Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Can't believe I'm up.
OK, let's make it one of those "positive confessions."
"I'm UP, and I'm RARIN' TO GO."
Today I will practice the willing supension of disbelief, as an experiment.
Graphic added by pro.
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pro's last check-in - 1:10am (SUNDAY!)
I'm VERY tired!! Bedtime.
Pardon my French
Damn good day!
not me
You don't mean me, do you? I didn't have a good day. I didn't really do much of anything. My tiredness from my early morning adventure caused me to spend the whole day either napping or watching comedy specials on TV.
I think YOU had a good day, though. Sounded like it. :)
30 Rock
I'm writing this on my Pocket PC, connected via Bluetooth, watching the skaters at Rockefeller Center. A man just proposed on one knee to his girlfriend. All the skaters stopped, circling them and watching. The people where I'm sitting all stood up to see better. Someone said, "He's proposing!" Then shortly later they kissed, and someone cried out, "She said yes!" It was very sweet.
Typing on this thing is slow, but I'm an hour early so I have nothing else to do. I was right - it's by the number on the ticket so I didn't have to come so early. That's okay. :)
I didn't get in. :(
I was right at the front of the line when they stopped letting people in. If I'd understood that your order in the line to get tickets determined whether you got in, I'd have gotten there earlier. I'm very disappointed. I guess I'll watch it on TV now. :( :( :(
Skating and kneeling
Pro, you made the effort, you did all you knew to do, and the next time you'll be the one who knows how to game the system. In marksmanship, they use to call that windage, I believe. You take practice shots till the sights on your rifle are perfectly "sighted in."
Besides, you saw a beautiful act of love and devotion - in New York.
Sometimes God does surprise us.
Good night
love in New York
And by the way, there's LOTS of love in New York. New Yorkers are nicer than any people I've met anywhere - more open, more warm, more friendly. They were rated most polite of any large city in the world by a Reader's Digest study, and I believe it. They hold doors for you, smile, talk to you. New Yorkers are really nice.
New York has an unfair reputation because of the directness of New Yorkers. They are much more straightforward and honest than people in other places, and sometimes this is misunderstood as rude, but it's not at all. New Yorkers are funny. And I much prefer straightforwardness than sacharine phoniness. You always know where a New Yorker really stands.
Yes, I gave it my best shot - wasn't good enough, but I tried.
True I'm more likely to get in next time because I know how it works now, but I wish I'd practiced before the show I REALLY wanted to see. This was a bad one to practice on because I wanted to get in so badly. I was really disappointed. But I watched it on TV and I enjoyed it.
I only wanted to see SNL because of Hugh Laurie. Next time I'll try for The Daily Show or The Colbert Report. Those are also very hard to get into - especially The Colbert Report. But if you're prepared to wait a couple hours, you can get in. That's what some friends of mine did. I think he said they waited 4 hours or something for The Daily Show.
I'm VERY tired. Bed now!!
JestRight - 5:44pm - Closing Bookend
Finished mapping all the ACA, CoDA, SLAA and DA meetings in the area. Off to a 6pm meeting nearby (ACA).
So there!! (to the universe)
Good luck, Pro
have a good meeting
Thanks for wishing me luck. I'll report back either way!
pro's CI - 8:25pm
Leaving in 35 minutes. I'll be VERY disappointed if I don't get in!! It's not raining anymore, but it's still extremely windy. Maybe that will keep people away. It might rain on and off tonight.
leaving now
I'm sure I don't have to be up there this early, but I'm going to leave. I'll bring the trash down on my way out.
stand-by number
It's definitely the stand-by number that they go by. I found this on a Web site:
Set your alarm clock.
No wait. Just bring a mattress, a bed tent, and a blanket. Are you committed to sparkle motion? If you REAAALLY want to go, you should plant yourself at 30 Rockefeller Center and start the STANDBY queue at 5:00PM on the Friday evening before the Saturday broadcast. Numbers are passed out for the dress rehearsal and the live show at 7AM. Once you get a number, you come back and wait some more, but we're told that a standby number don't mean a thing if the host or musical guest is really popular.
