Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
- walk dog
- shave/shower
- diagnose/fix editor bug
- work on js wysiwyg IE issue
- write hello world test plugin
- complete last required training
- exercise
- get bugfixes for release testable
- review items in bug tracker -- set up spreadsheet
- clean office
- meditate
- practice guitar
Done quite a good few things this morning before sitting down to work. I have procras once I got here by reading other PAers' posts (should make a time for that as it's useful though) and on FB. So now I begin. What is gone is gone, only my future action is on front of me. In fact the next action is the one in front of me. I can choose at any time.
Today I have already:
Got up at a reasonable hour
Had breakfast
Put wash on
Had a shower
Put wash on to dry
Put bins out
unloaded DW
unloaded drainer
Today I will:
Print new brick wall & tally
Save the pic of mum somewhere
Review meat and email M
Do at least 6 poms on L done 2 of 6
Review B email & replylate no idea if still useful.
Agnus ci
...showing up...attitude is everything and I've asked God to change mine. Today was better.
"My boundaries enclose a pleasant land." Psalm 16
Daily Checkin
Haven't done one in a while. Usually make word docs but those get big.
Go to last 30 minutes of tutorial if possible, but definitely go to final lecture of the day.
Write code for group project instead of databases.
Read lecture slides for databases, algo, and dynamic systems
Uninstall l4d2
tiptree CI
- walk dog
- shave/shower
- diagnose/fix editor bug
- work on js wysiwyg IE issue
- write hello world test plugin
- complete last required training
- exercise
- get bugfixes for release testable
- review items in bug tracker -- set up spreadsheet
- clean office
- meditate
- practice guitar
KF check in Wednesday 29th Jan 10:40
Done quite a good few things this morning before sitting down to work. I have procras once I got here by reading other PAers' posts (should make a time for that as it's useful though) and on FB. So now I begin. What is gone is gone, only my future action is on front of me. In fact the next action is the one in front of me. I can choose at any time.
Today I have already:
Today I will:
Print new brick wall & tallySave the pic of mum somewhereReview meat and email MReview B email & replylate no idea if still useful.Wednesday
readingsmeditationemail G amd Dorganise deliverytidylaundrydiarylog ydayresearch sremail Ecall dldrop bags charity shoppick up pictures grancall sarahlook for curtainspool and rehabNY writinggroceriesdinnerrehab excercisesmeditationHIOVic 1.28.14
Maint. basics, exer, plan, follow through, use tools that work good starter jal-
Hazyjane CI Wednesday
Thanks Jalla, nice starter.
Get up and dressed at 8am.
Walk dogs.
in good time!! (Leave on time, make this a habit...)Get to my commitment
180 mile round trip for something I bought on ebay...Pick up my van and drive it
Get to a meeting, I hope...
Self-care: have a long hot bath and early night.
Bit of a marathon van drive, so no meeting, no bath, no early night! In fact, the opposite!! HP looked after me though :).
It's an inside job...
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone meetings, and my life.
I want to thank jalla for starting this trend.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:55 a.m. telephone ACA meeting
2. Go to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting
3. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting
4. Cook and eat breakfast
5. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone UA meeting
6. Go to the 9 a.m. telephone ACA meeting
7. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA activity line
8. Go to the 10 a.m. telephone UA meeting
9. Go to the 11 a.m. telephone PA meeting
10. Prayer and meditation morning and evening
11. Go to the 12 noon telephone Al-Anon meeting
12. Go to the 1:30 p.m. telephone UA meeting
13. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone CLA meeting
14. Warm up and eat dinner
15. Go through my mail
16. Take shower
17. Get dressed
18. Go to the 6:45 p.m. telephone OA meeting
19. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting
20. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting
21. Go to the 9:30 p.m. telephone CLA meeting
Thanks for letting me share