Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
My work habits have suffered, and I'm back here! The entire summer ran like clockwork, but this year I've slowly gotten back into my old habits. Only now have I truly admitted it to myself.
I will analyze the why's and how's of my recent procrastination later, but for now I'm going to bookend so I can get done what I need to get done for tomorrow (Before 10AM ET! YES TIME IS SHORT!).
1. Finish Bio writeup Part 2. Hope to have this done by 4AM.
2. Write up report, two pages, needs to be presented tomorrow. 5AM
3. 5-9:30AM, study genetics.
Wow, now I realize exactly how little time I have, now onto the work!
Behind schedule of course! I managed to get sucked into reading reviews about Office 2007, which by the way does look like a good improvement over Office 2003. They finally fixed the 64k line problem with Excel!
Now time to study for Genetics! Right now I'm about 30 minutes behind schedule, lets see if I can make up for this...
Hope you're all sleeping well! And if you're also up working late like me, I hope it pays off!
I can't even tell you how many hours I've spent researching interesting new technologies when I had pressing work to do. It's one of my favorite procrastination activities.
Looks like I didn't check in again today. Oops. I was reading all day until a neighbor knocked on my door. It was nearly 2pm, I still wasn't dressed, and my apartment was a disaster so I pretended I wasn't home. When he went away, I jumped in the shower.
I've been mostly researching living in China. I bought some books about it (more books - I can't believe it).
I went out to dinner with people after the meeting tonight, and someone reminded me that the 2008 Summer Olympics are going to be held in Beijing. I forgot that. I'm going to make sure my trip overlaps with that date. I would love to go to the Olympics - especially the gymnastic competition!
Already done:
call Mike – how long will they need? (Thurs 8-10:30)
call Janine
call Corey C
call Pat
call Bert
Richard – need 2 days/wk
work order
email Richard
type up H notes
craft and send email re: policy change
prep meeting
review leave
enter H notes
JK – access to V during closure
respond to email
review R tix
Already done:
call Mike – how long will they need? (Thurs 8-10:30)
call Janine
call Corey C
call Pat
call Bert
Richard – need 2 days/wk
work order
email Richard
type up H notes
craft and send email re: policy change
To do:
prep meeting
enter H notes
review leave
JK – access to V during closure
respond to email
review R tix
Hey, y'all. A crazy day and I'm just along for the ride.
Already done:
call Mike – how long will they need? (Thurs 8-10:30)
call Janine
call Corey C
call Pat
call Bert
Richard – need 2 days/wk
work order
email Richard
To do:
type up H notes
enter H notes
prep meeting
JK – access to V during closure
craft email re: policy change
respond to email
review R tix
review leave
I just got up, and if it hadn't been for the heavy machinery on 12th Street that woke me up, I'd still be asleep. I didn't go to bed until 4am because I was all psyched up about something.
I'm thinking about going to China for a year to teach English. I have nothing to lose since I have nothing, and I've been interested in China and Chinese culture since I was a teenager. I wanted to major in Chinese in college but there was no university close to me that offered a program in Chinese, and my father said I couldn't go farther than 300 miles.
I'm 50 years old, I have no spouse, no children, no job, and no career. The one big advantage of this situation is that I'm free as a bird. I'm might as well take advantage of it.
Meanwhile, I'm making breakfast and doing my morning routine. :)
I could have written your post, word for word, except replacing China with either France or Eastern Europe. I hit 50 also and 9 and a half years sober recently. It's not so much that life's bad here--it's not ______(fill in the blank!). We seem to be trudging the same road, my friend. Hope we're going in the right direction.
I'm 9.5 years sober, too. Sobriety date May 16, 1997. When is yours?
I turned 50 on August 1st of this year. Your birthday?
>We seem to be trudging the same road, my friend. Hope we're going in the right direction.
What I have realized recently is that there is no "right" direction. There is just a direction.