I did see some people at the front of the line who had definitely slept there. They had chairs and blankets. It POURED all night. That's really extreme.
I don't think the musical guest is that popular - I never heard of them (though that doesn't mean anything). Host: Hugh Laurie, Musical Guest: Beck. Has anyone ever heard of Beck before? I'm pretty out of it, but I've never heard the name. I don't know how popular Hugh Laurie is. I'm a big fan, but I don't know about The World.
I really want to get in!! Well, all I can do is try, and what will be will be.
random comments
Are you committed to sparkle motion?
Aha ha ha! I love that movie! (It's from Donnie Darko)
Yes, I've heard of Beck. He's been around at least a decade or so. His first big single was "Loser." Soy un perdidor/I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me.
The Wikipedia entry is pretty comprehensive.
Sorry you didn't get in. I'm a big Hugh Laurie fan, too, though I don't usually watch House.
sparkle motion
I had no idea what that meant. Still don't. :?
dance team
It's the name of the title character's younger sister's dance team. The line comes from a confrontation between Donnie's mother and another woman in which the latter exclaims, "Sometimes I question your commitment to Sparkle Motion!"
It's just a funny little moment, that's all.
pro's CI - 5:40pm
I'm dressed now, but I forgot the mail place closes early on Saturday so I can't do that. And since I can't do that I won't bother going out to get my prescription today.
I'm blowing off my back accounting simply because I don't feel like doing it - pure procrastination. :O
Have fun
Time to dress for the SNL show, get there early, relax and people-watch
SNL LIVE tonight
I took another nap - just one hour. I got very little sleep last night, and I want to be awake for the show. I went to bed past 3:30am, and got up at 5:30am to get uptown in time to get the tickets. I slept for two hours when I got back, but that's still only four hours.
SNL isn't until 11:30pm ET - the time it airs on TV is the time it's actually taped. It's the only live show on television today. The guy giving out the tickets this morning said to arrive at 10:45pm, but I'm going to get there by 10pm - or a little earlier. I'm going to leave at 9pm, and it only takes me a half hour to get there - usually. But it's the weekend and the trains can be very screwed up on weekends. That happened to me this morning. After waiting 10 minutes for a train, I finally gave up, left the station, and flagged a cab.
It's a standby ticket and I really want to see the show - not only because of the morning inconvenience, but because I'm a huge fan of tonight's host.
Expecting you to be on TV
Oh, the time zones confused me.
EXPECT to get in, stand like it, act like it. Meet the gatekeeper and make friends. Make sure they remember you. Good luck!
first come first serve
It's not like that. There's a limited number of seats. First they let in people with reservations (booked last August). Then they see how many empty seats they have. Then they let in people from the stand-by line, in first come first serve order. That's how they gave out the tickets, so I assume that's how they'll let people in to see the show. That's why I want to get there early. I expect there will be a stand-by line, and I want to be at the front or close to it.
I don't think Saturday Night Live pans the audience, do they? I don't recall seeing that. If they do, it's just for a nanosecond.
or maybe...
It could be by ticket number - by the order I was standing in the line this morning. The tickets have numbers written on them. Then it wouldn't be so important what time I got there. But I don't want to risk it. I'd be extremely disappointed if I didn't get in!!
I wasn't that far back in the line this morning, but I wasn't at the front, either. My ticket number is 63, which I think means I was the 63rd person in line.
I'm counting on bad weather to create 63+ empty seats!! No rain, but hurricane force winds. That should keep some people at home (I hope).
pro's CI - 4:50pm
I didn't end up napping - just watched some comedy specials on HBO on Demand. I should have napped - maybe I still will later.
Right now I need to finish getting dressed, go pick up my prescriptions, and go get the mail.
