Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Sunday 2 August 2020

DayOne:checkin: 10am

Please do not leave feedback or advice.  Silent prayers welcome.  Thank you.

I'm now taking vitamins, and checking off my weekly and monthly lists before storing them.

DayOne: checkin: 11:46am

Please do not leave feedback or advice.  Silent prayers welcome.  Thank you.

Did vitamins and checked off lists, but need to print off new task lists.  Going to decide what to put there.  Finishing b-fast.


Please do not leave feedback or advice.  Silent prayers welcome.  Thank you.

Decided what to put for weekly, monthly lists.  Finished b-fast.  Going to start the dishes, and do my exercise plan. My exercise plan is the following right now:

* upper body cardio for ten minutes 

* walking or running for two hours

* squats

* calf stretches



What I want to do in the future, is a morning routine, comprised of:

* breakfast

* vitamins

* exercise

* brush teeth, use listerine

DayOne: checkin: 9:07pm

Please do not leave feedback or advice.  Silent prayers welcome.  Thank you.

Done with all the exercises I outlined above. Currently getting a dinner together.

DayOne: Checkin: 11:21pm

Please do not leave feedback or advice.  Silent prayers welcome.  Thank you.

Done with dinner.  I think it's only fair for me to admit, I basically was starving b/c I didn't have tortillas; hence my plan to make quesadillas was foiled.  I did not notice that they were not included in my amazon order due to a stock shortage.  RAR!  I made mac and cheese lobster.  Long story.  What I want to do is the laundry now.  That, and brushing and flossing my teeth.  I'm going to go with the first thing, b/c I'm worried about finishing, and finishing is important to my self-esteem.  I've been feeling hopeless.  But I reckon by getting a job at another company, a FAANG company in LA I will be having a hope-filled life.  I feel hopeless when I think about my family and their attempts to !@#$ my life. I need help.  I need to make real friends.  What I'm doing by going to a 12 step meeting(s) each week, is not enough.  I'm worried b/c the Saturday night dance party is not the type of socializing I wnat to do,b ut it's the only socializing I did recently.

DayOne: 8:51am

Please do not leave feedback or advice.  Silent prayers welcome.  Thank you.

I did not do my dental routine last night.  I did the laundry, and then I fell asleep.  I was right to have put one before the other. Next time, I'll bear that in mind.

my checkin


polish edit paper DONE

make a list of issues DONE

send paper and list to co-authors DONE

clean kitchen except floor DONE

clean little bathroom DONE 

do end-of-month accounting and prepare stuff for accountant POSTPONED TIL TOMORROW 



anxiety homework 

90 mins meditation



managed to cobble together a dinner with veggies 

dinner disehs