Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Sunday 9 August 2020

Hypatia's check-in

I'm very pleased with yesterday's successes.  Now to see what today brings

[x] prep for meeting

[x] wash hair

[x] email re MP

[x] check EHR minutes

[x] action list on phone

[x] ironing - 40% done

[x] inbox - read new emails

[x] inbox - emails to action - down to 11 emails

[x] feed and water plants

[ ] summary to S

[ ] GRASP summary

[ ] find T's mobile

[x] email Pauline

[ ] receipts and payments file

[ ] back-up computer


my checkin


small but urgent laundry load

cleaned! yay!! 


talked to 2 friends

90 minute meditation 



journaling about boundaries

laptop cleanup 

replied to emily 



reply pat 

ballet notes

practice notes / write about motor skills article 

maybe end-of-month accounting 



change linens 


call doc for results

transfer appt notes to laptop

make a backup 

handwash gown and poncho 

get back to ebay?