JestRight - Opening Bookend - 12:43pm
OK, I'm BACK. Had my shredded wheat, and I'm BACK. Going to schedule 12 step meetings, and close this bookend when I'm finished.
you're doing great!
Keep going, JestRight - you can do it! :)
Peeking In
Thanks, Pro. Working on it still, and cooking lunch.
Still in the game 2:26pm
Still working on it, maqpping where the meetings are, putting them on my schedule...
Time binging, quite possibly, but escaping, no!!!!
Still keepin' on keepin on', same task. Yeah I'm overdoing it, but I decided I would get this done, and I will, by gum.
(Channeling the spirit of Walter Brennan of The Real McCoys)
JestRight - 4:28pm - Interim Check-In
Sti-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-illllll GOING
JestRight - Interim Check-In - 5:06pm
Still gooooooooooing!!!
I'm glad you're working! :)
It would be better if you posted your check-ins at the top of the thread, in response to the first message. That would make them easier to find and respond to.
pro's CI - 1:10pm
That burst of activity wore me out. Now I'm tired again. I'm going to take a nap. I want to feel rested for SNL tonight.
I think it's mean that they make you get tickets for SNL at 7am. Since the taping is at 11:30pm, it guarantees that the audience will be sleep deprived - or the standby portion of the audience, anyway.
20 minute checkins
nice way to slug through it consistently
pro's CI - 12:50pm
pro's CI - 12:30pm
I'm doing my morning routine, though it's not morning anymore. My day was thrown off a bit by my journey to NBC this morning to get a ticket to SNL (Hugh Laurie, host!).
HR's CHECKIN 10:50
I so love your opening "TODAY I WILL PRACTICE THE WILLING SUPENSION OF DISBELIEF, AS AN EXPERIMENT" (Sorry had to shout that one to myself.)
I love that I am going to put that on one of my countering cards.
Sitting here feeling a little sick and what happens my delivery from the post office come and I open it and its a from my sister. Two coats and a pair of shoes. I believe, I believe, I believe.
Pro Let me tell you a kool ticket to get- the view in the 2nd week of december because they do the 12 days of christmas and give out spectacular gifts. Every show has give aways but during these days they are really big. I love hugh, can wait to hear how it went
Woke up feeling bad 9:00 AM but doing better now that I have
meds and vitamins
talk to dad
MY rollover list is big
call sister #2 to thank
wash dishes
clean stove
have breakfast
clean breakfast mess
cook pasta
booklet writing list
email brother info
call brother
See car garage owner
Fax IRS transcript 1995-1999 request
Major focus bathroom
clear floor
swiffer floor
clean sink
clean sink wall fixtures and wall tile
clean are under the sink
clean toilet inside
clean toilet outside
clean mirror
clean medicine shelf 1
clean medicine shelf 2
clean medicine shelf 3
Wall stand shelf I
Wall stand shelf 2
Wall stand shelf 3
Wall stand shelf 4
Wall stand shelf 5
Wall stand shelf 6
toilet stand shelf 1
toilet stand shelf 2
toilet stand shelf 3
clear out tub
Steamer clean spots
wash tub
clean wall tile behind toilet
clean wall tile on side of toilet
clean wall tile right side of tub
clean wall tile left side of tub
clean wall tile behind tub
clean wall tile behind wall stand
clean wall tile behind door
housereclaimer checkout - accountiblity
Did not get much done slept most of the day off and on have bad sinus infection. Sore knee and back. Felt real bad no wine real fact. but the highligt of my day between naps was watching PRO'S SNL excellent adventure. Although I must admit I fell asleep just after pro left for the show. Woke up coughing at half past noon but had to see how the adventure turn out. Excellent I'd say quite excellent even though you did not get in.
You learn something very valuable about the city I love, to everything there is what someone called windage (I say trick/scam/tip). the fun of New York is finding out what it is. Now you know how SNL works, there is more fun to be had. More about that later. Yes the view is in New York when Martin Short and cast was on the show everyone got tickets.
