Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Call Rosemary
Call program re: visiting WOB & records review (left mssg)
Found materials to start writing project
Talk to TL
Interview JL
Reread what I wrote before (partly)
Reread what they wrote brief (partly)
Read 1 (partly)
Read 2 (partly)
Read 3
To Do
Call Dr. D
Do writing project due today
Deliver writing project
Call FP re: TL's status
Do CG billing
Do BM billing
List all cases to bill & close
Reread RH response
Call JV
Call LB
It was a lousy day. I played internet computer games (deleted the ones on my computer already) pretty compulsively and didn't meet a deadline. Really struggling with demand-resistance.
I had a huge day, and only recently got in. I saw where gasoline prices came down, but only at the stations which were already closed. I paid the going rate tonight, since I needed some. From my other check in, I got everything done except for cleaning carpets and upholstery, so I'll put it on tomorrow's list. Good night everyone.
eat breakfast/take vitamins
read (b/c I'm home by myself I read while I eat)
make bed
check email
wash hair/face/brush teeth
get dressed
get lunch/snacks together
check cat food/water
leave at 10:40 (didn't leave until 11:00)
get gas
work 12-8
pick up cat food, bread, milk on way home from work
feed cat
bath/wash face
check email
post question
brush teeth
read before bed
Today I'm thankful for: just making it through another day, even though I'm not feeling 100%, and being able to enjoy a few laughs along the way.
To Do:
Shower and dress.
Make bed (convert futon from bed to couch).
Lay out pills for the day.
Make and eat breakfast.
Clear spam folder.
Take pills - dose 1 of 3.
Wash dishes.
Put in contacts.
Do laundry.
One hour Chinese lesson.
Make and eat lunch.
Take pills - dose 2 of 3.
Prepare for interview (then have interview).
Go to meeting.
Put away clean laundry.
Wash dishes.
Bedtime routine.
Call about bicycle chains.
Handle rest of pile.
Work on back accounting.
Apply for jobs.
Blown Off:
Get mail. (No time after the interview.)
Take pills - dose 3 of 3. (I didn't take the second dose early enough to be able to take the third.)
Yeah! I just earned my first $10.00. Husband said he'd give it to me because he was the cause of me not making the bed today and I finished everything else on my list.
Final Results:
[x] Wake at 5 am
[x] Shower
[x] Wipe down shower wall
[x] Oral care
[x] Devotional Time
[x] Facial
[x] Pedi-care
[x] Dress to shoes
[x] wipe down MBR vanity
[x] Wake son early to finish last page of project and unfinished HW
[x] Get son ready for school
[x] Take son to school
[x] Leave for work at 9:45 am
[x] Take Lunch break at 2:00 pm
[x] Return to BG workstation at 2:30 pm
[x] Pick son up from HW Club at 5:45 pm
[x] Type up next day's to do list
[x] Set out mouthwash
[x] Set alarm
[x] Report Final CI
[x] In bed between 9:30 pm - 10:00pm
Bonus Item:
[x] Give son bath before bed to streamline morning routine
My interview this afternoon went well. I have another interview for this same job next week, and another one the week after that (out of town). I'm very excited about this job - it sounds really great.
I never picked up my mail today, I forgot to take my afternoon pills, and my laundry is folded but not put away. I should get started on that so I can get to bed at a reasonable hour. Bedtime routine now...
To Do:
Shower and dress.
Make bed (convert futon from bed to couch).
Lay out pills for the day.
Make and eat breakfast.
Clear spam folder.
Take pills - dose 1 of 3.
Wash dishes.
Put in contacts.
Do laundry.
One hour Chinese lesson.
Make and eat lunch.
Take pills - dose 2 of 3.
Prepare for interview (then have interview).
Get mail.
Go to meeting.
Take pills - dose 3 of 3.
Put away clean laundry.
Wash dishes.
Bedtime routine.
Call about bicycle chains.
Handle rest of pile.
Work on back accounting.
Apply for jobs.
