Procrastinators Anonymous
Have a productive Thursday!
2-3 - HOMEWORK & answers
3 - 5 - review package for week
5 - 6 - run
6- 8 -lesson plan
[x] German vocabulary
[x] routine tasks
[ ] pay Monica
[ ] prep Ryans Drift
[ ] s/g letter
[ ] minilist
[ ] AM prep
[ ] email Joyce re nominations
[ ] send emails
[x] OU course
[x] lace
Books Web Sites and Techniques Coaching Procrastination Song
My to do list - Thursday
2-3 - HOMEWORK & answers
3 - 5 - review package for week
5 - 6 - run
6- 8 -lesson plan
Hypatia's check-in
[x] German vocabulary
[x] routine tasks
[ ] pay Monica
[ ] prep Ryans Drift
[ ] s/g letter
[ ] minilist
[ ] AM prep
[ ] email Joyce re nominations
[ ] send emails
[x] OU course
[x] lace