Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday October 6, 2021

My to do list - Wednesday

4 - 5 - Answers to homework (done)

5 - 7 - walk, shop, dinner, socialize (done)

7 - 11

1. review writing test (1/2 hr) (done)

2. review reading test and send student answer sheet & lj to H (1 hr.)

3. emails to MS, May, and Huai (1 hour)

4. prepare for Thursday (1/2 hr)

5. other - review UBC website   

Hypatia's check-in

Any time

[x] German vocabulary

[x] ring Martin re s/g

[x] routine tasks

[x] prep for EC meeting

[x] ring Anne re meeting time

[x] ring David re s/g - message left

[x] minilist

[ ] s/g letter

[x] carpet budget

[ ] send emails

[x] make phone calls

[ ] OU course

[ ] lace

[x] gardening
[-] check burial stones
[ ] Zoom meeting