Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday 29 July 2020

Still's check-in



Today, I want to:

  1. Read Hng. et al paper
  2. View diagrams that manager mentioned

Hypatia's check-in

[x] tidy study

[x] ring TNT

[] inbox  - emails coming in thick and fast - inbox now down to 10 read but not responded to

[x] ring D re MH keys - waiting for call back

[x] shopping

[x] intray

[ ] GRASP summary

[ ] MfW summary - for Pauline and Margaret

[x] gardening

[ ] read EV planner

[ ] order David's stuff

[x] OU set books

[ ] ironing


my checkin


revised contract stipulations and sent it out 


3 of 5 implementation sections done

mapped out a full writing schedule and emailed co-authors to make sure they can read and comment on drafts when i need them to

remaining 2 of 5 sections done wooo-hooo! 

10 mins hip-opening meditation 


went to ballet

helped friend with application strategy

90 minute meditation



scheduled the day

breakfast dishes 

iced foot 

dinner dishes 



clean kitchen except floor

clean little bathroom  



30 Jul AM: ingrs plus steps 1-3 (4 sections)

30 Jul PM: steps 4-6 (3 sections) 

31 Jul: ss, steps 7-8, post-exam (4 sections)

1 Aug: feedback and conclusions (2 big sections) 

2 Aug: abstract, accounting (editing and mailing to co-authors if possible) 

3 Aug: editing and mail to co-authors