Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Not clear on time binging

Is it time binging if you are working and it is something on your list like last night when I could not sleep I stayed up and did task on my list .  Is it time binging if you stay on the same task on your list until it it done.  One of my problems is because my house is such a mess simple things mya take me way longer.  That is why I started the in progess list. To give myself credit even if the project can not be completed in a session.


Time binging

I think it's more of how your getting things done and the feelings behind it.  I feel guilty when I have procrastinated for a long time, and so then I try to get that thing done at the expense of my sanity, or tending to my children's needs.  I also call it time binging when, without making a concious decision to do so,  I spend alot of time on something not high on my priority list.  i.e. I have a projects list in my control journal of things that I want to get done that is separate form the day to day things that I have to do.  If they are ever to get done, then at some point, I have to make a decision to trade that for something I would regularly do.  I'm not procrastinating doing the regualr duty, b/c I have made a concious decision to do something else.  for these things, I usually alot a certain amount of time to it.  It, for me, would move into the timebingeing category if I continued to work on the project beyond the time I alloted for it.   I hope that made sense.. and helped some.  There are some good articles under articles on the site here too if you haven't already checked them out.

thanks so much

[I'm not procrastinating doing the regualr duty, b/c I have made a concious decision to do something else.  for these things, I usually alot a certain amount of time to it.  It, for me, would move into the timebingeing category if I continued to work on the project beyond the time I alloted for it.  ]

This is what  helped I do not put a time on tasks. If I did I could feel completion of that unit of time spent even if the task still needs to be completed.  does that make sense.  Maybe if I timed each task that would help.

Glad to help

I am glad that helped.  I felt like i wasn't making much   I don't have a time limit for everything I do, only the things that aren't on the must do list.  That's not to say that won't work for you however.  I lean a little towards beign obsessive/compulsive, and if i try to but too many times on things, I dirve myself muts trying to keep to it.  I definitely understand how putting the limit on it helps though.. because if 15 minutes is all you set out to do on a certain thing, you've reached your goal and feel good about yourself..