Current Results:
[x] Wake at 5 am
[x] Shower
[x] Wipe down shower wall
[x] Oral care
[x] Devotional Time
[x] Facial
[x] Pedi-care
[x] Dress to shoes
[Ø] Make bed (not doing this now; it's almost time to get back in the bed, LOL!)
[x] wipe down MBR vanity
[x] Wake son early to finish last page of project and unfinished HW
[x] Get son ready for school
[x] Take son to school
[x] Leave for work at 9:45 am
[x] Take Lunch break at 2:00 pm
[x] Return to BG workstation at 2:30 pm
[x] Pick son up from HW Club at 5:45 pm
[x] Type up next day's to do list
[x] Set out mouthwash
[x] Set alarm
[] Report Final CI
[] In bed between 9:30 pm - 10:00pm
Bonus Item:
[] Give son bath before bed to streamline morning routine
eat breakfast/take vitamins
read (b/c I'm home by myself I read while I eat)
make bed
check email
wash hair/face/brush teeth
get dressed
get lunch/snacks together
check cat food/water
leave at 10:40 (didn't leave until 11:00)
get gas
work 12-8
pick up cat food
bath/wash face/brush teeth
read before bed
My day just changed course. I have a job interview at 5pm, so all I'll be doing between now and 5pm is preparing for it.
I practiced Chinese with the owner of the laundromat - he's from Beijing. That was fun!
To Do:
Shower and dress.
Make bed (convert futon from bed to couch).
Lay out pills for the day.
Make and eat breakfast.
Clear spam folder.
Take pills - dose 1 of 3.
Wash dishes.
Put in contacts.
Do laundry.
One hour Chinese lesson.
Make and eat lunch.
Take pills - dose 2 of 3.
Prepare for interview at 5pm (then have interview).
Get mail.
Go to meeting.
Take pills - dose 3 of 3.
Put away clean laundry.
Wash dishes.
Bedtime routine.
Call about bicycle chains.
Handle rest of pile.
Work on back accounting.
Apply for jobs.
eat breakfast/take vitamins
read (b/c I'm home by myself I read while I eat)
make bed
check email
wash hair/face/brush teeth
get dressed
get lunch/snacks together
check cat food/water
leave at 10:40
get gas
work 12-8 (go over pay stub)
bath/wash face/brush teeth
read before bed
Call Rosemary
Call program re: visiting WOB & records review (left mssg)
Found materials to start writing project
To Do
Call Dr. D
Reread what I wrote before
Reread what they wrote brief
Read 1
Read 2
Read 3
Do writing project due today
Deliver writing project
Call FP re: TL's status
Do CG billing
Do BM billing
List all cases to bill & close
Reread RH response
Call JV
Call LB
I'm really struggling w/this writing project (writing is my most painful area of procrastination), so I've broken it down into some smaller components. But somehow that trick doesn't always help b/c I keep thinking ahead to the scary part, and that immobilizes me. So much easier to play stupid computer games. Ugh!
Good morning all. I'm going to try again. To try to keep on track I've set a computer alarm to go off in a few minutes to remind me to get going on my first project.
X make job list for the day
__ call to remind caregivers of mothers procedure tomorrow
__ call computer store
__ order computer supplies
__ start project 1- check costs
__ meet with boss to go over new projects
__ New projects (will update later)
__ call about volunteer opportunities for daughter
__ 4:45 prepare to leave
__ 4:55 last CI
Monica, I like your sig "If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done." I'm going to print that out and post it at home, and have it on my computer screen as well.
Gah! I've already gone over my timer to post this. oh well, its a start.
To Do:
[x] Wake at 5 am
[x] Shower
[x] Wipe down shower wall
[x] Oral care
[x] Devotional Time
[x] Facial
[x] Pedi-care
[x] Dress to shoes
[] Make bed (Husband still in it when I left for work)
[x] wipe down MBR vanity
[x] Wake son early to finish last page of project and unfinished HW
[x] Get son ready for school
[x] Take son to school
[Ø] Fold laundry (Taking this off the list; used this time to work with Son)
[x] Leave for work at 9:45 am
[] Take Lunch break at 2:00 pm
[] Return to BG workstation at 2:30 pm
[] Pick son up from HW Club at 5:45 pm
[] Type up next day's to do list
[] Set out mouthwash
[] Set alarm
[] Report CI
[] In bed between 9:30 pm - 10:00pm
Bonus Item:
[] Give son bath before bed to streamline morning routine
I think I'll do my laundry out of the building. I don't want to lose any more money in the washers in the basement.
Shower and dress.
Make bed (convert futon from bed to couch).
Lay out pills for the day.
Make and eat breakfast.
Clear spam folder.
Take pills - dose 1 of 3.
Wash dishes.
Put in contacts.
Handle rest of pile.
One hour Chinese lesson.
Get mail.
Take pills - dose 2 of 3.
Call about bicycle chains.
Work on back accounting.
Apply for jobs.
Take pills - dose 3 of 3.
Go to meeting.
Bedtime routine.
Call Rosemary
Call Dr. D
Call program re: visiting WOB & records review
Do writing project due today
Deliver writing project
Call FP re: TL's status
Do CG billing
Do BM billing
List all cases to bill & close
Reread RH response
Call JV
Call LB
I saw a pretty sunrise this morning. They sky turned red-purple.
I still don't get up at 6am by myself - the alarm always wakes me up. I'm convinced it's because it's still dark. My body doesn't believe in getting up while it's still dark.
Shower and dress.
Make bed (convert futon from bed to couch).
Lay out pills for the day.
Make and eat breakfast.
Clear spam folder.
Take pills - dose 1 of 3.
Wash dishes.
Put in contacts.
Handle rest of pile.
One hour Chinese lesson.
Get mail.
Take pills - dose 2 of 3.
Call about bicycle chains.
Work on back accounting.
Apply for jobs.
Take pills - dose 3 of 3.
Go to meeting.
Bedtime routine.
Even though I tried to taper off, I'm having a lot of problems from caffeine withdrawal - tiredness, headaches. It's a drag. I can't remember how long the symptoms lasted last time - maybe a week or two, I think.
I don't know why I started drinking coffee again when it was so hard to quit.
To Do:
[x] Wake at 5 am
[] Shower
[] Wipe down shower wall
[] Oral care
[] Devotional Time
[] Facial
[] Pedi-care
[] Dress to shoes
[] Make bed
[] wipe down MBR vanity
[] Wake son early to finish last page of project and unfinished HW
[] Get son ready for school
[] Take son to school
[] Fold laundry
[] Leave for work at 9:45 am
[] Take Lunch break at 2:00 pm
[] Return to BG workstation at 2:30 pm
[] Pick son up from HW Club at 5:45 pm
[] Type up next day's to do list
[] Set out mouthwash
[] Set alarm
[] Report CI
[] In bed between 9:30 pm - 10:00pm
Bonus Item:
[] Give son bath before bed to streamline morning routine
up prayer, reflection and new meditation
bath and wash hair
put on white washing
check emails, phone messages, post
out to town and sort banking
food shopping
email letter to friend re below
email letter to solicitor
email other friend
do accounts re paying friend
plan work on legal/admin project
clean up in kitchen and clean floor
clean up and vacuum in living room
set up craft project stuff
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep
pro's (missing) last check-in
I forgot to post my final check-in last night. Ooops! I did go to bed pretty early.
Mollie's Last Check-In
Call Rosemary
Call program re: visiting WOB & records review (left mssg)
Found materials to start writing project
Talk to TL
Interview JL
Reread what I wrote before (partly)
Reread what they wrote brief (partly)
Read 1 (partly)
Read 2 (partly)
Read 3
To Do
Call Dr. D
Do writing project due today
Deliver writing project
Call FP re: TL's status
Do CG billing
Do BM billing
List all cases to bill & close
Reread RH response
Call JV
Call LB
It was a lousy day. I played internet computer games (deleted the ones on my computer already) pretty compulsively and didn't meet a deadline. Really struggling with demand-resistance.
Lark's last CI 1:10 AM
I had a huge day, and only recently got in. I saw where gasoline prices came down, but only at the stations which were already closed. I paid the going rate tonight, since I needed some. From my other check in, I got everything done except for cleaning carpets and upholstery, so I'll put it on tomorrow's list. Good night everyone.
jj's 11:00 p.m. CI
eat breakfast/take vitamins
read (b/c I'm home by myself I read while I eat)
make bed
check email
wash hair/face/brush teeth
get dressed
get lunch/snacks together
check cat food/water
leave at 10:40 (didn't leave until 11:00)
get gas
work 12-8
pick up cat food, bread, milk on way home from work
feed cat
bath/wash face
check email
post question
brush teeth
read before bed
Today I'm thankful for: just making it through another day, even though I'm not feeling 100%, and being able to enjoy a few laughs along the way.
pro's CI - 10:20pm
An interim check-in to keep me moving...
To Do:
Shower and dress.
Make bed (convert futon from bed to couch).
Lay out pills for the day.
Make and eat breakfast.
Clear spam folder.
Take pills - dose 1 of 3.
Wash dishes.
Put in contacts.
Do laundry.
One hour Chinese lesson.
Make and eat lunch.
Take pills - dose 2 of 3.
Prepare for interview (then have interview).
Go to meeting.
Put away clean laundry.
Wash dishes.
Bedtime routine.
Call about bicycle chains.
Handle rest of pile.
Work on back accounting.
Apply for jobs.
Blown Off:
Get mail. (No time after the interview.)
Take pills - dose 3 of 3. (I didn't take the second dose early enough to be able to take the third.)
Monica CI - 10:00 pm EST
Yeah! I just earned my first $10.00. Husband said he'd give it to me because he was the cause of me not making the bed today and I finished everything else on my list.
Final Results:
[x] Wake at 5 am
[x] Shower
[x] Wipe down shower wall
[x] Oral care
[x] Devotional Time
[x] Facial
[x] Pedi-care
[x] Dress to shoes
[x] wipe down MBR vanity
[x] Wake son early to finish last page of project and unfinished HW
[x] Get son ready for school
[x] Take son to school
[x] Leave for work at 9:45 am
[x] Take Lunch break at 2:00 pm
[x] Return to BG workstation at 2:30 pm
[x] Pick son up from HW Club at 5:45 pm
[x] Type up next day's to do list
[x] Set out mouthwash
[x] Set alarm
[x] Report Final CI
[x] In bed between 9:30 pm - 10:00pm
Bonus Item:
[x] Give son bath before bed to streamline morning routine
Goodnight Everyone,
If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.
"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.
way to go, Monica!!
Excited Mouse
Thanks Pro.
If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.
"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.
pro's CI - 9:20pm
I'm back from dinner with friends. That was nice.
My interview this afternoon went well. I have another interview for this same job next week, and another one the week after that (out of town). I'm very excited about this job - it sounds really great.
I never picked up my mail today, I forgot to take my afternoon pills, and my laundry is folded but not put away. I should get started on that so I can get to bed at a reasonable hour. Bedtime routine now...
To Do:
Shower and dress.
Make bed (convert futon from bed to couch).
Lay out pills for the day.
Make and eat breakfast.
Clear spam folder.
Take pills - dose 1 of 3.
Wash dishes.
Put in contacts.
Do laundry.
One hour Chinese lesson.
Make and eat lunch.
Take pills - dose 2 of 3.
Prepare for interview (then have interview).
Get mail.
Go to meeting.
Take pills - dose 3 of 3.
Put away clean laundry.
Wash dishes.
Bedtime routine.
Call about bicycle chains.
Handle rest of pile.
Work on back accounting.
Apply for jobs.
Monica's CI 7:15 pm EST
Current Results:
[x] Wake at 5 am
[x] Shower
[x] Wipe down shower wall
[x] Oral care
[x] Devotional Time
[x] Facial
[x] Pedi-care
[x] Dress to shoes
[Ø] Make bed (not doing this now; it's almost time to get back in the bed, LOL!)
[x] wipe down MBR vanity
[x] Wake son early to finish last page of project and unfinished HW
[x] Get son ready for school
[x] Take son to school
[x] Leave for work at 9:45 am
[x] Take Lunch break at 2:00 pm
[x] Return to BG workstation at 2:30 pm
[x] Pick son up from HW Club at 5:45 pm
[x] Type up next day's to do list
[x] Set out mouthwash
[x] Set alarm
[] Report Final CI
[] In bed between 9:30 pm - 10:00pm
Bonus Item:
[] Give son bath before bed to streamline morning routine
If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.
"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.
jj's 2:45 p.m. CI
eat breakfast/take vitamins
read (b/c I'm home by myself I read while I eat)
make bed
check email
wash hair/face/brush teeth
get dressed
get lunch/snacks together
check cat food/water
leave at 10:40 (didn't leave until 11:00)
get gas
work 12-8
pick up cat food
bath/wash face/brush teeth
read before bed
pro's CI - 12:30pm
My day just changed course. I have a job interview at 5pm, so all I'll be doing between now and 5pm is preparing for it.
I practiced Chinese with the owner of the laundromat - he's from Beijing. That was fun!
To Do:
Shower and dress.
Make bed (convert futon from bed to couch).
Lay out pills for the day.
Make and eat breakfast.
Clear spam folder.
Take pills - dose 1 of 3.
Wash dishes.
Put in contacts.
Do laundry.
One hour Chinese lesson.
Make and eat lunch.
Take pills - dose 2 of 3.
Prepare for interview at 5pm (then have interview).
Get mail.
Go to meeting.
Take pills - dose 3 of 3.
Put away clean laundry.
Wash dishes.
Bedtime routine.
Call about bicycle chains.
Handle rest of pile.
Work on back accounting.
Apply for jobs.
and sending positive thoughts your way for the interview, which should be shortly considering you're 2 hours ahead of me.
jj's 9:15 a.m. CI
eat breakfast/take vitamins
read (b/c I'm home by myself I read while I eat)
make bed
check email
wash hair/face/brush teeth
get dressed
get lunch/snacks together
check cat food/water
leave at 10:40
get gas
work 12-8 (go over pay stub)
bath/wash face/brush teeth
read before bed
Mollie's Check-in 10:30am
Call Rosemary
Call program re: visiting WOB & records review (left mssg)
Found materials to start writing project
To Do
Call Dr. D
Reread what I wrote before
Reread what they wrote brief
Read 1
Read 2
Read 3
Do writing project due today
Deliver writing project
Call FP re: TL's status
Do CG billing
Do BM billing
List all cases to bill & close
Reread RH response
Call JV
Call LB
I'm really struggling w/this writing project (writing is my most painful area of procrastination), so I've broken it down into some smaller components. But somehow that trick doesn't always help b/c I keep thinking ahead to the scary part, and that immobilizes me. So much easier to play stupid computer games. Ugh!
MelloJellos CI 9:14am
Good morning all. I'm going to try again. To try to keep on track I've set a computer alarm to go off in a few minutes to remind me to get going on my first project.
X make job list for the day
__ call to remind caregivers of mothers procedure tomorrow
__ call computer store
__ order computer supplies
__ start project 1- check costs
__ meet with boss to go over new projects
__ New projects (will update later)
__ call about volunteer opportunities for daughter
__ 4:45 prepare to leave
__ 4:55 last CI
Monica, I like your sig "If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done." I'm going to print that out and post it at home, and have it on my computer screen as well.
Gah! I've already gone over my timer to post this. oh well, its a start.
I'm glad you like it. I hope it helps.
Productivity to you,
If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.
"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.
Monica's CI - 10:00 am EST
To Do:
[x] Wake at 5 am
[x] Shower
[x] Wipe down shower wall
[x] Oral care
[x] Devotional Time
[x] Facial
[x] Pedi-care
[x] Dress to shoes
[] Make bed (Husband still in it when I left for work)
[x] wipe down MBR vanity
[x] Wake son early to finish last page of project and unfinished HW
[x] Get son ready for school
[x] Take son to school
[Ø] Fold laundry (Taking this off the list; used this time to work with Son)
[x] Leave for work at 9:45 am
[] Take Lunch break at 2:00 pm
[] Return to BG workstation at 2:30 pm
[] Pick son up from HW Club at 5:45 pm
[] Type up next day's to do list
[] Set out mouthwash
[] Set alarm
[] Report CI
[] In bed between 9:30 pm - 10:00pm
Bonus Item:
[] Give son bath before bed to streamline morning routine
If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.
