Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
It was just bizarre and unsettling. How many times can you repeat, "Don't worry, this doesn't involve you in any way, it was someone else's mistake," to someone who just refuses to hear it and insists it's a conspiracy to besmirch his reputation somehow? I am happy I was able to keep cool and goal-focused and not get sucked into a meaningless argument. Maybe I am better off *not* being a high achiever!
Did not log in yesterday as I put in a massive day (did not get home till nearly 10 pm) working on project C at client's office. Felt I had to stay so late as the work can not be done at home (needs specific software) and can't see my way to getting back there again in the near future.
And the night before stayed up till 2 pm trying to finish project M (still not done :().
So now I have one project overdue and the other due in a few days (still lots to do). The s*** is really hitting the fan as a result of my (more severe than usual) lapse into procrastination.
I still hope to finish project M today but starting to feel burnt out. Going for a bike ride (exercise) soon even though I feel I can't spare the time, but I think I will feel better for it.
Have been facing oneo f the most grueling last few weeks. I have done everything possible on my end for a transaction to finalize. Finalization has been rescheduled almost every day for the last few weeks. Today I meet at our attny in a little over an hour but so far have not received the paperwork , so it may be rescheduled again. I do not even feel like going and fear being tricked, duped, etc. There is only one person in the world I believe I can trust. and it is not me.
Well pray for the next right action. Bless them, change me hp.
Have had difficulty getting traction following unusual activities outside my normal routine, like meeting offsite at a client's office Tuesday and a long meeting at the building next door yesterday in which I was asked to meet with an unhappy client and try to make amends for perceived "poor service" delivered by some colleagues of mine. It's completely ironic since I am the "master" of providing poor (i.e., slow) service, and only a matter of luck and the fact that everyone else is busy that I am not called on the carpet daily.
In any case, it was weird because one of my closest colleagues, a person whose work skills and work ethic I have admired since starting this job a little over a year ago, for some strange reason perceived that the client was unhappy with *him* and that somehow he was being made a scapegoat. In fact, it had nothing to do with him, but rather with other people here the client has also been working with.
After meeting with the client, who objectively was not being unreasonable, I spoke with my angry colleague and tried to convey that the client expressed some legitimate frustrations, but nothing about him, and that he was completely in the clear. I also tried hard to make him see that flying off the handle and creating a hostile situation here, by needlessly confronting other colleagues over this erroneous idea that he was being made a "fall guy", was not only off the mark but would have long-term negative effects within our group.
Clearly angry and frustrated, he decided to "shoot the messenger" and started in on me about my slowness and the inappropriate levels of service I provide. Wow. If even colleagues I had perceived as close carry such a negative view of me that it comes pouring out under a little stress, what must the colleagues who frequently complain about me be saying?
I felt pretty down. I got almost nothing done after that, then stayed up late surfing the internet last night. The only positive take home from this is that it may have ever so slightly opened my eyes to the clients' perceptions and the frustration that delayed work causes them. I am usually pretty immune to that, or oblivious to it, since I tend to see my struggles with work as a personal failing I have to deal with, and fear obsessing over them to the point of paralysis. I am pretty isolated and self-centered, truth be told, and view myself as working for my superiors, one step removed from an actual client. I don't know if trying to switch to a client focus would be helpful for me or detrimental. Something to ponder.
Okay, need to get focused. Had a long meeting today, 9:30 to 11:45, and have yet to get anything done. Plan is to work until 6:15 PM, since I am way tired and need to attend to family and personal issues this evening. Another late night here at work won't cut it. I will undoubtedly have to work very hard this weekend. I am feeling butterflies in my stomach as my nerves start to get the better of me. Ah, well.
Goal 1: 2 x 30 minute work blocks, back to back (~1:15-2:15)
Goal 2: 15 minute personal time (~2:15-2:30)
Goal 3: 2 x 30 minute work blocks, back to back (~2:30-3:30)
Goal 4: 15 minute personal time (~3:30-3:45)
Goal 5: 2 x 30 minute work blocks, back to back (~3:45-4:45)
Goal 6: 15 minute personal time (~4:45-5:00)
Goal 7: 2 x 30 minute work blocks, back to back (~5:00-6:00)
Goal 8: 15 minute personal time (~6:00-6:15)
Goal 10: Leave promptly at 6:15.
