Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Saturday May 22, 2021

Have a productive Saturday!

Daily Checkin: 05/23/21 10:37pm

Please do not leave feedback or comments.  Thank you.


I'm coming to the realization that I am a media addict of the hopeless variety.  I need help.  Like seriously need help.  I didn't even drive my car this weekend, b/c I felt sick and not well enough to drive becuase I haven't worked out in a while.  Working out seems to stop my headaches.  Also felt gross.  For a lot of reasons.  I am now going to add going to online MMOWs and MMORPGs to act out as part of my bottomline behavior.  I just really can't do that, and I need to stop myself from thinking I'm going to form a relationship with someone in a MMORPG.  I always end up feeling like a prostitute, even though that's not what I am.  Speaking of that, I have been meaning to take down a fake twitter account associated with me that has stolen my photograph and things I used to say during my online show, so I'm going to do that now.  Done.  I reported the fake twitter account impersonating me.

InnerTruth's to-do list - Sunday

11:15 -1 - Finish grammar (done)

1- 1:30 -lunch (done)

1:30 - 2 - downlad and Print 10 writing & rubrics (done)

2 - 3:30- mark 10 writings (done)

3:30 - 4 -misc. housework (do late at night)

4:00 -4:30 - email T (wait until Monday)

4:30 -6 - download and print 5 writing, mark 5 writing

6 - 7 -outside break

7 - 9 - hair & shopping

9 -11 - finish writing    

2- 3 - finish reading,

2- 3 - finish reading, download and print 10 writing

3- 3:30 - call sister

3:30 - 6 - mark 10 writing

6-6:30 - download and print 10 grammar 

6;30 - 9 - sister's dinner

9 - 11 - marking 10 grammar

11- 12 - downloading and printing participation and other exams    

Things to do

Things I will do today

1. Prayer and meditation

2. Read devotionals

3. Wash dishes

4. Put groceries away

5. Put medicine away

6. Take out trash

7. Take out recycling

8. Go through my e-mail

9. Get and go through my mail

10. Clear tables near computer

11. Wash and dry clothes

12. Work on my Step

Hypatia's check-in

Must do
[x] revision
[ ] choir recording


Should do

[x] intray

[x] read inbox

[x] clear desk

[x] send emails

[ ] write up meetings from the last week

[ ] action E&Os meeting

[ ] trouble shoot meter reading

[x] action emails - down to 12

[ ] action minilist


Could do

[x] exercise/tai chi

[ ] gardening

[ ] action from Q list

[ ] update safeguarding policy (including new email address)

[ ] lace/knitting/embroidery