Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Friday 31 August 2012
Friday 31 August 2012
A ship in harbor is safe,
but that is not
what ships are built for.
but that is not
what ships are built for.
-- John Augustus Shedd
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movingalong's Friday
Doing affirmations.
Taking action.
Still struggling.
I've done well today. Quite a bit of cleaning, also made arrangements for surveyor and gutter cleaners to come (neighbour who is NOT a procrastinator has some problems with damp and she wants us to do this).
And shopped for friend's new baby.
And exercised for 30mins.on bike.
And did all the cleaning jobs on my list. Was quite a list!
Not yet done financial stuff, but might allow myself the night off, it is friday after all, and we have visitors.... will not self-flagellate if I do. But MUST do tomorrow.
...problem is that I'm on holidsay this week, and without work everything is easy.
Still, a good day is a good day ;)
EleanorBE, end of the day.
Well, I did pretty well. Certainly didn't feel as though there was
any procrastinating. But boy do things take longer than you think they
will. That's something that I read somewhere here - that procrastinators
often underestimate the time needed to complete tasks. I tend to think
that I've got a whole day to write - with just a few little things
around the edges to get done, in breaks and what have you. But then
those 'little' things take up the whole day. Sometimes how long they
take actually has an origin in procrastination. For example today I
ended up using the ridiculously complicated printer at the library I was
at (I couldn't work out how to make it work and the guy from Inquiries
said he'd been on a training course about it and still couldn't do it
without reading through the instructions!) which took ages - because I
still haven't got a new printer at home when mine broke 3 years ago!!
thing I underestimated was how long it takes to get over the stomach
bug I've had. Tummy doesn't hurt any more but one visit to the library
really wiped me out so I didn't get to go to my exercise class. But
that's something I really enjoy, not something I tend to procrastinate
about - so I won't beat myself up there.
All in all, it felt like a good day. I worked really hard and
somehow my brain managed to work out some short cuts for things that
seemed really overwhelming so I still got to do a bit of the planned
book work.
Hope everyone's day went well/is going well.
Today's list with things crossed off.
Here's the list again with things crossed off. I love the little crossing off mechanism!
Have breakfast.Check work email.Go online to see which of my library books are overdue.Find the booksDo corrections on 2nd article.
Put hard copy corrections in post
Write to F to apologize for it not being with him today
Read through 1st article, see if there are missing refs you need from library.They weren't nearly as bad as I'd thought!Go to library to take those back and pay fines
Come home.
Go on line to check work mail (2nd and last time today), get G report forms.
Write 3 x G reports
Have lunch
Re-read chapter 4 and make list of what needs doing- Didn't really do this. Started reading but then got into working on a bit of it. Probably not the best way forward in the long run.
Work on chapter 4
5-6pm - do one hour's ref checking on chapter 4. Didn't do this. Will move it to Sunday. It was past 5 by the time I got to start working on the chapter at all.
Go to pilates class.Nope. Too washed out by stomach bug
Bit of an odd one. Hardly likely not to...Come home for dinner.
Also: wrote to two people about a planned project, to explain to them when I'm going to do next stage. Tomorrow if I wake up early (which I invariably do - that's the one and only procrastinating trait on the list I don't have - lateness. I hate packing and getting ready so in order to put it off, I just leave! I'm always early for everything but with none of the things I need!) I'm going to do a rough draft of the application for it.
InnerTruth's check-in
I need to use this three day weekend to the fullest and not get distracted by TV, sleeping in, the Internet and window shopping.
Will meet friend for dinner at 6:30 pm today.
What I need to accomplish before meeting her:
Apply for PMH jobCatch up on emailAfter I come home I am going to put together a "to list" for the weekend and post it here.
elvira's evening
Oh dear ... I'm so tired :(
I don't think I can do anything but flob out on the sofa for a couple of hours. When I've done that I'll come back and see what I'm up to.
Bad evening ... dog tired, too stressed to rest, spent the whole evening hunched over my computer on displacement activities. Very fed up. ::sick::
Kodos 12:10
Thank you everyone for maintaining this site.
Well, had meetings all morning, so didn't get much done. But for the rest of the day...
12:15-1:15 clean office
1:15 mtg
1:45-2:30 2 phone calls; e-mail
2:30-3:20 division list; see what needs attention
3:30-5:30 bank, run, go home
5:30-7:00 shower, dinner
7:00 relax
Kodos 6:15 update
More or less have kept on track. Yay. Day by day.
Late today, V 31-8-12
Went to bed after 5.00 for no reason at all.
- "A procrastinator's work is never done."
Vic 8/31/12
Showup (done), calender, walk
thanks MA for the starter.
"Remember, change is automatic; progress is not." unknown
Progress on focusing on gratitude and what is "right", today hard, am tired but do not want to change back to where I was.
PM completed some major items. does noteven feel good becausesomuch more to do. need to think how Iwould feel if nothing done.grateful for the baby steps.
Salamander's check in - 31Aug2012: Small Steps First
I'm still feeling good about making a good start on yesterday (my first ever check in) but have just heard that I didn't get a job I was really hoping to get, having done a good interview. I get the feedback on Monday, fingers crossed. So I'm aware that I'm vulnerable to addictive behaviour/procrastination.
Starting at 1536:
I want to shop for some supplies today - am out of bread and nearlyout of milk - I really can't put it off because I'm busy Saturday and
That means I have to get washed and dressed first. And have breakfast!That sounds like a good list to be getting on with!
1743: Not going so well today. Just about to go shopping for emergency rations only. More later.
1857: I managed to do a proper shop even with the after work shoppers and hordes of screaming children. I only lost it (a little bit) when the check out assistant starting singing "We wish you a Merry Christmas". I thought, unkindly: "you won't be alive until Christmas, mate, unless you shut up!" Am soothing myself with a Snickers bar. Recolouring my hair would be a good next move, after a (timed) session on Facebook.
1927: Time for dinner, yes? Procrastination is yapping at my heels like a blinking chihuahua! Today feels really hard.
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin)
kromer 10 CI
In lab at a more reasonable time than usual, so that's good
Having some problems with my wrists hurting, so to be honest I'm not sure how much I'll be able to get done today. I'll do what I reasonably can, without hurting myself. Ideally, I'd like to:
*Finish analyzing R8 data
*Go through 15 articles*Finish tabulating results (mostly done with this)
Do PCR and run gel*Look through slides, update lab nb
*Buy new mouse, tablet input, keyboard tray
Lavida CI Fri. 8/31
Good morning PA'ers!
I've always loved that quote, thanks movingalong :)
Here's what I want to do today:
START 1:30PM - END 6:30PM
Continue taking more of my supplements and waterContinue eating more fruits/vegs with each mealRead BibleSpend time with HP prayingmorning UA phone meetingsUpdate bill due dates in calendarDishes & Laundry
"If you feel you're about to drown, remember Tool 1 and Break .. It .. Down"
pro - must write article today, to new PA members waiting...
I have an article to write today. There are more people waiting to join PA, but unfortunately I may have to make them wait until tomorrow before giving them access. It's urgent that I write this article. I can't put it off anymore. It must get done before the end of today.
Apologies to the people waiting!
Hypatia's check-in
I managed all the items on my evening list last night - ok there were only 3 but I'm so pleased with myself!
This morning I've been at work meetings and then driving between offices on a nice sunny day (after 2 days of downpours in the UK). I actually am feeling happy for the first time in the 8 months since my husband died. I'm enjoying my work again after several months of severe depression. I haven't got as far as enjoying myself outside work, but it's a good start
move all my stuff back from the temporary office to my ownletter to SW re LACHome
cut long grass- raining so I couldn'tpay car taxpay window cleanerfinish washing upH
thanks for the great start off moving along- love that!! Welcome to all hnew members - you have come to the right place and I hope you find this site as helpful as I have.. Thank you to Pro and others for the work it takes to keep this all going.
get readytidy upreadingsring sponsorgo to uniput edits infix discussionfix recommendationswrite executive summaryedit downput in info as meededprint outhave dinnerbedEleanorBE 8.40am
Thank you movealong.
Here's my day.
Have breakfast.That felt good! Have had stomach bug. Almost worth having, it feels so good when it stops.Check work email.Only one, asking me to write something. I said yes. I know, we all say yes to too much. The deadline's not til next summer...but I've said that before. I think I can do it. It's something I want to do.Go online to see which of my library books are overdue.(so hard! It's like the library is telling me off. It's only an auto-generated message for heaven's sake!)Find the booksDo corrections on 2nd article.
Put hard copy corrections in post
Write to F to apologize for it not being with him today
Go to library to take those back and pay fines (sigh. They will be huge. This would be such a great habit to get out of).
Come home.
Go on line to check work mail (2nd and last time today), get G report forms.
Write 3 x G reports
Have lunch
Re-read chapter 4 and make list of what needs doing
Work on chapter 4
5-6pm - do one hour's ref checking on chapter 4
Go to pilates class.
Come home for dinner.
Will check back in before my class!
Have a good day everyone.
Oops. Forgot that before
Oops. Forgot that before going to library I have to
- check through 1st article to see if there are any refs I need at library!
I hate proofreading
I hate it SO much. It turns me into a spoilt small child, stamping her feet and not wanting to eat her dinner! Hateithateihateit!!!
That feels better.
That was my reward for doing 5/20 pages.
Now for the next 5.
I love proof-reading!
I love proof-reading, Eleanor BE! I have read and checked numerous theses and dissertations just for the fun of proof-reading (and learning new stuff).
I wonder, do you think there might be a way we could work together on something like this? It takes next to no time for me to do it because I've been proof-reading for so long. Could we perhaps do a skills swap or something?
Hmmm. This might be something to think about in more detail... I mean, I need to make sure it doesn't become yet another way for me to procrastinate!
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin)
I hate proofreading 2
10 done.
10 to go.
Proofreading 3
Apologies to anyone who's reading this daftness - it is helping!
15 down, 5 to go.
Proof reading done! Alleluia!
This feels like the most Deserved coffee I've had in a long time
Thanks for the inspiration everyone!
congratulations EleanorBE
Congratulations on your first (of many) successes. :)
Thank you Hypatia!
I really appreciate that!
Obviously, the most urgent tasks are done. But, I was finding excuses and wasn't motivated to do actual work and revision :(
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank movingalong for starting this trend
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting2. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting3. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone CLA meeting4. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA activity line5. Cook and eat breakfast
6. Take shower7. Get dressed8. Wash dishes
9. Prayer and meditation morning and evening
10. Read the meditations
11. Do my 10th Step
12. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting
13. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA activity line
14. Warm up and eat lunch
15. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone OA meeting
16. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.
17. Go to the 10 p.m. telephone DA meeting
18. Do my 11th Step
19. Do numbers
20. Go to the bank
Thanks for letting me share
Finding a way CI
Thank you movingalong for the thread starter.
I am disappointed in myself that I did not meet my deadline this week and will have to write an email to apologise and extend the timeline. And I have committed to family/social things over the weekend so after today won't get back to the work till late Monday at the earliest.
This makes me feel it's no use doing anything on it today but I know that's wrong thinking. Each part completed is one less part left to do. I will stick with giving myself smileys for each half hour completed.
Also essential home tasks:
washing,dishes, cooking, quick shop - postponed,check car, practise p, pack for Sat.Welcome again to all the new members! Thanks everyone for being here.
routine for friday 31 august 2012
brush teethwash faceand put some make up onget dressedproperly, not just house clothesexercise 20 mins
eat breakfastdo all of the above before 9.30 am
put on a clothes washpay l'wd bill by phone
check bank statement and shedule finances
take a photo of the living room and bedroom
10 til 12.30 tidy home in 30 min alarm clock settings
12.30 eat
1.30 til 4.00 tidy home in 30 min alarm settings
all day...breathe properly and remember my motivation (rb)
4.00 reacess what has been done using 'before' photo's
phone mum
phone m--------m
phone rb
before bed:
cook and eat dinner not later than 7
wash up
leave kitchen tidy
bed not later than 10.30
11.11 am. 2 hours behind shedule but it feels good to have washed, eated and dressed (still houseclothes) but better than pyjamas. i hope to catch up my shedule over the day. thank you so much for this forum it has given me fresh motivation.
14.32 i don't seem to be able to cross things off my list anymore, don't know why? have just wasted half an hour on facebook. have been using an online egg timer alarm clock which really is helping to make me time aware. on the plus side, kitchen is looking good, all done.
new resolution. to be able to walk clear across my living room floor before 6.00 pm
Welcome newcomers!