Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Friday June 4, 2021

InnerTruth's to-do list - Saturday

12:15 - 1 - downlaod and print reading (done by 2:15) 

1 -1:30 - lunch (done)

2:15 - 4 -mark reading (done)

5 - 7 - walk, dinner (done)

7- 10 - download & print writing test, mark 10 tests (done)

10 - 12 - print intake, review 4 essays

My to do list - Friday

1- 1:30 - HW

1:30 - 2 -report for T

2 -3 - answers

3 - 5 - call M, shop

5 - 6 -download tests

6 - 8 - run and socialize

8 - 10 - mark reading tests

Things to do


  1. Review of list below
  2. walk 35 mins DONE
  3. today's 1,2,G DONE or similar and notes
  4. consider doing be wp and tr prep sheets pre work today or when struggling with procrastination 
  5. Mike's annual
  6. Night routine of yrasor
  7. Meds inh bd 1
    1. AM DONE
    2. PM
  8. maria's exercises
  9. drink water DONE
  10. further exercise 
  11. aikon off 9-5 DONE



  1. Update paper with data (REDONE) without er 
  2. REDO Data analysis on selected 25-29 and 33-37  parameters as per list as per black notebook
    1. paste to replace it
    1. Once data analysis completed input REDONE data onto paper 
      1. does it change my conclusions 


    Things to do

    Things I will do today

    1. Prayer and meditation

    2. Read devotionals

    3. Go through my e-mail

    4. Do numbers

    5. Do errands

    6. Clear tables near computer

    7. Start getting medicine ready for the next four weeks

    Hypatia's check-in


    [x] practice exam question - spent so long on the first question i never did the second

    [x] intray

    [x] read inbox

    [x] action emails if enough time



    [ ] gardening

    [ ] cross-stitch

    [ ] prep for GRASP meeting

    [ ] index revision notes

    [x] action emails if enough time - inbox Zero (day 2/4 in June)



    [ ] pick one task from todo list and do for 30 mins

    [ ] water garden

    [ ] watch gardening programme