Goal 11: To bed by 11 PM. PLEASE!!!
Back to report.
Oh, and no internet between now and 6:15 PM. It should go without saying, but clearly it didn't, since I wasted 15 minutes between posting this and now just reading nonsense. I frustrate me.
It seems your colleague is lashing out because he is unhappy with his own work performance not yours. It says something that you were asked to negotiate with the client, doesn't it? Don't let the turkeys get you down :)
I want to feel better about how I use my time, today, than how I used it yesterday. So:
I choose accomplishment in reality over escape, today, particularly in these ways:
* I choose to postpone doing any online puzzles until between dance class and 23:15--I know that doing even one, before that, is one too many, because one almost never feels like enough.
* I choose to do my non-fiction listening only before 23:15, and only during chores or exercise or travel before 18:00.
* I choose to do my fiction listening only between 18:00 and 23:15 and during chores or exercise or travel or project progress.
* I choose to read fiction by eye only after dance class and before 23:15.
* I choose to experience silence after 23:15. I encourage myself to be in bed by 00:30, even if the lights aren't out. I want to feel rested and energetic when I wake up, tomorrow! I want to enjoy mornings!
(I did quite well with fulfilling these choices. I didn't manage to make it into bed by 00:30, but did so by about 01:15, which was an improvement over several recent nights.)
Done (or Done Enough) on Thursday, 02/23/12:
update spreadsheet before noon
update clearout goal item with recent progress
shower, etc
ask N re ETA for beet juice
research "blueing"
weekly status report and wiki update by 17:00
aim to be ready to leave for dance class by 19:15, and bring whites
do 15 minutes of Qi Gong (be careful to twist from lower place!) (done as part of dance warm-ups)
do a little library book skimming
Made Progress on Thursday, 02/23/12:
bookending and check-in at P.A.
practice asking for an excellently-suited part of myself to lead the V (maybe there could be a song for and about this?)
make progress on job work
do 10 minutes clearout progress (managed to put just one rather intriguing catalog into the recycling bin, not sure how long it took)
try some more Shiva Nata (just a bit, during dance class warm-ups)
To Do For Sure on Thursday, 02/23/12: (all do-for-sure items either done or started)
I'd Like To Do At Least Some of These, Too (but didn't, on Thursday, 02/23/12):
send thanks and Qs message to A
do a few minutes of yard neatening
make a little more progress on beading
journal a bit re DC vs. Rally &/or relation of regression/luck to procrastination recovery
make some increment of progress re getting Tai Chi prompts correctly set up
I want to get an early start today in order to at least have a plan before it hits the fan! DONE!
There are 232 emails in my Inbox, mostly sorted into 9 categories but also including 36 emails from yesterday and today that I have not yet categorized. I also have 3 overdue reports - 2 long and 1 short. There's a smallish pile of paperwork to my left that must be sorted for work and personal, then filed and/or prioritized if it needs more work. I have work calls at 11 and 12.
My goal today will be to be on time for my work calls DONE!, complete one of the overdue reportsDONE!, sort all emailsDONE!, and clear out one entire Inbox category. May the Force be with us all! :-)
I called in sick today but I figure I will work a few hours. I really only worked about half a day yesterday because I felt so rotten, so it will even out. I will get some rest and alleviate my guilt for not working hard yesterday. I'm listening in to a conference call now and during the conference call I will make a short todo list and plan to get some rest also. Noexercise today; I feel chest congestion and I am very paranoid about getting pneumonia again although it's an unfounded fear lol. When I had pneumonia a few years back I caught viral pneumona at the doctor's office, which was a totally different situation.
