Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday 4 August 2020

katia tues 8/4

hi everyone :) 

  • dishes ✓
  • go to library 
  • puppy's nails clipped ✓
  • 1 load of laundry ✓
  • declutter 1 thing
  • healthy dinner w family ✓
  • read 1 section of syllabus ✓
  • read 1 section of book✓

Hypatia's check-in

[x] send urgent emails

[x] in-tray

[x] in-box: read new emails

[ ] in-box:  emails to action

[x] pay for course

[x] order holiday money

[ ] check T's bank account

[ ] ring RSS

[x] summary to S

[ ] GRASP summary

[ ] David's clothes

[x] email re MH roof

my checkin


documented roommate convo

made and sent notes about berührungshilfe

replied to emily 


wrote to stefan

watched a lot of french netflix

30 mins meditation 

2.5 hour paper editing call 

ordered groceries 

teeny bit of end of month accounting

60 min meditation



teeth x 2




send stuff to accountant


ballet class 

write about paper writing process

start thinking about NWVE program 

check on D's rep 

have feedback call with second co-author 




do end-of-month accounting

change linens 

call doc for results

transfer appt notes to laptop

make a backup 

handwash gown and poncho 

get back to ebay