Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday May 31, 2021

Have a productive Monday! For those in the U.S. Happy Memorial Day!

InnerTruth's to-do list - Monday

1- 1wal:30 HW

1:30 - 2 - listening test

2 - 3 - answers

3 - 4:30 - walk & shopping

4:30 - 6:30 - check HW

6:30 - 7:30 - dinner & dishes, phone Bell

7:30 - 9 - check HW

9 - 10 - prepare for Tuesday 

Things to do

Things I will do today

1. Prayer and meditation

2. Read devotionals

3. Go to the store

4. Put groceries away

5. Go through my e-mail

6. Go through my mail

7. Clear tables near computer

8. Clear table near bed

9. Wash dishes

10. Put clothes away

11. Take out trash

12. Take out recycling

Hypatia's check-in

Must do
[x] revision
[x] clear bedroom
[x] index revision notes


Should do

[x] intray

[x] read inbox

[x] gardening

[x] water plants

[x] washing

[ ] send emails

[x] write s/g report

[ ] research data protection

[ ] scan docs for Tony

[ ] action emails - down to 12

[ ] action minilist


Could do

[ ] exercise/tai chi

[ ] action from Q list

[ ] update safeguarding policy (including new email address)

[ ] lace/knitting/embroidery