Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I've gotten to the point that I am grossed out by items in my refrigerator that are not going bad at all. I just have lost my desire to eat. I think I may need exercise to develop a palate for food again, instead of just randomly eating things in teh fridge. I did a month of a Media Fast. And....well, I still managed to while the day away with media today. So I don't think media is my real problem if I am to break it down. It's procrastination. It's THIS illness . This is my core issue. Nonetheless I'm working on step work for media.
I want to be fit again. I want to run. I really do. I was feeling guilty all weekend, b/c I was afraid. But I am reading a book lately that I find inspiring. It said to take my current salary, multiple it by 2 or another number. Ask myself, if I keep doing what i'm doing can I get to that multiple of my salary in five years? Multiply the salary by 2 until I cannot get that salary in 5 years doing what I'm doing now. Then change my habits until I am on track to meet that multiple. That's how to think big. But right now, I'm thinking small with exercise, and planning to run before work, and if I do not get to, I'll run right after my meeting.
DayOne: 9:20pm
Please do not leave feedback or advice. Thank you.
I've gotten to the point that I am grossed out by items in my refrigerator that are not going bad at all. I just have lost my desire to eat. I think I may need exercise to develop a palate for food again, instead of just randomly eating things in teh fridge. I did a month of a Media Fast. And....well, I still managed to while the day away with media today. So I don't think media is my real problem if I am to break it down. It's procrastination. It's THIS illness . This is my core issue. Nonetheless I'm working on step work for media.
I want to be fit again. I want to run. I really do. I was feeling guilty all weekend, b/c I was afraid. But I am reading a book lately that I find inspiring. It said to take my current salary, multiple it by 2 or another number. Ask myself, if I keep doing what i'm doing can I get to that multiple of my salary in five years? Multiply the salary by 2 until I cannot get that salary in 5 years doing what I'm doing now. Then change my habits until I am on track to meet that multiple. That's how to think big. But right now, I'm thinking small with exercise, and planning to run before work, and if I do not get to, I'll run right after my meeting.
my checkin
watched all videos in unit 14 but do not feel the need to do a bunch of chi-square practice
sent email to researcher #1
drafted email to researcher #2
unit 15 yay
unit 16 done yay
wrote email to co-author and consultant about reader criticism
scanned health insurance letter and sent to broker
scanned photo and uploaded it to get health insurance card
sent email to researcher #2
talked to my friend
scanned and sent doc's bill
MON 31- finish ch 4, read ch 5
TUE 1- chapters 6-8
WED 2- chapters 9-12
THU 3- chapters 13-14
FRI-SUN 4-6 read papers and reply to emails