Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday August 4, 2021

InnerTruth's to-do list - Wednesday

5 - 6 - download and print grammar

6 - 8 - mark grammar

8 - 8:30 - send emails

8:30 - 10:00 - acknowledge HW

10 - 11 - prepare for Thursday - print HW, presentation test    

Hypatia's check-in


[x] intray

[x] read inbox

[x] prep banking

[x] send emails

[ ] make yoghurt

[ ] minilist

[x] meet cleaning lady

[x] errands


[x] zoom meeting

[-] check bike

[x] T's subscription

[ ] answer FB message

[ ] action email backlog

[ ] make soup


[ ] clear desk

[x] zoom epilogue

[ ] knitting/lace/sewing



Focus now

One small step can change your life




Go to library NOT DONE

Retrieve appl 2020 documents and see what sections needs to be completed

Find example online of how to write reflections for CPD.

Get out the conference certs for 2015-2016 and write reflections on these

Search and gather any certs from email or via MPS and store in file on one drive - reflect if not done already Gather Google notes, written notes, word docs 

Make list

Think through - write out thoughts re appl

step by step plan this 

Work on the sections that I haven't completed - CPD is the one I need to work on first

Send this at least - ask what else is needed

Think through all aspects of pre-appl prep what's needed, the apprsl itself, managing things on the day, visualisation how it will look, what co-reg can I introduce

Find evidence in meantime 

Gather all files and folders 

Do the audit? 

Canc audit ? Done - tabulate

Notes from courses 

Reflections on cases

Virtual conference dermoscopy - check how long access is for 

DAB go through material and reflect

Chase up CPD 


Work Admin

Meeting 14:00 with DA - prepare a bit 5 minutes DONE

Chase up SP re meeting - AC WILL DO 

Decide re whether taking AL or not -if I am then need to coordinate with HF- let HF know re Aug 27th

Get leave diary 



Set out a list for today DONE

Review of previous list below DONE

walk 20 DONE

today's 1,2,G DONE or similar and notes

consider doing be wp and tr prep sheets pre work today or when struggling with delaying tactics - DO TODAY

Mike's annual

Night routine of yrasor

Meds inh bd 1



CRMS document DOING

maria's exercises daily DONE

drink water ++ DONE

further exercise DONE

aikon off OR SILENT  



Prepare my letters and notes for before tomorrow night- take UG, G, Oruen, TIG, letters

Use questionnaire from chronic TIU website as a guide

Find any other useful questoinnaires - I have completed one already for UG at Ts s'yraM

Bring my notebook with questions 



Appointment at 15:00 DONE

Update from T re. hols availability DONE

Hoover bedroom

Cards, Anna, Laura, Joy, Sarah

DSA form 

Update various diaries DONE