Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Please do not leave comments. Silent prayers are welcome.
Higher power, can you please just remove this obsession from me and feel that whatever I said was enough and okay. The right person would see past all of my self-perceived "faults," which really aren't that bad anyways. Sure, I might've written one email that was codependent, but would the right person give me no second chances based on the fact that I had feelings and acted on them? No, b/c the right person would have been responsive, affirming. The right person would try to protect my ego, instead of disappearing off the face of the earth and not validating me in a timely way. I deserve a s.o. or dating partner who replies to me, regardless esp. if I'm being in earnest. Lack of a poite response is always disrespectful and not loving. I'm quite irked that he didn't respond or think a response was necessary. Being unavailable isn't really an excuse. It's not. I'm unavailable, I still get back to people; even when I'm unavailable I can tell people my timing. The only time I do not get back to someone is if I genuinely believe it's not appropriate to say anything, a W[hy] A[m] I T[alking] situation or the person is extremely volcanic & best left alone. I still say what's in my heart and what I'm about. It was probably for the best that it ended, just b/c it was all about him and what HE wanted or what HE felt, not about my feelings at all. My feelings never seemed to matter and the minute I set a boundary, he disappeared rapid fire. He never tried to talk it out. That guy was completely into himself and whether he was entertained. And I know that. I just. Ooof. My sponsor said that if I want to, I can delete what I wrote in the game if it was too love addicty, b/c it was part of a pattern of adulation of him I do not want to any longer emulate.
Retrieve appl 2020 documents and see what sections needs to be completed
Get out the conference certs for 2015-2016 and any related materials and write reflections on these
Search and gather any certs from email or via MPS and store in file on one drive - reflect if not done already Gather Google notes, written notes, word docs
Check which of the sections that I haven't completed - CPD is the one I need to work on first
coordinate with HF- let HF know re Aug 27th
Get Vit C from H&B
Send Helen docs sent to Ira to Prof K
Physiotherapy appt await
Go to library
Think through - write out thoughts re appl - use forms if needed
Retrieve appl 2020 documents and see what sections needs to be completed
Get out the conference certs for 2015-2016 and any related materials and write reflections on these
Search and gather any certs from email or via MPS and store in file on one drive - reflect if not done already Gather Google notes, written notes, word docs
Check which of the sections that I haven't completed - CPD is the one I need to work on first
Send this at least - ask what else is needed
Think through all aspects of pre-appl prep what's needed, the apprsl itself, managing things on the day, visualisation how it will look, what co-reg can I introduce
Find evidence in meantime
Gather all files and folders
Do the audit?
Canc audit ? Done - tabulate
Notes from courses
Reflections on cases
Virtual conference dermoscopy - check how long access is for
DAB go through material and reflect
Chase up CPD
LRP fellowship - print and read what was sent
Reply to Sarah re meeting and Helen
Work Admin
Chase up email sent to Linsey N - find out AL ?? Get leave diary from PBU ?? this evening go in today??
Decide re whether taking AL or not -if I am then need to coordinate with HF- let HF know re Aug 27th
Set out a list for today DONE
Review of previous list DONE
walk 20
today's 1,2,G or similar and notes
consider doing be wp and tr prep sheets pre work today or when struggling with delaying tactics - DO TODAY
Checkin: 08/09/21: 13:14
Please do not leave comments. Silent prayers are welcome.
Higher power, can you please just remove this obsession from me and feel that whatever I said was enough and okay. The right person would see past all of my self-perceived "faults," which really aren't that bad anyways. Sure, I might've written one email that was codependent, but would the right person give me no second chances based on the fact that I had feelings and acted on them? No, b/c the right person would have been responsive, affirming. The right person would try to protect my ego, instead of disappearing off the face of the earth and not validating me in a timely way. I deserve a s.o. or dating partner who replies to me, regardless esp. if I'm being in earnest. Lack of a poite response is always disrespectful and not loving. I'm quite irked that he didn't respond or think a response was necessary. Being unavailable isn't really an excuse. It's not. I'm unavailable, I still get back to people; even when I'm unavailable I can tell people my timing. The only time I do not get back to someone is if I genuinely believe it's not appropriate to say anything, a W[hy] A[m] I T[alking] situation or the person is extremely volcanic & best left alone. I still say what's in my heart and what I'm about. It was probably for the best that it ended, just b/c it was all about him and what HE wanted or what HE felt, not about my feelings at all. My feelings never seemed to matter and the minute I set a boundary, he disappeared rapid fire. He never tried to talk it out. That guy was completely into himself and whether he was entertained. And I know that. I just. Ooof. My sponsor said that if I want to, I can delete what I wrote in the game if it was too love addicty, b/c it was part of a pattern of adulation of him I do not want to any longer emulate.
InnerTruth's to-do list - Monday
1:35 - 2 - Hw (done)
2-2:30 - grammar test (done)
2:30 -3:30 answers (done)
3:30 - 4:30 - walk and shop (done)
9 - 11 -check HW (done)
11 - 12 - prepare for Tuesday (to do with the next 1/2 hour)
Hypatia's check-in
[x] intray
[x] read inbox
[ ] clear desk
[x] send emails
[x] ring Anne
[x] ring plant centre
[x] update online shopping
[x] minilist
[x] safeguarding emails
[x] check bike
[x] E&O report
[ ] prep for s/g meeting
[x] elders meeting
[ ] mow lawn
[ ] water plants
[ ] start lace
One small step can change your life
Retrieve appl 2020 documents and see what sections needs to be completed
Get out the conference certs for 2015-2016 and any related materials and write reflections on these
Search and gather any certs from email or via MPS and store in file on one drive - reflect if not done already Gather Google notes, written notes, word docs
Check which of the sections that I haven't completed - CPD is the one I need to work on first
coordinate with HF- let HF know re Aug 27th
Get Vit C from H&B
Send Helen docs sent to Ira to Prof K
Physiotherapy appt await
Go to library
Think through - write out thoughts re appl - use forms if needed
Retrieve appl 2020 documents and see what sections needs to be completed
Get out the conference certs for 2015-2016 and any related materials and write reflections on these
Search and gather any certs from email or via MPS and store in file on one drive - reflect if not done already Gather Google notes, written notes, word docs
Check which of the sections that I haven't completed - CPD is the one I need to work on first
Send this at least - ask what else is needed
Think through all aspects of pre-appl prep what's needed, the apprsl itself, managing things on the day, visualisation how it will look, what co-reg can I introduce
Find evidence in meantime
Gather all files and folders
Do the audit?
Canc audit ? Done - tabulate
Notes from courses
Reflections on cases
Virtual conference dermoscopy - check how long access is for
DAB go through material and reflect
Chase up CPD
Work Admin
Chase up email sent to Linsey N - find out AL ?? Get leave diary from PBU ?? this evening go in today??
Decide re whether taking AL or not -if I am then need to coordinate with HF- let HF know re Aug 27th
Set out a list for today DONE
Review of previous list DONE
walk 20
today's 1,2,G or similar and notes
consider doing be wp and tr prep sheets pre work today or when struggling with delaying tactics - DO TODAY
Mike's annual
Night routine of yrasor
Meds inh bd 1
CRMS document DOING
maria's exercises daily
drink water ++ DONE
further exercise
aikon off OR SILENT
Get Vit C from H&B
Send Helen docs sent to Ira to Prof K
Get gift for Sarah and for Laura
Send card to Sarah by tomorrow
Book hols ASAP
Cards, Sarah, Anna, Grainne, Joy,
DSA form
Update various diaries
Complete questionnaire from B house