Procrastinators Anonymous
Welcome to Tuesday!
feeling like I have an opportunity to make headway today
dishes consistently worked on, but I need to do the supper dishes
laundry more folding andputting away to do
cooking completed
meds* completed
walk murphy 2 more times- took him out, it was too hot so we will try one more time after sun goes down
garden - good
file last week unemployment * still need to do this
call dr about med change* did this
taxes* in progress
look over work schedule
cleaning bathroom - in progress
pick cherries put back to tomorrow. I want to make sure I use the ones I picked already before they go bad
[x] clean bathroom
[x] ring Frank
[x] intray
[x] inbox
[x] email list
[x] phone repair
[ ] write up PM notes
[x] course reading
[ ] sort safe
[x] check MH
[ ] restring tomatos
20 min morning meditation
dance studio email
40 mins vw homework
hip-opening meditation
read some french
finished looking at all the exercises in intro mat
great practice yay
hosted group meditation
did 2 confrontation/boundary things
did dishes from last night through lunch
had veggies with dinner
contact engineer
end of month accounting
circle back with lawyer
solve corona warnapp issue
food planning
tidy room?
pilates notes
Books Web Sites and Techniques Coaching Procrastination Song
e's today list
feeling like I have an opportunity to make headway today
dishes consistently worked on, but I need to do the supper dishes
laundry more folding andputting away to do
cooking completed
meds* completed
walk murphy 2 more times- took him out, it was too hot so we will try one more time after sun goes down
garden - good
file last week unemployment * still need to do this
call dr about med change* did this
taxes* in progress
look over work schedule
cleaning bathroom - in progress
pick cherries put back to tomorrow. I want to make sure I use the ones I picked already before they go bad
Hypatia's check-in
[x] clean bathroom
[x] ring Frank
[x] intray
[x] inbox
[x] email list
[x] phone repair
[ ] write up PM notes
[x] course reading
[ ] sort safe
[x] check MH
[ ] restring tomatos
my checkin
20 min morning meditation
dance studio email
40 mins vw homework
hip-opening meditation
read some french
finished looking at all the exercises in intro mat
great practice yay
hosted group meditation
did 2 confrontation/boundary things
did dishes from last night through lunch
had veggies with dinner
contact engineer
end of month accounting
circle back with lawyer
solve corona warnapp issue
food planning
tidy room?
pilates notes