would like to procrastinate about and I've decided not to. It's still some months away and I feel a bit nervous over the trip. I need to book travel early to get a good deal and so I do need to know exact dates and where to arrive.

Regards Rexroth

glad to read you're going to a meeting

Let us know how you did with the meeting. I'm an AA member, and 12 step meetings seem to always make things better--or perhaps keep me from making things worse!

Rexroth 21.41 BST

Thanks Lark, I got to the meeting and I didn't like it. Anyway I'm glad I went. I will post later or tomorrow about it because I can understand better where I am at with DA and procrastination.

Now for bed.

Night Folks Rexroth