Online Meeting Anchor Sign-Ups! May-July 2012
Sign up here to be "anchor of the day" for our PA chatbox 12-Step meeting.
Meeting time: Sundays 19:30 (7:30pm) UTC/GMC tandard Time year-round.
Our meeting stays on standard time year-round. So it will appear to shift off by an hour if your local clocks change seasonally.
Meeting time in UTC Standard Time Year Round:
Sundays 19:30 (7:30PM)
London, England:
Sunday 8:30 PM British Summer Time
New York, USA:
Sunday 3:30 PM Eastern USA Daylight Saving Time
Sydney, Australia:
Monday 5:30 AM Eastern Australia Standard Time
To see when today's meeting is in YOUR timezone,
just click here to find it easily:
What is a "Meeting Anchor"?
The "anchor of the day" shows up on time and makes sure the meeting gets started. The anchor doesn't have to lead the meeting. You just need to show up and then direct whoever wishes to lead on where to find the format.
It doesn't happen often, but sometimes you arrive and find yourself alone. If this is the case, you start the meeting and keep going, pasting in the format by yourself, talking to your own version of 'higherpower'. Starting meetings on time is part of our recovery. Procrastinators are often latecomers, so you know that other PA members will arrive soon and you won't be alone. If you build it, they will come.
We decided in the PA business meeting that the same person doesn't have to anchor each week. Hence a sign-up sheet. This is where to sign up if you would like to anchor. Just reply to the post for the week you want to anchor (and remember to do it!!!).
If you are new to PA, you too can anchor! All you need to do is to show up on time and make sure the meeting happens.
Our meeting format is at the following link:
This sign-up sheet goes from May through July, 2012 (plus the start of August).
A new sign-up sheet will be posted at the beginning of August 2012.
:) :) :) Please sign up and show up, so that we can keep this wonderful resource going! :) :) :)
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Thank you Lennon for your service!
Thank you, Lennon, for all your hard work in creating this calendar!
May 6, 2012
Step of the Week: Step Twelve
Recovery Tool of the Week:
Tool #2 -- Visualization
Team effort:
Movingalong and Lennon co-led this week's meeting.
May 13, 2012
Step of the Week: Step One
Recovery Tool of the Week:
Tool #3 -- Ask Yourself Why
Wrkinprogrss anchored and led this week's meeting.
May 20, 2012--Sign Up Here to Anchor
7:30 p.m. GMT
3:30 p.m. New York Daylight Time
Step of the Week: Step Two
Recovery Tool of the Week:
Tool #4 -- Focus on the Long Term
Reply here to sign up for this week.
movingalong will anchor May 19th online 12step mtg
May 27, 2012--Sign Up Here to Anchor
7:30 p.m. GMT
3:30 p.m. New York Daylight Time
Recovery Tool of the Week:
Tool #5 -- Avoid Time-Bingeing
Business Meeting today (Last Sunday of the Month) *following* the regular recovery meeting.
(Someone else will volunteer on the spot to lead the business meeting.)
NOTE: We ONLY need you to attend & anchor the *regular* meeting.
Reply here to sign up to anchor the *regular* meeting for this week.
Step of the Week (May 27th) for online mtg
Step of the Week is Step Three.
Movingalong will anchor May 27th online 12step mtg
June 3, 2012--Sign Up Here to Anchor
7:30 p.m. GMT
3:30 p.m. New York Daylight Time
Step of the Week: Step Four
Recovery Tool of the Week:
Tool #6 -- Use Small Blocks of Time
Reply here to sign up for this week.
I'll anchor online chat meeting today
I'll anchor today's 12-Step meeting in online chat. All welcome!
(Katia, I hope you feel better soon!)
June 10, 2012--Sign Up Here to Anchor
7:30 p.m. GMT
3:30 p.m. New York Daylight Time
Step of the Week: Step Five
Recovery Tool of the Week:
Tool #7 -- Avoid Perfectionism
Reply here to sign up for this week.
movingalong anchored June 10th online PA mtg
I was able to "anchor" (get it started); and then actually facilitate the meeting
... but the meeting happens thanks to everyone who appears and makes it possible, and thanks to the group higherpower who is the real leader.
