Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Friday 07:49 (UTC+1) 09/10/2020

Poco a poco vamos a llegar

Little by little we will make it!

Things to do

Things I will do today

1. Wash dishes

2. Clear kitchen counter

3. Clear tables near computer

4. Sweep floor

Hypatia's check-in

[x] wash hair

[x] intray

[x] read inbox

[ ] action emails  - down to 30

[x] online shopping

[ ] newspaper bill

[x] committee meeting

[ ] housework

[x] study door handle - ended up getting locked the study and having to get an emergency locksmith out!

[ ] pending tray

[ ] knitting

[ ] OU course

To Do List 9/10/20 08:00

To do today

  1. New to do list 
  2. Review yesterday's to do list
  3. Time log today
  4. Time log - fill in gaps for yesterday's
  5. Ask IT to give me remote access to chameleon
  6. Age and gender standardised statistical analysis - do i need to do this? DON'T THINK SO - REVIEWED SOME STATS INFO ONLINE
  7. decide what data can i realistically analyse today DONE
  8. set deadline of Sunday/Monday to submit section/sections to LR
  9. Go back to last two meetings pull out action points 
  10. Exercise 9:15 (leave at 820 if r, at 8:50 if d) NOT DONE 
  11. Decide if going to unit today / not -  if so look for forms - 
  12. BExperiment form review DONE
  13. BExp new form to complete DONE
  14. BE meeting 
  15. Scripture for today  e notes NOT DONE
  16. Scripture for yesterday e notes NOT DONE
  17. Drop envelope to CTK if he replies today DONE ON 10TH OCT



Yesterday's list

  1. Review what is outstanding from yesterday and add this DONE
  2. Find unpublished paper from LR from previous questions PLE DONE
  3. Walk or run 2.5K
  4. PA
  5. list the data that I am less sure about DOING
  6. decide what data can i realistically analyse before friday
  7. List the data I now need to analyse further having read (3) above DONE
  8. set deadline of Friday to submit section/sections to LR
  9. Go back to last two meetings pull out action points
  10. Ask IT to give me remote access to chameleon
  11. Scripture from today DONE and notes 
  12. Prediction sheet today DONE
  13. Review yesterday's sheet DONE
  14. Time log today
  15. Complete yesterday's time log - fill in gaps -DONE
  16. R prayer PARTLY DONE


17:30 chaplaincy meeting ? preparation?? DONE



Arrange to call Ciara later on DONE