Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Saturday, Dec 9 2006

My first post, hoping this will help me get through old paper work

It is 1:07pm est

Try and finish up to 798 by 3:00pm est

Have this great desire to get up and walk around and procrastinate some more. Needed to vent because I just can't stand doing things on time.
Giving this a try!

Feel like procrastinating some more.

Okay going, going .....gone

Hi Wannamoveonit

Hi, and thanks for starting the day thread yesterday. One thing... Since the first message in the day thread always stays on top and is the first thing everybody sees, it's best to make this a general welcome message to everyone, and then post your check-in as a comment added to that. I explained this more in the description of check-ins at the top of the Check-ins board.


Lark's CI at 4:05 PM

I think/hope I'm doing this right. Very busy day, so this is my first CI.
Ta Da:
1. Cash check
2. Order new checks.
3. Clean house (fair)
4. Made good progress on main work project.
1. Get kerosene for heater (cold tonight)
2. Stop at customer's house
3. Visit friend.
4. Put present work aside when I find a good stopping point.
5. Get next project ready for tomorrow.

Lark's 1:00 CI

Relative success today. Ta Da's for everything, but the house cleaning needs some tweaking. Also, I didn't get tomorrow's project perfectly ready to start. Close, technically. Good night.

Rexroth 19.07 GMT

My committment is to post so I am. Don't feel at all happy today so:

up prayer and reflection
wash up tidy up
deal with emails, post, phone messages


prayer and reflection
bed and sleep

Regards Rexroth