June 17, 2012--Sign Up Here to Anchor
7:30 p.m. GMT
3:30 p.m. New York Daylight Time
Step of the Week: Step Six
Recovery Tool of the Week:
Tool #8 -- Keep a Time Log
Reply here to sign up for this week.
movingalong can anchor first part of June 17 online PA 12stepMtg
I can "anchor" on June 17th -- in that I can get the meeting going and greet everyone, and paste in the readings that the meeting-leader does during first part of the meeting.
(I can lead the first 20 minutes---
maybe even the first 30 minutes of the meeting).
But then I have to leave for an appointment.
We will need other(s) to take over leading from me when I leave. Remember that anyone can do it. Newcomers welcome! I'm sure that from amongst those present, someone will be able to transition into leading the day's meeting.
many thanks to pro for leading 2nd half of June 17th mtg!
i was able to leave and get to my appointment on time.
June 24, 2012--Sign Up Here to Anchor
7:30 p.m. GMT
3:30 p.m. New York Daylight Time
Step of the Week: Step Seven
Recovery Tool of the Week:
Tool #9 -- Develop Routines
Reply here to sign up for this week.
Business Meeting today (Last Sunday of the Month) *following* the regular recovery meeting.
(Someone else will volunteer on the spot to lead the business meeting.)
NOTE: We ONLY need you to attend & anchor the *regular* meeting.
Reply here to sign up to anchor the *regular* meeting for this week.
Thank you to Lennon who anchored the June 24th meeting.
Your service is appreciated!
July 1, 2012--Sign Up Here to Anchor
7:30 p.m. GMT
3:30 p.m. New York Daylight Time
Step of the Week: Step Eight
Recovery Tool of the Week:
Tool #10 -- Bookend Tasks and Time
Reply here to sign up for this week.
Thank you to Lennon for anchoring/leading the July 1st meeting
Much appreciated.
July 8, 2012--Sign Up Here to Anchor
7:30 p.m. GMT
3:30 p.m. New York Daylight Time
Step of the Week: Step Nine
Recovery Tool of the Week:
Tool #1 -- Break it Down
Reply here to sign up for this week.
Thank you yet again, to Lennon, for anchoring/leading July 8 mtg
July 15, 2012--Sign Up Here to Anchor
7:30 p.m. GMT
3:30 p.m. New York Daylight Time
Step of the Week: Step Ten
Recovery Tool of the Week:
Tool #2 -- Visualization
Reply here to sign up for this week.
Thanks to Riddled for anchoring/leading July 15 chat 12step mtg
July 22, 2012--Sign Up Here to Anchor
Global Meeting Time:
Sunday 19:30 (7:30 PM) UTC/GMT
Standard Time (Year-Round)
London, England:
Sunday 8:30 PM British Summer Time
New York, USA:
Sunday 3:30 PM Eastern USA Daylight Saving Time
Sydney, Australia:
Monday 5:30 AM Eastern Australia Standard Time
NOTE: For those of you who live in countries that observe
BOTH Daylight Saving ("Summer Time") AND Ramadan:
In 2012, Ramadan starts July 20, approximately,
(depending on local astronomy, weather, traditions, and laws).
Some areas may revert to Standard Time during Ramadan;
and sometimes it's not announced until shortly beforehand,
so check your local news to verify.
To verify what time the July 22nd PA chatbox meeting is in YOUR timezone
check this link shortly before the meeting:
Step of the Week: Step Eleven
Recovery Tool of the Week:
Tool #3 -- Ask Yourself Why
Reply here to sign up for this week.
July 22, 2012 worldwide time for chatbox 12step meeting
Above time link is 22 July 2012 detail for Asia,
useful in finding locations in the Middle East.
The time changes are in Morroco and Western Sahara,
in North Africa.
Those two locations went to "standard time" when Ramadan 2012 began.
Here is timezone detail for Africa for 22 July, 2012:
During Ramadan 2012, Morroco and Western Sahara will be
in same time zone as British Winter Time --
which is same as most of Western Africa.
Therefore, in that timezone our chatbox meeting starts Sundays 7:30pm.
