Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Slept well and woke anxious with important things going on most of which are out of my control - and I don't like that! It seems a long list but most things are simple to do.
Todo Today
Above all today take it easy, do what I need to do and let things progress the way they will
x Up prayer and reflection
x Check emails and posts
x Make and post this list
x Wash up dishes
Sort banking - potentially urgent
x Email friend re meeting Friday
x Email advice worker for appointment
Email builder for receipt
Email gasfitter to check works
x Email electrician to confirm payment and get certificate
x Email friend to say thank you
x Book cab - not sure I will it is very expensive
x Email estate agents with info
x Ask friend to borrow alarm clock
x Get ready and go out for 3.45
x Collect money as the band plays
x Home and get warm again
Write journal
Prayer and reflection
@ Marcelor
Solidarity Marcelor (((hugs)))
marcelor Tuesday CI
Sometimes I do think it's too late :-(
Oh, well. I need to soldier on. Now: shower and get dressed. After drop-off sit down and start reading article.
Rexroth Check In 10.02
Slept well and woke anxious with important things going on most of which are out of my control - and I don't like that! It seems a long list but most things are simple to do.
Todo Today
Above all today take it easy, do what I need to do and let things progress the way they will
x Up prayer and reflection
x Check emails and posts
x Make and post this list
x Wash up dishes
Sort banking - potentially urgent
x Email friend re meeting Friday
x Email advice worker for appointment
Email builder for receipt
Email gasfitter to check works
x Email electrician to confirm payment and get certificate
x Email friend to say thank you
x Book cab - not sure I will it is very expensive
x Email estate agents with info
x Ask friend to borrow alarm clock
x Get ready and go out for 3.45
x Collect money as the band plays
x Home and get warm again
Write journal
Prayer and reflection
Peace Rexroth
jays tues 10 dec
people say motivation won't last. neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily
zig ziglar
put wash on
wash up
pack parcel
post parcel
tidy kitchen
tidy bedroom
clear hallway ledge
phine mum
phone bg
check photocopy= get ready and pack up
clear up all ebay/living room
READ sc n web
Thanks lovely mole for the great reassuring starter. Each day is a new chance.
readingsdiarymeditationreply vreply gemail temail demail memail c exceltidypack rehab bagfix computernbpool and rehabstudio for more cardsflower shopwrite rest of cardsget L and b and mp addressdinnerlaundrycall arehab excercisesmeditationHIO