Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday January 27, 2021

My to do list - Wednesday, Jan. 27

1. check work email - now and before bed (done)

2. Lesson Plan 1 inc. PP (til 8) -finished 8:15

3. Look for files (8 - 8:30) - Have Day 1 files 8:15 (done)

4. Lesson Plan 2, both (look for files) - 8:30 to 10 (about 80% done, will take about 1 hour on Thursday to finish) 

Hypatia's check-in

Should do

[x] intray

[x] read inbox

[x] email lynn

[x] EC draft minutes

[x] check Slido

[ ] action emails

[ ] File 2020 treasurers stuff

[ ] action from Q list

[x] shopping

[ ] gardening

[x] Zoom meetings x2



Could do

[x] tai chi

[ ] find T's bank paperwork

[ ] housework

[ ] OU coursework

[ ] lace or embroidery