Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
successes: walked murphy, returned bottle to Marla, got to PT, put myself in traction, picked up food, watered garden, kept up with dishes. took medications on time and monitored my blood pressure. Took magnesium supplement which seems to really help my anxiety. listened to Joe and Charlie Big Book Step Study.
e's wednesday checkin
successes: walked murphy, returned bottle to Marla, got to PT, put myself in traction, picked up food, watered garden, kept up with dishes. took medications on time and monitored my blood pressure. Took magnesium supplement which seems to really help my anxiety. listened to Joe and Charlie Big Book Step Study.
frogs: taxes, unemployment.
turn off screens by 10.
keep up with dishes,
plan tomorrow's food,
take out recycling
plan out agenda for tomorrow
Hypatia's check-in
[x] wash hair
[x] email Juliet
[x] draft minute for AM clerks - membership
[x] agenda for AM
[ ] draw up year-end statement of accounts - really struggling making sense of this
[x] intray
[x] inbox
[ ] move plant pots
[ ] find receipt for phone
[x] put up curtains
Not in the original list - I've test driven and ordered a new all-electric car!
Great progress!!
Great progress!!
my checkin
practice notes
bodywork plan
put on a load of laundry
posted group meditation notice
hung laundry
accountant email
group meditation
checked in with sym about online seminar
lawyer email 70% DONE
future income section
flesh out the email
curiousAT's check In
Today's work tasks: