Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
It's really bad I stayed up so late because I'm exhausted, and I'm still committed to getting up at 6am. I was tired at 10pm, but I was playing with the Chinese. And then it was such a mess in here - I had to pick up to find my bed.
I have some confessing to do. Once I put my son in the tub, my energy level began to drop big time. I sat down at the computer and played card games instead of getting showered and dressed. Well that really screwed things up because soon my son was ready to get out of the tub. by the time I washed him up and dried him off my family rang the door bell. I was still in my PJ's. The house still wasn't finished and dinner hadn't been started. My sister was kind enough to cook for us tonight. She was very nice about it too. Once my family arrived, I couldn't find the time to break away to take my teen daughter shopping for a new outfit for senior picture day or my teen son to get a hair cut. We had to rummage through her closet and find something descent. Unfortunately she doesn't have dress clothes. Most of the time my teens wear t-shirts and jeans (even to church). So there wasn't much to choose from. I found an old outfit I bought her for a banquet a while back and told her to wear it. She hated the idea. She though the outfit was ugly. I made her wear it anyway. It was the best thing she had and I was tired of arguing with her. My husband took her to get her pictures as she grumbled out the front door. Hopefully my teen son will not be as bad tomorrow. All I need to do is get him a haircut. He has a suit so he should be fine.
My family visitors are gone. And my house is a mess once again. My sister's children and my two youngest had a ball running though the house like tornadoes and destroying almost every room. So I'm back on cleanup duty again tomorrow. The bad part is that I return to work tomorrow. So I really have to be on top of my game if I am going to get my home in order.
[x] Make bed
[x] Clean MBR Vanity
[x] Vacuum MBR
[x] Dust MBR
[x] Fold clothes
[x] Scrub kid's bathtub (yuck!)
[x] Give son bath
[x] Sweep 2nd floor steps
[x] Sweep main level
[x] Set out mouthwash
[/] Clean off dining room table
[/] Clean MBR and guest bathrooms (didn't sweep guest bath)
[x] Set Alarm
[x] Go to bed between 9:30 pm - 10:00pm
What the kids did (Yeah for the Kids!!!):
[x] Straightened their rooms
[x] Vacuumed their rooms, upstairs hall and living room
[x] Picked up family room and playroom
[x] Clean kitchen counter tops and stove
[x] Emptied and refilled dishwasher
[x] took recycling out
[x] Vacuum family room and playroom
[x] Cleaned their bathroom (still working on it)
Not done:
[Ø] Shower
[Ø] Oral care
[Ø] Pedi-care
[Ø] Facial
[Ø] Dress to shoes
[Ø] Goto Walmart
[Ø] Get teen son's hair cut (Tomorrow is the last day to do this before senior pictures)
[Ø] Cook dinner (Sister cooked dinner for the family)
[Ø] Take teen daughter shopping for graduation picture outfit (She angrily wore an old outfit I gave her that she doesn't like anymore. She's very frustrated with me for disappointing her once again.)
Don't feel bad. Everybody has ups and downs. I started working on my pile, said I was going to practice writing Chinese for 15 minutes, and 15 minutes turned into hours - the rest of the afternoon. I did manage to finish the filing, but I still have unopened mail with some urgent end-of-year stuff in it (like health insurance).
Tomorrow I can't play with Chinese all day because I need to do some reading in preparation for a job interview I'm hoping for.
I'm trying to print out a Web page. Everything prints except two of the graphics. Other graphics on the page print, but two come out blank. It's something to do with IE because they appear correctly in the print preview in Safari. I'd print from Safari but the connection to my printer isn't working for some reason.
And no, I didn't do Chinese for just 15 minutes. It's been almost 2 hours.
I downloaded and installed Firefox, and it prints even less graphics than IE. Only Safari on the Mac shows the graphics in the print preview, but I can't get it to connect with my printer. :(
I still can't figure out why neither IE nor Firefox on Windows XP will print graphics, but on the plus side I was able to connect my Mac to the printer by rebooting, and now it's printing.
Mainly I'm checking in to tell on myself. After I finished lunch, instead of digging into work, I went back to practing my Chinese. Wrong. Chinese time is over. Accounting time is now.
I'm not being a good flylay today. I didn't get dressed to shoes yet. But I am making some headway in my home. The kids have done a lot too and the house almost looks presentable for guest.
[x] Make bed
[x] Clean MBR Vanity
[x] Vacuum MBR
[x] Dust MBR
[x] Fold clothes
[x] Scrub kid's bathtub (yuck!)
[x] Sweep 2nd floor steps
[/] Clean MBR and guest bathrooms (guest bath still needs to be swept)
What the kids did (Yeah for the Kids!!!):
[x] Straightened their rooms
[x] Vacuumed their rooms, upstairs hall and living room
[x] Picked up family room and playroom
[x] Clean kitchen counter tops and stove
[x] Emptied and refilled dishwasher
[x] took recycling out
[/] Cleaned their bathroom (still working on it)
They're doing a really great job.
[] Shower
[] Oral care
[] Pedi-care
[] Facial
[] Dress to shoes
[] Sweep main level
[] Clean off dining room table
[] Vacuum family room and playroom
[] Give son bath
[] Goto Walmart
[] Get teen son's hair cut
[] Cook dinner
[] Set out mouthwash
[] Set Alarm
[] Go to bed between 9:30 pm - 10:00pm
[] Take teen daughter shopping for graduation picture outfit
I said I was going to work on the Chinese for one hour, and I worked on it for four hours. That's what I did yesterday, too. My attention spam seems to be four hours - the morning.
It's very, very slow going. Everything about Chinese is different from English. Plus, it's really two language - the written language and the spoken language. I have to practice a lot to pronounce the words and write the characters.
I'm hungry now - lunch time. After that, it's back to the drugery work.
Ta Da:
Rising time: 6am (still not normal - alarm woke me up).
Pay credit card bill.
Shower and dress.
Make bed (convert futon from bed to couch).
Lay out pills for day.
Take pills - dose 1 of 3.
Make and eat breakfast. (Caffeine ratio in coffee further reduced - I'm tapering off.)
Wash breakfast dishes.
Put in contacts.
Clean coffee stains off shirt (how did that happen?).
Four hour Chinese lesson (was supposed to be one hour).
To Do:
Important end of year stuff (all buried in the pile).
If I hadn't set my alarm to get up at 6am this morning, at this time I'd be just finishing my morning routine (if I were lucky). But now I've not only finished my morning routine, I've studied Chinese for four hours. Pretty cool. Getting up early really does give you more productive hours in a day.
Good morning. I'm late posting today because lots of phone calls this morning. I received word that a relative passed away who doesn't live near, however. Still, bad news tends to freeze me up, and I'm really open to getting positive news in the future.
DONE 1 morning routine
DONE 2 heat workshop
DONE3 place supply order
DONE4 finish list of this year's must do's
TRIED5 meditation
A LITTLE6 clean up house a bit
STILL MOVING7 continue on main work project (nearly finished!!)
DONE8 plan tomorrow's small projects
Good morning,
I overslept again. I find that when I oversleep the desire to want to procrastinate become very strong. I think this is the perfectionist in me that feels put off by not having the day start off exactly the way I want it to. I really need to work hard on getting back up at 5am now that the holiday rush is over.
I'm inspired by the day's check-ins once again. So here I go once more, making my own little stand for productivity.
[] Shower
[] Oral care
[] Pedi-care
[] Facial
[] Dress to shoes
[] Make bed
[] Clean MBR Vanity
[] Vacuum MBR
[] Dust MBR
[] Fold clothes
[] Scrub kid's bathtub (yuck!)
[] Give son bath
[] Goto Walmart
[] Sweep 2nd floor steps
[] Sweep main level
[] Clean off dining room table
[] Get teen son's hair cut
[] Cook dinner
[] Clean MBR and guest bathrooms
[] Set out mouthwash
[] Set Alarm
[] Go to bed between 9:30 pm - 10:00pm
[] Take teen daughter shopping for graduation picture outfit
If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.
"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.
up prayer and reflection
bath, wash hair, trim beard
deal with emails, post, phone messages
clean up in kitchen
email friend 1
phone friend 2
sort getting home from friend 2 over New Year
work on landlord stuff
work on hobby stuff
look at what todo over the next few days
write journal
prayer and reflection
I really like getting up early, and being dressed and ready to go by 8am. It adds many hours of productive time to my day because I'm not productive when I stay up late. I have more time to get stuff done now.
Ta Da:
Rising time: 6am (still not normal - alarm woke me up).
Pay credit card bill.
Shower and dress.
Make bed (convert futon from bed to couch).
Lay out pills for day.
Take pills - dose 1 of 3 (except for vitamins - still to come).
Make and eat breakfast. (Caffeine ratio in coffee further reduced - I'm tapering off.)
To Do:
One hour Chinese lesson.
Important end of year stuff (all buried in the pile).
pro's last check-in - 12:15am (THURSDAY!!)
It's really bad I stayed up so late because I'm exhausted, and I'm still committed to getting up at 6am. I was tired at 10pm, but I was playing with the Chinese. And then it was such a mess in here - I had to pick up to find my bed.
Monica's CI - 9:55pm EST
I have some confessing to do. Once I put my son in the tub, my energy level began to drop big time. I sat down at the computer and played card games instead of getting showered and dressed. Well that really screwed things up because soon my son was ready to get out of the tub. by the time I washed him up and dried him off my family rang the door bell. I was still in my PJ's. The house still wasn't finished and dinner hadn't been started. My sister was kind enough to cook for us tonight. She was very nice about it too. Once my family arrived, I couldn't find the time to break away to take my teen daughter shopping for a new outfit for senior picture day or my teen son to get a hair cut. We had to rummage through her closet and find something descent. Unfortunately she doesn't have dress clothes. Most of the time my teens wear t-shirts and jeans (even to church). So there wasn't much to choose from. I found an old outfit I bought her for a banquet a while back and told her to wear it. She hated the idea. She though the outfit was ugly. I made her wear it anyway. It was the best thing she had and I was tired of arguing with her. My husband took her to get her pictures as she grumbled out the front door. Hopefully my teen son will not be as bad tomorrow. All I need to do is get him a haircut. He has a suit so he should be fine.
My family visitors are gone. And my house is a mess once again. My sister's children and my two youngest had a ball running though the house like tornadoes and destroying almost every room. So I'm back on cleanup duty again tomorrow. The bad part is that I return to work tomorrow. So I really have to be on top of my game if I am going to get my home in order.
[x] Make bed
[x] Clean MBR Vanity
[x] Vacuum MBR
[x] Dust MBR
[x] Fold clothes
[x] Scrub kid's bathtub (yuck!)
[x] Give son bath
[x] Sweep 2nd floor steps
[x] Sweep main level
[x] Set out mouthwash
[/] Clean off dining room table
[/] Clean MBR and guest bathrooms (didn't sweep guest bath)
[x] Set Alarm
[x] Go to bed between 9:30 pm - 10:00pm
What the kids did (Yeah for the Kids!!!):
[x] Straightened their rooms
[x] Vacuumed their rooms, upstairs hall and living room
[x] Picked up family room and playroom
[x] Clean kitchen counter tops and stove
[x] Emptied and refilled dishwasher
[x] took recycling out
[x] Vacuum family room and playroom
[x] Cleaned their bathroom (still working on it)
Not done:
[Ø] Shower
[Ø] Oral care
[Ø] Pedi-care
[Ø] Facial
[Ø] Dress to shoes
[Ø] Goto Walmart
[Ø] Get teen son's hair cut (Tomorrow is the last day to do this before senior pictures)
[Ø] Cook dinner (Sister cooked dinner for the family)
[Ø] Take teen daughter shopping for graduation picture outfit (She angrily wore an old outfit I gave her that she doesn't like anymore. She's very frustrated with me for disappointing her once again.)
"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.
good days and bad days
Don't feel bad. Everybody has ups and downs. I started working on my pile, said I was going to practice writing Chinese for 15 minutes, and 15 minutes turned into hours - the rest of the afternoon. I did manage to finish the filing, but I still have unopened mail with some urgent end-of-year stuff in it (like health insurance).
Tomorrow I can't play with Chinese all day because I need to do some reading in preparation for a job interview I'm hoping for.
pro's CI - 2:30pm
I'm working on my pile - SO much stuff to take care of in there. Ugh.
paper sorting
I need to open up the table so I can sort the statements and receipts. What a mess. And I still haven't handled the mail.
Chinese break?
Maybe I'll take a break and practice writing Chinese characters for 15 minutes.
I have a question about IE...
I'm trying to print out a Web page. Everything prints except two of the graphics. Other graphics on the page print, but two come out blank. It's something to do with IE because they appear correctly in the print preview in Safari. I'd print from Safari but the connection to my printer isn't working for some reason.
And no, I didn't do Chinese for just 15 minutes. It's been almost 2 hours.
Firefox is worse - only Safari works
I downloaded and installed Firefox, and it prints even less graphics than IE. Only Safari on the Mac shows the graphics in the print preview, but I can't get it to connect with my printer. :(
I've been sorting receipts while doing all this.
I still can't figure out why neither IE nor Firefox on Windows XP will print graphics, but on the plus side I was able to connect my Mac to the printer by rebooting, and now it's printing.
pro's CI - 1:45pm
Took too long for lunch - I started practicing Chinese again. But at least now I'm into the pile.
Ta Da:
To Do:
pro's CI - 1:35pm
Mainly I'm checking in to tell on myself. After I finished lunch, instead of digging into work, I went back to practing my Chinese. Wrong. Chinese time is over. Accounting time is now.
Pile is next!!!!
Monica's CI - 12:35 pm EST
I'm not being a good flylay today. I didn't get dressed to shoes yet. But I am making some headway in my home. The kids have done a lot too and the house almost looks presentable for guest.
[x] Make bed
[x] Clean MBR Vanity
[x] Vacuum MBR
[x] Dust MBR
[x] Fold clothes
[x] Scrub kid's bathtub (yuck!)
[x] Sweep 2nd floor steps
[/] Clean MBR and guest bathrooms (guest bath still needs to be swept)
What the kids did (Yeah for the Kids!!!):
[x] Straightened their rooms
[x] Vacuumed their rooms, upstairs hall and living room
[x] Picked up family room and playroom
[x] Clean kitchen counter tops and stove
[x] Emptied and refilled dishwasher
[x] took recycling out
[/] Cleaned their bathroom (still working on it)
They're doing a really great job.
[] Shower
[] Oral care
[] Pedi-care
[] Facial
[] Dress to shoes
[] Sweep main level
[] Clean off dining room table
[] Vacuum family room and playroom
[] Give son bath
[] Goto Walmart
[] Get teen son's hair cut
[] Cook dinner
[] Set out mouthwash
[] Set Alarm
[] Go to bed between 9:30 pm - 10:00pm
[] Take teen daughter shopping for graduation picture outfit
"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.
pro's CI - 12:30pm
I said I was going to work on the Chinese for one hour, and I worked on it for four hours. That's what I did yesterday, too. My attention spam seems to be four hours - the morning.
It's very, very slow going. Everything about Chinese is different from English. Plus, it's really two language - the written language and the spoken language. I have to practice a lot to pronounce the words and write the characters.
I'm hungry now - lunch time. After that, it's back to the drugery work.
Ta Da:
To Do:
extra hours in the day
If I hadn't set my alarm to get up at 6am this morning, at this time I'd be just finishing my morning routine (if I were lucky). But now I've not only finished my morning routine, I've studied Chinese for four hours. Pretty cool. Getting up early really does give you more productive hours in a day.
CI for Lark 10:30AM(3:10)(6:30)
Good morning. I'm late posting today because lots of phone calls this morning. I received word that a relative passed away who doesn't live near, however. Still, bad news tends to freeze me up, and I'm really open to getting positive news in the future.
DONE 1 morning routine
DONE 2 heat workshop
DONE3 place supply order
DONE4 finish list of this year's must do's
TRIED5 meditation
A LITTLE6 clean up house a bit
STILL MOVING7 continue on main work project (nearly finished!!)
DONE8 plan tomorrow's small projects
Good luck everyone.
Monica's CI - 9:00 am EST
Good morning,
I overslept again. I find that when I oversleep the desire to want to procrastinate become very strong. I think this is the perfectionist in me that feels put off by not having the day start off exactly the way I want it to. I really need to work hard on getting back up at 5am now that the holiday rush is over.
I'm inspired by the day's check-ins once again. So here I go once more, making my own little stand for productivity.
[] Shower
[] Oral care
[] Pedi-care
[] Facial
[] Dress to shoes
[] Make bed
[] Clean MBR Vanity
[] Vacuum MBR
[] Dust MBR
[] Fold clothes
[] Scrub kid's bathtub (yuck!)
[] Give son bath
[] Goto Walmart
[] Sweep 2nd floor steps
[] Sweep main level
[] Clean off dining room table
[] Get teen son's hair cut
[] Cook dinner
[] Clean MBR and guest bathrooms
[] Set out mouthwash
[] Set Alarm
[] Go to bed between 9:30 pm - 10:00pm
[] Take teen daughter shopping for graduation picture outfit
"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.
pro's CI - 8:45am
I'm definitely getting a cold. What a pain. I wonder if I can nip it in the bud with lots of vitamin C, echinacea tea, and nasal douches.
I'm going to study Chinese for an hour now, then onto other things. I'm not going to spend all day on Chinese like I did yesterday.
Ta Da:
To Do:
Rexroth 13.31 GMT
I've surfaced again. Hi Folks.
Todo today
up prayer and reflection
bath, wash hair, trim beard
deal with emails, post, phone messages
clean up in kitchen
email friend 1
phone friend 2
sort getting home from friend 2 over New Year
work on landlord stuff
work on hobby stuff
look at what todo over the next few days
write journal
prayer and reflection
That's it
Regards Rexroth
bed and sleep
Rexroth 22.15 GMT
I've not done as much as I had intended and I don't feel good about it. I'm going to get to bed and sleep early and try again tomorrow.
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth 23.00 GMT
And now I'll actually do it.
pro's CI - 7:30am
I really like getting up early, and being dressed and ready to go by 8am. It adds many hours of productive time to my day because I'm not productive when I stay up late. I have more time to get stuff done now.
Ta Da:
To Do:
I Am Very Impressed
You are awesome at getting up at 6am. I applaud your diligence. As tired as you've been, you continue to preserver. Great job.
"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.
getting up early
Are you still getting up at 5am? It was your doing this, and the link to the article you posted, that inspired me.
I feel a lot better getting up early!
re: getting up early
Not lately, but I hope to be back on track soon.
"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.
pro's CI - 7am
I hope I'm not getting a cold. I think I might be.
Ta Da:
To Do:
pro's first check-in - 6:20am
I''ll post the "to do" part later...
Ta Da: