Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday 27 July 2020

Hypatia's check-in

[x] tidy house - 3/7 rooms done

[x] intray

[ ] inbox

[x] suzanne's papers

[x] deliver S's papers

[x] email S

[ ] ring insurance

[x] pay Martin

[x] get address list for Zoom

[x] download Zapmap

[ ] write up motion for EHR


my checkin


sent NWVE reminder

grocery shopping 

moved money

emotionally processed a conflict 


put away clothes

made an apology 

more emotional processing

scheduled NWVE meeting 

phone call with CL 

in-text citations done 

10 min hip-opening meditation 



30 mins meditation 

fixed headings/figures formatting and gnl spacing issues 

made placeholder pages for each figure 

created headings for each section and distributed text from first draft into the new sections

went through all documents and put chunks of text where they need to go 

sent NWVE update email 

made a 2-slide power point for tomorrow's meeting and practiced screen sharing

moved more money 

45 mins meditation



morning teeth 

breakfast dishes

healthy lunch

lunch dishes

dinner dishes

evening teeth 



GR paper 



clean kitchen except floor

clean little bathroom  

7pm meeting 



start with section 1, and go sequentially (for each section, look at 3 printed documents to see if there's relevant content for that section.) 

21 sections plus the abstract. 3-4 every day and I'll be done by the 3rd.