Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday March 3 2021

T-LA check in Weds 3.3.2021

Hello everyone -- Happy Wednesday! 

Start Home/Get Ready for Day Routine 30 minutes:

[ ] Open prior setting document and identify #1 priority for the day [Project B] - 2 minutes

[ ] Open calendar and count available work blocks in  - 2 minutes


Start Work Routine:

[ ] Open prior setting document and identify #1 priority for the day [Project B] - 2 minutes

[ ] Open calendar and count available work blocks in  - 2 minutes

[ ]  Draft list for assistant - 5 minutes

[ ] Check calendar for this week, next week and month. Quick glance. 2 minutes

[ ]  Check work voicemail and personal - list of calls - delegate if I can  wink 

[ ]  Go through emails and identify action emails

[ ]  Project Inbox ZERO. Spend 5 minute intervals on Inbox ZERO! Look up YouTube video on it.


[ ]  Start end of day playlist [music]

[ ] 5 minutes: What did I do?

[ ] Journal: What did I not do?

[ ] Journal:How can I improve tomorrow?

[ ] Journal:5 minutes: Plan out tomorrow

[ ]  5 minutes: Last minute urgent emails

[ ] Journal:5 minutes: Last minute phone calls - set up for next day or later

[ ] 5 minutes: clean desk/office

[ ] 5 minute: REWARD: Log off computer and say "I'm done with an awesome day!"

Personal Growth and Development and Fitness (Physical and Mental) 

Long Term Goals:

[ ] Fill out part of "My 100 SubGoals" for my Financial Goals

[ ] Fill out March Monthly Goals

[ ] Coaching questions and watch video

[ ] Send payment to cycling/life coach

[ ] Cycling or other workout

[ ] Meditation




[ ]  Send bill for project H

[ ]  Send bill for project M

[ ]  

[ ] 30 day course

House, Yard, Family Tasks and Things to Do

[ ] mother-in-law arrange for in hospital; arrange discharge; contact owner

[ ] health insurance payment

[ ] Dispute bill from mother-in-law assisted living

[ ] Research preventative car for animals. 

[ ] Book next follow up booster shot for kittens  There's a third one. 

[ ]  Pack lunch for H and for T for Thursday - DONE wink

[X ]  Feed pets -- DONE wink MTW

[X]  Clean pets' water bowls and refill DONE wink MTW

[X ]  Box duty for kittens DONE wink MTW

[ ]  Wash dog beds for Feb.

[ ]  Leave list for housekeeper

[ ] load laundry/pull clothes from dryer

[ ] fold laundry in spare room and put away

[ ] put away clothes in my bedroom 

[ ] grocery shopping at end of day

[ ]  plan dinner for Wednesday evening

[ ] pay housekeeper - go to bank and get cash for Friday

[ ] 

[ ] organize refrigerator

[ ] birthday gift for H ... card as well

[ ]  

[ ]  write letter to brother


Fun or Stress Relieving Things to Do

[ ]  Take dogs to dog park or for walk

[ ]  Cycling [even if only 15 min]

[ ]  Listen to book on Audible for 15 min

[ ]  Jacuzzi - pick something to watch for fun when there

[ ]   Listen to some good music for 5 minutes. Pick out something new.

[ ]  Facial treatment at home

[ ]  Light favorite scented candles and take a bath

[ ]   Work on ancestry in 15 min reward blocks [be careful it's easy to go down rabbit hole]





InnerTruth's to-do list - Wed. Mar. 3

9:30 - 11 - LN tests

11 - 12:30 - VN tests

12:20 -1 - lunch

1 - 3 - exams, other work postings

3 - 4:30 - JL tests

4:30 - 6 - walk/shop

6 - 6:30 - dinner

6:30 - 8 - J tests    

Things to do

Things I will do today

1. Prayer and meditation

2. Read devotionals

3. Put clothes away

4. Wash dishes

5. Take out trash

6. Take out recycling

7. Go through my e-mail

8. Go through my mail

9. Do numbers

Hypatia's check-in

must do

[x] prep for today's meeting

[x] Zoom s/g meeting

[x] write up s/g meeting report

[x] MfS report

[x] send out agenda and Zoom invite

Should do

[x] intray

[x] read inbox

[x] action emails - inbox zero day 3

[x] shopping/deliver present/recycling

[x] action minilist - down to 4

[x] washing

[x] put breadmaker on

[ ] YCC invoice

[ ] claim for gas boiler

[ ] OU coursework

[ ] read GRASP report

Could do

[ ] tai chi

[ ] exercise/gardening

[ ] housework - clear and clean hall

[ ] action from Q list

[x] lace/knitting/embroidery

[ ] sort redirection