Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday June 17, 2021

InnerTruth's to-do list - Thursday

11:30 - 12:30 - Organize exams, mark speaking (done)

12:30 - 2 - help sister, shop (done)

2 - 5 - download, print and mark other exams for all potential faling students (done)

5 - 6:30 -download, print and grammar for all possible failing students (done)

6:30 - 7 - Organize papers (done)

7 - 10 - download and mark all potential cheaters and failures (done)  

Hypatia's check-in


[x] intray

[x] read new emails

[ ] prepare for GRASP meeting

[ ] send urgent emails

[x] clear desk



[x] charity shop

[ ] action email backlog

[ ] if time work from action list

[x] watch tennis



[x] put bins out

[ ] knitting/embroidery