Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Saturday April 17, 2021


  1. Meet 10am DONE
  2. Meet 5pm 
  3. B  
  4. cardio exercises -outdoors DONE
  5. Help with dinner DONE
  6. Reflection DONE
  7. exercise class
  8. find missing stuff
      1. FST type, con  y/n, sys  y/n, morphs
  9. MC to Alison DA
  10. Jez- check if have her mobile / not
  11. Compliment note to Gail


Things to do

Things I will do today

1. Wash and dry clothes

2. Put clothes away

3. Go to the store (Done)

4. Put groceries away (Done)

5. Do numbers (Done)

6. Go through my e-mail (Done)

7. Go through my mail