"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.
missed you
...yesterday :)
re: missed you
Aww shucks, JJ. You gonna go and make me blush.
Thanks for thinking of me,
If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.
"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.
pro's CI - 9:25am
I think I'll do my laundry out of the building. I don't want to lose any more money in the washers in the basement.
Shower and dress.
Make bed (convert futon from bed to couch).
Lay out pills for the day.
Make and eat breakfast.
Clear spam folder.
Take pills - dose 1 of 3.
Wash dishes.
Put in contacts.
Handle rest of pile.
One hour Chinese lesson.
Get mail.
Take pills - dose 2 of 3.
Call about bicycle chains.
Work on back accounting.
Apply for jobs.
Take pills - dose 3 of 3.
Go to meeting.
Bedtime routine.
9:00am CI for Lark
I'm going to work with someone else today, so it'll be nice to get away from here for a few hours.
Ta da:
morning routine
meditate for a few minutes
To do:
help friend at his place
come home and clean carpet and upholstery
go to meeting tonight (I'm leading)
All for now. Good luck to everyone!
Mollie's Check-In 8am
To Do
Call Rosemary
Call Dr. D
Call program re: visiting WOB & records review
Do writing project due today
Deliver writing project
Call FP re: TL's status
Do CG billing
Do BM billing
List all cases to bill & close
Reread RH response
Call JV
Call LB
pro's CI - 7:15am
I saw a pretty sunrise this morning. They sky turned red-purple.
I still don't get up at 6am by myself - the alarm always wakes me up. I'm convinced it's because it's still dark. My body doesn't believe in getting up while it's still dark.
Shower and dress.
Make bed (convert futon from bed to couch).
Lay out pills for the day.
Make and eat breakfast.
Clear spam folder.
Take pills - dose 1 of 3.
Wash dishes.
Put in contacts.
Handle rest of pile.
One hour Chinese lesson.
Get mail.
Take pills - dose 2 of 3.
Call about bicycle chains.
Work on back accounting.
Apply for jobs.
Take pills - dose 3 of 3.
Go to meeting.
Bedtime routine.
withdrawal from caffeine
Even though I tried to taper off, I'm having a lot of problems from caffeine withdrawal - tiredness, headaches. It's a drag. I can't remember how long the symptoms lasted last time - maybe a week or two, I think.
I don't know why I started drinking coffee again when it was so hard to quit.
Monica's CI - 5:35 am EST
To Do:
[x] Wake at 5 am
[] Shower
[] Wipe down shower wall
[] Oral care
[] Devotional Time
[] Facial
[] Pedi-care
[] Dress to shoes
[] Make bed
[] wipe down MBR vanity
[] Wake son early to finish last page of project and unfinished HW
[] Get son ready for school
[] Take son to school
[] Fold laundry
[] Leave for work at 9:45 am
[] Take Lunch break at 2:00 pm
[] Return to BG workstation at 2:30 pm
[] Pick son up from HW Club at 5:45 pm
[] Type up next day's to do list
[] Set out mouthwash
[] Set alarm
[] Report CI
[] In bed between 9:30 pm - 10:00pm
Bonus Item:
[] Give son bath before bed to streamline morning routine
If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.
"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.
Rexroth 07.34 GMT
Woke early today at 6.20
Todo today
up prayer, reflection and new meditation
bath and wash hair
put on white washing
check emails, phone messages, post
out to town and sort banking
food shopping
email letter to friend re below
email letter to solicitor
email other friend
do accounts re paying friend
plan work on legal/admin project
clean up in kitchen and clean floor
clean up and vacuum in living room
set up craft project stuff
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth 12.56 GMT
Have got as far as some of food shopping. Now having lunch break
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth 19.37 GMT
I'm getting tired and I'm getting in a muddle.
Rexroth 22.51 GMT
And so to bed.