Anywho - on to my accoutibilty
my tiny tada
call sister #2 to thank
wash dishes
clean stove
have breakfast
clean breakfast mess
email brother info
call brother
HR - list size
When you first posted this to-do list, I thought it seemed too long and overwhelming, but I thought I'd wait and see how you did before I said anything. Now this list has rolled over several times, and I think maybe I should say something.
There's a good possibility that you are having trouble getting started on this to-do list because it's simply too much. I like to keep my to-do lists to no more than 5-10 things - usually closer to 5. Just put 5 things on your list for the day, do those, and then reassess. I think when you make such an overwhelming to-do list, it sort of guarantees you will never start.
The View
I've never seen The View. All I know about it is that it's a bunch of women talking. Is it taped in New York? I thought it was a California show.
(I added your username to your check-in title so we can tell whose are whose.)
pro's CI - 11:40am
I slept for two hours. That's not really enough since I only slept two hours earlier - grand total of four hours sleep. But I can't sleep anymore, and four hours sleep is better than nothing.
So now I'm going to try to find something useful but not too strenuous to do. I have a prescription to pick up, and it would be good to get my mail. I'll do those things later in the afternoon when it stops raining. I've had enough of the rain for one day.
I could get showered and dressed, and work on my back accounting for a while.
JestRight - Interim Checkin - 6:10am
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can............
5:57am CheckIn
TO DO by 7AM:
Reload Printer
Reprint Schedule
Initiate Schedule
Plan 12-Step Attendance
Clear Desk
JestRight - 7am - Closing Bookend
No Joy - too quiet - may go back to bed.
Wasted an hour on the web.
Shame, my old companion, come on in. Have a chair.
too quiet
What's too quiet? This forum?
I'm often the only one here on weekends, and still I find it useful to check in. The key is to do it consistently. I check in even if it's only to say I'm goofing off. That definitely reduces my goof-off time, even when no one else is here.
"Noises Off" (did you ever see that one on Broadway?)
Good habit -- I'll try it. And probably most of the postings do eventually get read by others, even if not in realtime.
Actually I meant my apartment was too quiet. When I'm down - as I have been roughly the last 2 weeks, especially since Wednesday - I thrive on noise and human voices - like from television, or people. Getting up at 5am, groggy, is best helped by coffee and a loud televangelist or newscaster or music video. But the neighbors are snoozing away.
I had negotiated with the noisy party girl upstairs to be quiet after 11pm. But I neglected to think about until when in the morning this quiet period would last. So now I'm hoist on my own petard (whatever that is).
This dependence on the energetic presence of other people is, I suppose, a form of codependence. Ah well. Time to work on scheduling those 12 step meetings.
saw it in London
I did see Noises Off, but not on Broadway, in London before it came to New York. It was so long ago that I don't actually remember what it was about.
>I thrive on noise and human voices - like from television, or people.
I sometimes put the TV or radio on for that reason. But I don't like being around people all the time - it exhausts me. I need a lot of time alone.
Wishing and wanting
Interacting with others wears me out too, even though I enjoy it at the time. I need time to follow through, regroup, and re-organize myself afterwards. Therefore I have to be careful that gatherings I attend serve the "higher purpose."
What I like best is "parallel work" - a collegial atmosphere, others creating mental-work-energy that feeds mine. I long for a like-minded person, a studious type, to share my home office, with identical work hours and breaks.
working with someone else in the room
I know what you mean. I used to work much better when my ex was in the house, even if just watching TV or surfing the Web. I read somewhere that one reason for procrastination is loneliness - people just want company. This site goes a long way towards serving that purpose for me. People aren't always here - especially on the weekend - but the social act of posting still helps me. I'm talking to "potential someones".
12-step attendance
I've been skipping that quite a bit since I was sick a week ago. I've been thinking that I'll go to meetings 3 nights a week (and maybe Sunday afternoon), and go to the gym the other 4 nights (unless something better comes up, like a TV show taping).
I need to get back to doing both, for the health of body and spirit.