Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday January 25, 2022

My to do list - Tuesday

2- 3 - hw AND ANSWERS (done)

3 - 4 - dishes and hand laundry (done)

4 -5 -errands (done)

5 - 7 - review presentation (done)

7 - 8:30 - prepare for Wednesday

8:30 -10 - annotated bibliographies

Review to do list


Read and reply to email FROM SJ

Decide re work 

Email Susie? re. legislation covering the flwshp

Shower dress

Th record / prediction

Readings of day DONE 


Walk at least 30mins 

1 minute of Pilates core 


Pack bag for aqua 

Update shopping list


Take all vits and mins etc. pc+o 2, B 1, Fe 1, c 1, amo 2, fybo 1, d-m 1,

Consider attending PA meeting


Interptn paperwork

Immun email across my record and apologise


Order another lateral flow online and go collect on person if possible later