Procrastinators Anonymous
Happy Friday!
Hopefully, I can get this done by 6:30 PM to watch basketball. Will try reading increments of 30 mins today, with 15 mins to stretch
[ ] Finish reading pages 60-68 on CHO
[ ] Pick up salad for lunch, and make tuna sandwich
[ ] Laundry
[ ] Work on assigment 1 for Research
[ ] Read Chapter 5 for research
My chores for today
1. Wash dishes
2. Pick up stuff off the floor
3. Sweep floor
4. Take out trash
5. Take out recycling
6. Take out compost
7. Put medicine in pill-minders
8. Put medicine away
9. Put clothes away
10. Get mail
11. Go through my mail
[x] intray
[x] read emails
[x] action emails - inbox Zero!!
[ ] ring bank - answerphone - message left
[x] guitar lesson
[x] dead-heading
[x] clean kitchen
[x] dry carpet
[ ] Q filing
[x] ironing
[ ] Suzanne's stuff
[ ] prep for Sunday's meeting
laptop cleanup
followed up about a document i needed
sent follow up email to lawyer
to do list cleanup
figured out my voting stuff
opened hips
warmed up
had coaching
went and looked at bikes
planned bike purchase
get bike
gluck emails
end of month accounting
start solving the FICA/estimated tax puzzle
look at tda
Books Web Sites and Techniques Coaching Procrastination Song
Hopefully, I can get this done by 6:30 PM to watch basketball. Will try reading increments of 30 mins today, with 15 mins to stretch
[ ] Finish reading pages 60-68 on CHO
[ ] Pick up salad for lunch, and make tuna sandwich
[ ] Laundry
[ ] Work on assigment 1 for Research
[ ] Read Chapter 5 for research
Today's Chores
My chores for today
1. Wash dishes
2. Pick up stuff off the floor
3. Sweep floor
4. Take out trash
5. Take out recycling
6. Take out compost
7. Put medicine in pill-minders
8. Put medicine away
9. Put clothes away
10. Get mail
11. Go through my mail
Hypatia's check-in
[x] intray
[x] read emails
[x] action emails - inbox Zero!!
[ ] ring bank - answerphone - message left
[x] guitar lesson
[x] dead-heading
[x] clean kitchen
[x] dry carpet
[ ] Q filing
[x] ironing
[ ] Suzanne's stuff
[ ] prep for Sunday's meeting
my checkin
laptop cleanup
followed up about a document i needed
sent follow up email to lawyer
to do list cleanup
figured out my voting stuff
opened hips
warmed up
had coaching
went and looked at bikes
planned bike purchase
get bike
gluck emails
end of month accounting
start solving the FICA/estimated tax puzzle
look at tda