Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Friday, 10 November 2006

pro's CI - 5:40pm

Maybe I'll list everything I did today because it was a lot, and writing my ta-da list will make me feel good.

Right now I'm feeling very restless and in need of physical exercise. I haven't been moving enough lately. I could go to the gym, but it's so far. Or take a walk... Not sure.

Ta Da~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  • Wake-up routine.
  • Participate in conference call with Client #1.
  • Finish edit for Client #2.
  • Make and eat "linner" (late afternoon meal).
  • Pick up mail.
  • Buy groceries.

need exercise and people

In addition to feeling exercise starved, I'm also feeling starved for company. I want to be around people, interacting with people. I could go to a meeting. I wish there was some other option...

scarlett CI 5:40 pm

Have a good weekend if I don't see y'all around here!

Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Wash work dishes
Work order (2)
sign up to volunteer @ blood drive
Reassess master to-do list
Frog 1 - review
prep for teleconference
Frog 1 - type up (started), enter comments

DELETE ‘almost deletable’ FOLDER
sort through stuff from conference
do I have a swmp?
review R tix

doing better?

Seems like you're doing better today. Do you feel better about how you're working?

scarlett CI 4:48 pm

My afternoon was taken up with a teleconference and then setting up, attending, and cleaning up a going away party for a coworker. So, only going to to the absolute necessary before getting out of here.

Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Wash work dishes
Work order (2)
sign up to volunteer @ blood drive
Reassess master to-do list
Frog 1 - review
prep for teleconference

To do:
Frog 1 - type up (started), enter comments

DELETE ‘almost deletable’ FOLDER
sort through stuff from conference
do I have a swmp?
review R tix

Rexroth 21.18 GMT

Not a happy day

Up prayer and reflection
bath wash hair
clean up mess in kitchen
deal with emails and post
out for banking a long expedition made longer by tube delays
visit church building for prayer and see if I can get off doing what I am supposed to be doing and find the answer to prayer that I can't.
generally mess about for afternoon feeling sorry for myself
try phoning people and they are out


look on website for 12 step meetings
phone friend again
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep

Regards Rexroth

Sending up a prayer for you Rexroth

Hope tomorrow is better, join me tomorrow on the gratitude thread tell me 5 awesome things about you that you are grateful for. Pray does change things just give yourself a moment to step back and receive it.

I'm praying you tomorrow


sorry to hear that

hope that tomorrow is better for you.

pro's CI - 3:30pm

I've had a very busy day today. I had to cancel my phone answering at AA Intergroup because I had work to do - actual PAID work (miracle of miracles). So far today I've done my morning routine, had a conference call with Client #1, and finished an edit for Client #2.

I'm hungry now, and very much ready for a break.


a little nervous

I was very happy yesterday and today to have some actual paid work to do.

I'm a little nervous waiting for the feedback on my first edit for this company. I would very much like this to become a regular thing, and they are looking for someone to work with regularly so it could be. I hope they like the work I did for them.

I probably won't hear back until Monday, so I may as well put it out of my mind for now.

Sister #2 would say




Hi scarlett,
Your not alone, I'm on the way to get my hair done
here is my rollover list.

prepare trash and bag papers for take out[done]
buy ziplock bags[done]
Go to post office[done]

Still Todo
clean stove
gather bills for heat program

rollover list
download last 30 pages of qb
make copy of program
install program
bathroom poem
Start tax accounting
Go to beauty parlour for perm [friday]


hi HR!

I feel bad - I posted about being alone and then I've been away from my computer since 1:30. Looks like you had a good day, though.

Yeah but

Looks like you have been productive. I have had a good day.


scarlett CI 1:24 pm

Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Wash work dishes
Work order (2)
sign up to volunteer @ blood drive
Reassess master to-do list
Frog 1 - review
prep for teleconference

To do:
Frog 1 - type up (started), enter comments
DELETE ‘almost deletable’ FOLDER
sort through stuff from conference
do I have a swmp?
review R tix

scarlett CI 12:24 pm

Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Wash work dishes
Work order (2)
sign up to volunteer @ blood drive
Reassess master to-do list
Frog 1 - review

To do:
Frog 1 - type up, enter comments
DELETE ‘almost deletable’ FOLDER
sort through stuff from conference
do I have a swmp?
review R tix

scarlett CI 10:51 am

pro, I'm finally here. It's been a bad week, but I'm committed to checking in today. Anyone want to join me?

Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Wash work dishes
Work order

To do:
Reassess master to-do list
Frog 1 - review, type up, enter comments

hi scarlett, I'm here

I'm here. I'm a bit time pressured, though, so I'm not sure how much I'll be online. I just got off a conference call, and now I'm in a big rush to finish an edit before the end of the day. I'll check in later.


I'll see you when I see you, then. ;)