You know the old Chinese story about the farmer, right? He loses his horse and the neighbors say, "Too bad!" The farmer says, "Maybe." Then the horse comes back with a bunch of wild horses, and the neighbors say, "That turned out lucky!" The farmer says, "Maybe." Then the farmer's son is thrown from one of the wild horses and breaks his leg, and the neighbors say, "Bad luck!" The farmer says, "Maybe." Then some army recruiters come by to gather all able-bodied men to fight in a war, and they pass over the farmer's son because his leg is broken, and the neighbors say, "Lucky!" The farmer says, "Maybe."
My sobriety date is April 11, '97. (I hit 50 only a week prior to you, on July 25.) The first couple years were really nuts. I've been working on the defects of character, and I've felt worse about the P word than most of my intoxicated behavior. It just didn't work. Thank goodness I found this program. I've tried chalkboards, colored pens, casette recorders, negative reinforcement which bordered out and out punishment, and many more. After becoming aware of things, sometimes I can feel the little buzz from procrastinating. Also, sort of a mini power trip when it involves another person. Whew. realize that life will not last forever, and you remember your dreams, and you say to yourself, "If not now, when????"
Honest to goodness, I think the most perspective-correcting thought that a person can have is the vivid realization that s/he will die, and so will everyone we know. Everything gets screwed up when we forget this - small things seem important. When we remember it, everything snaps back into perspective.
Hi. I'm looking at what needed done this month, and it's still here. I've made progress, but things are still shakey. The weather will be getting bad starting tomorrow, and I rather dread that. Oh well.
DONE:1. morning routine
DONE:, but barely2. meditation
sort of done:3. find a stopping point on the big project, so I can do some on the next two (smaller) ones. I need to generate income.
Made an effort:4. make more workspace inside
DONE:5. get out "loose ends" list, and do a task ot two from it
That's all for now. I feel a bit overwhelmed and don't want to add to it. Good luck to everyone.
See you tomorrow
Up prayer and reflection
deal with email
email brother re Mum's will
deal with post
pay one bill which has arrived
wash up in kitchen
tidy up increasing mess and try to sort things out
prepare stuff for legal/admin project and work on it with friend into evening
possibly go out for walk
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep
Friend has just left and we have done a great deal of productive and painful work.
I've been for a walk which I'm sure was good for me.
I've sent my brother a kind email over my Mum's will which leaves most of her estate to him and his wife. This is fair as they have looked after her for many years.
The bill I left on the table with the legal/admin stuff and it could be anywhere. I'll have one lok for it in the obvious place the pending and if I can't find it I can deal with it tomorrow.
I guess the pain must be awful: any possibility of
joining a bereavement support group? A friend used
to go to one once a week and found it useful to
talk with people who faced the same situation.
I'll give it a week or so and see how I go. At the moment I'm deep in the legal/admin work and I intend to finish that. Maybe I am delaying grieving by doing the work.
Back again!
My work habits have suffered, and I'm back here! The entire summer ran like clockwork, but this year I've slowly gotten back into my old habits. Only now have I truly admitted it to myself.
I will analyze the why's and how's of my recent procrastination later, but for now I'm going to bookend so I can get done what I need to get done for tomorrow (Before 10AM ET! YES TIME IS SHORT!).
1. Finish Bio writeup Part 2. Hope to have this done by 4AM.
2. Write up report, two pages, needs to be presented tomorrow. 5AM
3. 5-9:30AM, study genetics.
Wow, now I realize exactly how little time I have, now onto the work!
Behind schedule of course! I
Behind schedule of course! I managed to get sucked into reading reviews about Office 2007, which by the way does look like a good improvement over Office 2003. They finally fixed the 64k line problem with Excel!
Now time to study for Genetics! Right now I'm about 30 minutes behind schedule, lets see if I can make up for this...
Hope you're all sleeping well! And if you're also up working late like me, I hope it pays off!
procrastination by computer research
I can't even tell you how many hours I've spent researching interesting new technologies when I had pressing work to do. It's one of my favorite procrastination activities.
Welcome back to the forum. :)
Unforunately it is for me
Unforunately it is for me too!
pro's CI - 10:15pm
Looks like I didn't check in again today. Oops. I was reading all day until a neighbor knocked on my door. It was nearly 2pm, I still wasn't dressed, and my apartment was a disaster so I pretended I wasn't home. When he went away, I jumped in the shower.
I've been mostly researching living in China. I bought some books about it (more books - I can't believe it).
I went out to dinner with people after the meeting tonight, and someone reminded me that the 2008 Summer Olympics are going to be held in Beijing. I forgot that. I'm going to make sure my trip overlaps with that date. I would love to go to the Olympics - especially the gymnastic competition!
scarlett CI 5:23 pm
Phew. Outta here.
Already done:
call Mike – how long will they need? (Thurs 8-10:30)
call Janine
call Corey C
call Pat
call Bert
Richard – need 2 days/wk
work order
email Richard
type up H notes
craft and send email re: policy change
prep meeting
review leave
enter H notes
JK – access to V during closure
respond to email
review R tix
scarlett CI 3:10 pm
Already done:
call Mike – how long will they need? (Thurs 8-10:30)
call Janine
call Corey C
call Pat
call Bert
Richard – need 2 days/wk
work order
email Richard
type up H notes
craft and send email re: policy change
To do:
prep meeting
enter H notes
review leave
JK – access to V during closure
respond to email
review R tix
scarlett CI 2:30 pm
Hey, y'all. A crazy day and I'm just along for the ride.
Already done:
call Mike – how long will they need? (Thurs 8-10:30)
call Janine
call Corey C
call Pat
call Bert
Richard – need 2 days/wk
work order
email Richard
To do:
type up H notes
enter H notes
prep meeting
JK – access to V during closure
craft email re: policy change
respond to email
review R tix
review leave
iwant2workharder - CI 17:07
website1 is starting to make me
I am going to call a meeting with the sales guy.
To Do
- :( website1: 7 steps
- :( IT meeting: 26 steps
- :( website3: 6 steps
pro's first check-in - 9:40am (China?)
I just got up, and if it hadn't been for the heavy machinery on 12th Street that woke me up, I'd still be asleep. I didn't go to bed until 4am because I was all psyched up about something.
I'm thinking about going to China for a year to teach English. I have nothing to lose since I have nothing, and I've been interested in China and Chinese culture since I was a teenager. I wanted to major in Chinese in college but there was no university close to me that offered a program in Chinese, and my father said I couldn't go farther than 300 miles.
I'm 50 years old, I have no spouse, no children, no job, and no career. The one big advantage of this situation is that I'm free as a bird. I'm might as well take advantage of it.
Meanwhile, I'm making breakfast and doing my morning routine. :)
I have nothing to lose since I have nothing==> go to china
> I 'm thinking about going to China for a year to teach English. I have nothing to lose since I have nothing
That's a very very good idea.
I think I will suggest it to quiet a few people as well.
After all, isn't China the futur eldorado ?
Bit of non ancient, non Chinese wisdom
"If you aint got nothing, you got nothing to lose."
Bob Dylan
or from Janis Joplin...
Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.
From "Me and Bobby McGee". Actually, she didn't write this, she just sung it. I think it was written by Chris Kristoferson (can't spell his name):
congruent lives
I could have written your post, word for word, except replacing China with either France or Eastern Europe. I hit 50 also and 9 and a half years sober recently. It's not so much that life's bad here--it's not ______(fill in the blank!). We seem to be trudging the same road, my friend. Hope we're going in the right direction.
it's in the air, or the pixels, or something
but for me it's a cross-country move I'm pondering.
(btw, i've lived in france and eastern europe. worthwhile experiences, both.)
very congruent, lark
I'm 9.5 years sober, too. Sobriety date May 16, 1997. When is yours?
I turned 50 on August 1st of this year. Your birthday?
>We seem to be trudging the same road, my friend. Hope we're going in the right direction.
What I have realized recently is that there is no "right" direction. There is just a direction.
You know the old Chinese story about the farmer, right? He loses his horse and the neighbors say, "Too bad!" The farmer says, "Maybe." Then the horse comes back with a bunch of wild horses, and the neighbors say, "That turned out lucky!" The farmer says, "Maybe." Then the farmer's son is thrown from one of the wild horses and breaks his leg, and the neighbors say, "Bad luck!" The farmer says, "Maybe." Then some army recruiters come by to gather all able-bodied men to fight in a war, and they pass over the farmer's son because his leg is broken, and the neighbors say, "Lucky!" The farmer says, "Maybe."
good to know someone here who's on the same page as me
My sobriety date is April 11, '97. (I hit 50 only a week prior to you, on July 25.) The first couple years were really nuts. I've been working on the defects of character, and I've felt worse about the P word than most of my intoxicated behavior. It just didn't work. Thank goodness I found this program. I've tried chalkboards, colored pens, casette recorders, negative reinforcement which bordered out and out punishment, and many more. After becoming aware of things, sometimes I can feel the little buzz from procrastinating. Also, sort of a mini power trip when it involves another person. Whew.
And when you are 50... realize that life will not last forever, and you remember your dreams, and you say to yourself, "If not now, when????"
Honest to goodness, I think the most perspective-correcting thought that a person can have is the vivid realization that s/he will die, and so will everyone we know. Everything gets screwed up when we forget this - small things seem important. When we remember it, everything snaps back into perspective.
11:50 PM CI for Lark
Hi. I'm looking at what needed done this month, and it's still here. I've made progress, but things are still shakey. The weather will be getting bad starting tomorrow, and I rather dread that. Oh well.
DONE:1. morning routine
DONE:, but barely2. meditation
sort of done:3. find a stopping point on the big project, so I can do some on the next two (smaller) ones. I need to generate income.
Made an effort:4. make more workspace inside
DONE:5. get out "loose ends" list, and do a task ot two from it
That's all for now. I feel a bit overwhelmed and don't want to add to it. Good luck to everyone.
See you tomorrow
iwant2workharder - Ci 14:07
When faced with the fundamental of life, work seems so mundane.
I am now back to the website1 as I had to help one staff.
website1... let's get familiar with their story.
To Do
- :( website1: 7 steps
- :( IT meeting: 26 steps
- :( website3: 6 steps
Rexroth 12.26 GMT
Times feel hard.
Todo today
Up prayer and reflection
deal with email
email brother re Mum's will
deal with post
pay one bill which has arrived
wash up in kitchen
tidy up increasing mess and try to sort things out
prepare stuff for legal/admin project and work on it with friend into evening
possibly go out for walk
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth 20.21 GMT
Friend has just left and we have done a great deal of productive and painful work.
I've been for a walk which I'm sure was good for me.
I've sent my brother a kind email over my Mum's will which leaves most of her estate to him and his wife. This is fair as they have looked after her for many years.
The bill I left on the table with the legal/admin stuff and it could be anywhere. I'll have one lok for it in the obvious place the pending and if I can't find it I can deal with it tomorrow.
So prayer and reflection a glass of wine and bed.
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth 07.51 GMT
Update on Friday. I found the bill and paid it. I had a cup of tea and didn't feel energetic enough to open the wine.
Regards Rexroth
i'm so sorry about your mother.
i missed your first post about it and it took me a while to clue in.
take care of yourself and go easy for a while. i'm thinking about you.
Thanks Scarlett
Thank you Scarlett for your kind wishes. Today, Friday, is a week since I heard and I'm feeling very tired.
Regards Rexroth
Hello Rexroth
> Times feel hard.
I guess the pain must be awful: any possibility of
joining a bereavement support group? A friend used
to go to one once a week and found it useful to
talk with people who faced the same situation.
Thanks iwant2workharder
I'll give it a week or so and see how I go. At the moment I'm deep in the legal/admin work and I intend to finish that. Maybe I am delaying grieving by doing the work.
Regards Rexroth
iwant2workharder - CI 09:37
So Thursday the last day of November!!!
Time passes so quickly.
I need to get my head back to website1. First read the contracts.
To Do
- :( website1: 7 steps
- :( IT meeting: 26 steps
- :( website3: 6 steps
- :? phone legal team to clarify problems (lunch break)