My new boss sent me an email and encouraged me not to come into the office tomorrow if I have a bad cold because he doesn't want the whole office to get sick. I like the way he thinks :)
To do today: Orders
Small non-work tasks (didn't get to one of these, but made very good progress) Figure out how to move stage
Practice freezing in isopentane (made good progress)
Work on counts Mtg w/ Lydia Start opt fix
Check expts Speak at church
Deacon contacts
OK, starting with 10 min to get a little organized, then I'll go check on expts and start opt fix, then I'll work on admin tasks.
I raised all the money I needed to get out of my latest crisis! PHEW!
Very sleepy and unproductive start to the day - need to remember NOT to skimp on sleep when I'm already tired! I made a list last night and then left it at home - not sure I've remembered everything that was on it, so may need to edit later!
Shiva Nata
S website
Despam C website
Pay £1 towards gas & electric
Catch up on email
Story for website
Remind A re money
FP prep
Bins & recycling
Prayer time
Clear table
Write down money spent
Put gas charity app in Toodledo for this weekend
Tomorrow's list
-- Metaphor Mouse! Because playlists are better than tasklists.
Woke in sunshine and feeling a lot better. I am grateful and I am so grateful I don't have to go to the Tribunal this morning.
Up prayer and reflection
Checked email, posts, and post where there is a note that I have a payment of nearly £100 for licensing rights on a book
Washed up
x Cook some food which I took from the freezer yesterday -10 meals made and frozen
x Clean the kitchen floor
x Put away washing when it is dry
x Change bed linen - except I can't put the duvet cover on as my body hurts too much when I try
x Put washing machine on again
x Bath and wash hair
x Read book on travel
x Continue making todo list as I have lost all my lists
It is early evening and I am doing well. I've done the above and started writing my journal and done some research into friend's benefits - I am going to finish the job I started and that is important to me.
Hang up new washing
Finish journal
Add bits to todo list
Rest and look at i-player and youtube
Prayer and refection
Assignment due in, i have another half hour to work on it before I should leave to go to Uni... and there I'll get another hour or so to finish it off... not enough time!!!! But, I knew that...
NA meeting at 2pm.
Walk the dogs.
Do some food shopping.
Probably go to a show later.
I feel pretty good, because one way or another this assignment will be DONE. And it's not even worth that many marks, the majority of marks for this unit are cominf from the actual performance, which I think I did well in...
Please don't press reply if you are not about to reply on my schedule. Press New Comment. That way, I can return to my schedule and cross out things I have done. Or else, I have to do a new schedule all over again.
Thanks Jo
It was just bizarre and unsettling. How many times can you repeat, "Don't worry, this doesn't involve you in any way, it was someone else's mistake," to someone who just refuses to hear it and insists it's a conspiracy to besmirch his reputation somehow? I am happy I was able to keep cool and goal-focused and not get sucked into a meaningless argument. Maybe I am better off *not* being a high achiever!
Good. I'm here again
Good. I'm here again reporting, my closest-farthest friends ever:
Although the day is almost gone, I wanted to report that:
I'm still going to continue with work,
I went to an exhibition of :::: with :::: and it ruled.
I made work according to a log I'm carrying with me :) .
Will continue on:
Pomodoros on folding.
Thank you, friends.
Fear is only a thought and as a thought you can ignore it.
Richard-bklyn Check-in 2/23/12
Finding a way CI
Friday 9.35 am
Did not log in yesterday as I put in a massive day (did not get home till nearly 10 pm) working on project C at client's office. Felt I had to stay so late as the work can not be done at home (needs specific software) and can't see my way to getting back there again in the near future.
And the night before stayed up till 2 pm trying to finish project M (still not done :().
So now I have one project overdue and the other due in a few days (still lots to do). The s*** is really hitting the fan as a result of my (more severe than usual) lapse into procrastination.
I still hope to finish project M today but starting to feel burnt out. Going for a bike ride (exercise) soon even though I feel I can't spare the time, but I think I will feel better for it.
Thank you all for being here.
Vic 2/23/12
Show up (done)
Have been facing oneo f the most grueling last few weeks. I have done everything possible on my end for a transaction to finalize. Finalization has been rescheduled almost every day for the last few weeks. Today I meet at our attny in a little over an hour but so far have not received the paperwork , so it may be rescheduled again. I do not even feel like going and fear being tricked, duped, etc. There is only one person in the world I believe I can trust. and it is not me.
Well pray for the next right action. Bless them, change me hp.
Falling behind
Have had difficulty getting traction following unusual activities outside my normal routine, like meeting offsite at a client's office Tuesday and a long meeting at the building next door yesterday in which I was asked to meet with an unhappy client and try to make amends for perceived "poor service" delivered by some colleagues of mine. It's completely ironic since I am the "master" of providing poor (i.e., slow) service, and only a matter of luck and the fact that everyone else is busy that I am not called on the carpet daily.
In any case, it was weird because one of my closest colleagues, a person whose work skills and work ethic I have admired since starting this job a little over a year ago, for some strange reason perceived that the client was unhappy with *him* and that somehow he was being made a scapegoat. In fact, it had nothing to do with him, but rather with other people here the client has also been working with.
After meeting with the client, who objectively was not being unreasonable, I spoke with my angry colleague and tried to convey that the client expressed some legitimate frustrations, but nothing about him, and that he was completely in the clear. I also tried hard to make him see that flying off the handle and creating a hostile situation here, by needlessly confronting other colleagues over this erroneous idea that he was being made a "fall guy", was not only off the mark but would have long-term negative effects within our group.
Clearly angry and frustrated, he decided to "shoot the messenger" and started in on me about my slowness and the inappropriate levels of service I provide. Wow. If even colleagues I had perceived as close carry such a negative view of me that it comes pouring out under a little stress, what must the colleagues who frequently complain about me be saying?
I felt pretty down. I got almost nothing done after that, then stayed up late surfing the internet last night. The only positive take home from this is that it may have ever so slightly opened my eyes to the clients' perceptions and the frustration that delayed work causes them. I am usually pretty immune to that, or oblivious to it, since I tend to see my struggles with work as a personal failing I have to deal with, and fear obsessing over them to the point of paralysis. I am pretty isolated and self-centered, truth be told, and view myself as working for my superiors, one step removed from an actual client. I don't know if trying to switch to a client focus would be helpful for me or detrimental. Something to ponder.
Okay, need to get focused. Had a long meeting today, 9:30 to 11:45, and have yet to get anything done. Plan is to work until 6:15 PM, since I am way tired and need to attend to family and personal issues this evening. Another late night here at work won't cut it. I will undoubtedly have to work very hard this weekend. I am feeling butterflies in my stomach as my nerves start to get the better of me. Ah, well.
Goal 1: 2 x 30 minute work blocks, back to back (~1:15-2:15)
Goal 2: 15 minute personal time (~2:15-2:30)
Goal 3: 2 x 30 minute work blocks, back to back (~2:30-3:30)
Goal 4: 15 minute personal time (~3:30-3:45)
Goal 5: 2 x 30 minute work blocks, back to back (~3:45-4:45)
Goal 6: 15 minute personal time (~4:45-5:00)
Goal 7: 2 x 30 minute work blocks, back to back (~5:00-6:00)
Goal 8: 15 minute personal time (~6:00-6:15)
Goal 10: Leave promptly at 6:15.
Goal 11: To bed by 11 PM. PLEASE!!!
Back to report.
Oh, and no internet between now and 6:15 PM. It should go without saying, but clearly it didn't, since I wasted 15 minutes between posting this and now just reading nonsense. I frustrate me.
@4change re: angry colleague
It seems your colleague is lashing out because he is unhappy with his own work performance not yours. It says something that you were asked to negotiate with the client, doesn't it? Don't let the turkeys get you down :)
Be confident. Stay focused. One thing at a time.
wrkinprogrss: 02/23/12
Hi, Everyone. Good wishes for your day...
I want to feel better about how I use my time, today, than how I used it yesterday. So:
I choose accomplishment in reality over escape, today, particularly in these ways:
* I choose to postpone doing any online puzzles until between dance class and 23:15--I know that doing even one, before that, is one too many, because one almost never feels like enough.
* I choose to do my non-fiction listening only before 23:15, and only during chores or exercise or travel before 18:00.
* I choose to do my fiction listening only between 18:00 and 23:15 and during chores or exercise or travel or project progress.
* I choose to read fiction by eye only after dance class and before 23:15.
* I choose to experience silence after 23:15. I encourage myself to be in bed by 00:30, even if the lights aren't out. I want to feel rested and energetic when I wake up, tomorrow! I want to enjoy mornings!
(I did quite well with fulfilling these choices. I didn't manage to make it into bed by 00:30, but did so by about 01:15, which was an improvement over several recent nights.)
Done (or Done Enough) on Thursday, 02/23/12:
update spreadsheet before noon
update clearout goal item with recent progress
shower, etc
ask N re ETA for beet juice
research "blueing"
weekly status report and wiki update by 17:00
aim to be ready to leave for dance class by 19:15, and bring whites
do 15 minutes of Qi Gong (be careful to twist from lower place!) (done as part of dance warm-ups)
do a little library book skimming
Made Progress on Thursday, 02/23/12:
bookending and check-in at P.A.
practice asking for an excellently-suited part of myself to lead the V (maybe there could be a song for and about this?)
make progress on job work
do 10 minutes clearout progress (managed to put just one rather intriguing catalog into the recycling bin, not sure how long it took)
try some more Shiva Nata (just a bit, during dance class warm-ups)
To Do For Sure on Thursday, 02/23/12:
(all do-for-sure items either done or started)
I'd Like To Do At Least Some of These, Too (but didn't, on Thursday, 02/23/12):
send thanks and Qs message to A
do a few minutes of yard neatening
make a little more progress on beading
journal a bit re DC vs. Rally &/or relation of regression/luck to procrastination recovery
make some increment of progress re getting Tai Chi prompts correctly set up
Vask 23rd Feb
Pet care
Go to library(was interrupted on the way there);pick up book
Research jobs
4) Research volunteer positions
5) Programming study (at least 10 minutes)
De-link YT account?
Put out recycling
8 )
Meet with JM
- "A procrastinator's work is never done."
agnus checking in and updates
I want to get an early start today in order to at least have a plan before it hits the fan! DONE!
There are 232 emails in my Inbox, mostly sorted into 9 categories but also including 36 emails from yesterday and today that I have not yet categorized. I also have 3 overdue reports - 2 long and 1 short. There's a smallish pile of paperwork to my left that must be sorted for work and personal, then filed and/or prioritized if it needs more work. I have work calls at 11 and 12.
My goal today will be to be on time for my work calls DONE!, complete one of the overdue reportsDONE!, sort all emailsDONE!, and clear out one entire Inbox category. May the Force be with us all! :-)
"My boundaries enclose a pleasant land." Psalm 16
Journey 10 am still sick :( & updates
I called in sick today but I figure I will work a few hours. I really only worked about half a day yesterday because I felt so rotten, so it will even out. I will get some rest and alleviate my guilt for not working hard yesterday. I'm listening in to a conference call now and during the conference call I will make a short todo list and plan to get some rest also. Noexercise today; I feel chest congestion and I am very paranoid about getting pneumonia again although it's an unfounded fear lol. When I had pneumonia a few years back I caught viral pneumona at the doctor's office, which was a totally different situation.
My new boss sent me an email and encouraged me not to come into the office tomorrow if I have a bad cold because he doesn't want the whole office to get sick. I like the way he thinks :)
Short todo list for today:
Call in sickReport sick dayAttend conference callPrint, sign, and scan 2011 evaluationDecide what to do about dinner1 load laundryCharge headsetGoals,todolist and time budget reviewIf I feel up to it, I can:
Shiva NataStraighten my bathroomBe confident. Stay focused. One thing at a time.
kromer 9:50 CI
To do today:
OrdersSmall non-work tasks (didn't get to one of these, but made very good progress)
Figure out how to move stagePractice freezing in isopentane (made good progress)
Work on counts
Mtg w/ LydiaStart opt fixCheck expts
Speak at churchScript
Deacon contacts
OK, starting with 10 min to get a little organized, then I'll go check on expts and start opt fix, then I'll work on admin tasks.
Innertruth 9:15 am check-in
Not very productive yesterday because of not enough sleep.
Work for day:
Check emails
9:30 - 12 - proposal (take 15 minute break)
12:15 - 1:15 - job search
1:15 - 2 - lunch & get ready for work
2:00 - 3:00 - job search
3:00 - 3:30 - produce codes
3:30 - leave for work
9:30 - arrive home
9:30 - 10 - read papers
10 - 11 - relax
11:00 - 11:30 - tidy and do dishes
Recycler CI Feb 23 8:45am EST
Up, eat breakfast, take puppy for walk. Then T-199 walk, shower, brush teeth, take meds. Start packing for trip, check email, internet.
Next: dry hair, then start on trip :)
Have a great day, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Lucky's playlist
I raised all the money I needed to get out of my latest crisis! PHEW!
Very sleepy and unproductive start to the day - need to remember NOT to skimp on sleep when I'm already tired! I made a list last night and then left it at home - not sure I've remembered everything that was on it, so may need to edit later!

Shiva Nata
S website
Despam C website
Pay £1 towards gas & electric
Catch up on email
Story for website
Remind A re money
FP prep
Bins & recycling
Prayer time
Clear table
Write down money spent
Put gas charity app in Toodledo for this weekend
Tomorrow's list
Metaphor Mouse! Because playlists are better than tasklists.
Rexroth Check In
Woke in sunshine and feeling a lot better. I am grateful and I am so grateful I don't have to go to the Tribunal this morning.
Up prayer and reflection
Checked email, posts, and post where there is a note that I have a payment of nearly £100 for licensing rights on a book
Washed up
x Cook some food which I took from the freezer yesterday -10 meals made and frozen
x Clean the kitchen floor
x Put away washing when it is dry
x Change bed linen - except I can't put the duvet cover on as my body hurts too much when I try
x Put washing machine on again
x Bath and wash hair
x Read book on travel
x Continue making todo list as I have lost all my lists
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Update
It is early evening and I am doing well. I've done the above and started writing my journal and done some research into friend's benefits - I am going to finish the job I started and that is important to me.
Hang up new washing
Finish journal
Add bits to todo list
Rest and look at i-player and youtube
Prayer and refection
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out
Done above
Night Rexroth
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
Things I will do today
1. Test my blood sugar three times
2. Eat breakfast
3. Take shower
4. Get dressed
5. Go to group therapy at 9 a.m.
6. Go to individual therapy at 10:15 a.m.
7. Go to the grocery store
8. Call the podiatrist to get my brace
9. Call the dental school for an appointment
10. Go to donate bags
11. Go to the library to give up my books
12. Go to see my mother
13. Eat lunch
14. Eat dinner
15. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone OA meeting
16. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting
Thanks for letting me share
What I did today
1. Test blood sugar2. Went to group therapy at 9 a.m.3. Called podiatrist4. Went to the podiatrist to get my brace5. Went to the grocery store6. Went to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting7. Went to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA meeting8. Put groceries away9. Did some numbersThings I will do today
1. Call dental school for an appointment2. See my mother for a minute3. Go grocery shopping
4. Finish numbers5. Eat lunch6. Sort storage box
7. Test blood sugar two hours after lunch8. Eat dinner
9. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone OA meeting10. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meetingThanks for letting me share
Hazyjane's day...
Assignment due in, i have another half hour to work on it before I should leave to go to Uni... and there I'll get another hour or so to finish it off... not enough time!!!! But, I knew that...
NA meeting at 2pm.
Walk the dogs.
Do some food shopping.
Probably go to a show later.
I feel pretty good, because one way or another this assignment will be DONE. And it's not even worth that many marks, the majority of marks for this unit are cominf from the actual performance, which I think I did well in...
Have a great, productive yet serene day PAs :)
Please don't press reply if you are not about to reply on my schedule. Press New Comment. That way, I can return to my schedule and cross out things I have done. Or else, I have to do a new schedule all over again.