Here is worldwide time link for 22 July, 2012:
movingalong will anchor 22 July 2012 chatbox 12step meeting
July 29, 2012--Sign Up Here to Anchor
Global Meeting Time:
Sunday 19:30 (7:30 PM) UTC/GMT
Standard Time (Year-Round)
London: Sunday 8:30 PM British Summer Time
New York: Sunday 3:30 PM Eastern USA Daylight Time
To verify what time the July 29th PA chatbox meeting is in YOUR timezone
check this link a few days before the meeting:
Step of the Week: Step Twelve
Recovery Tool of the Week:
Tool #4 -- Focus on the Long Term
Business Meeting today (Last Sunday of the Month) *following* the regular recovery meeting.
(Someone else will volunteer on the spot to lead the business meeting.)
NOTE: We ONLY need you to attend & anchor the *regular* meeting.
Reply here to sign up to anchor the *regular* meeting for this week.
July 29, 2012 worldwide time for chatbox 12step meeting
Regarding the above link
That is time link is 29 July 2012 *detail* for *Asia*.
Here is timezone *detail* for *Africa* for 29 July, 2012:
Here is WORLDWIDE time link for 22 July, 2012:
movingalong will anchor July 29th 12step chatbox mtg.
Step of the Week: Step Twelve
Recovery Tool of the Week:
Tool #4 -- Focus on the Long Term
August 5, 2012--Sign Up Here to Anchor
Global Meeting Time:
Sunday 19:30 (7:30 PM) UTC/GMT
Standard Time (Year-Round)
London: Sunday 8:30 PM British Summer Time
New York: Sunday 3:30 PM Eastern USA Daylight Time
To verify what time the August 5th PA chatbox meeting is in YOUR timezone
check this link a few days before the meeting:
Step of the Week: Step One
Recovery Tool of the Week:
Tool #5 -- Avoid Time-Bingeing
Reply here to sign up for this week.
Thank you to Karasu for anchoring Aug 5th chatbox 12step mtg
I just saw your note,
I just saw your note, movingalong. My pleasure!
Many thanks to you and PA...
August 12, 2012--Sign Up Here to Anchor
Global Meeting Time:
Sunday 19:30 (7:30 PM) UTC/GMT
Standard Time (Year-Round)
London: Sunday 8:30 PM British Summer Time
New York: Sunday 3:30 PM Eastern USA Daylight Time
To verify what time the August 12th PA chatbox meeting is in YOUR timezone
check this link before the meeting:
Step of the Week: Step Two
Recovery Tool of the Week:
Tool #6 -- Use Small Blocks of Time
Reply here to sign up for this week.
movingalong anchored Aug 12th chatbox mtg
August 19, 2012--Sign Up Here to Anchor
Step of the Week: Step Three
Recovery Tool of the Week:
Tool #7 -- Avoid Perfectionism
Reply here to sign up for this week.
Thank you to Ron321 for anchoring Aug 19th chatbox 12step mtg
We are very grateful. :)
August 26, 2012--Sign Up Here to Anchor
The time has changed in Morroco and Western Sahara.
Now that Ramadan 2012 has concluded,
some areas within Morroco and Western Sahara
are back on Daylight Savings (Summer) Time (for a few weeks).
The PA meeting will be
Sunday 8:30pm Western European Summer Time.
Global Meeting Time:
Sunday 19:30 (7:30 PM) UTC/GMT
Standard Time (Year-Round)
London: Sunday 8:30 PM British Summer Time
New York: Sunday 3:30 PM Eastern USA Daylight Time
To verify what time the August 26th PA chatbox meeting is in YOUR timezone
check this link before the meeting:
Step of the Week: Step Four
Recovery Tool of the Week:
Tool #8 -- Keep a Time Log
Business Meeting today (Last Sunday of the Month) *following* the regular recovery meeting.
(Someone else will volunteer on the spot to lead the business meeting.)
NOTE: We ONLY need you to attend & anchor the *regular* meeting.
Reply here to sign up to anchor the *regular* meeting for this week (August 26, 2012).
movingalong anchoring Aug 26th chatbox 12step mtg
September-October 2012 sign-ups at new URL ...
To sign up for any date in September-October 2012,
Please go to the following URL: