Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Seeing Saturday Night Live LIVE - what an awesome opportunity. I would MOST DEFINITELY be getting up even on 2 hours sleep (after all, it's the weekend, you have time to recover!!!!!!!!!!)
I hope you get tickets, PLEASE get them!!!!! (if just to HEAR about it!).
ps - I'm with you on the Letterman thing, I CAN'T STAND that show.
Hey, if anyone likes improv, we have a great new show airing in Australia that is fantastic - we love it. You can download shows at - it's roll-around-the-floor-in-tears kinda funny (to us at least, I won't assume Americans/Brits will find it as funny but you never know!). Most of the personalities are Australian (or New Zealanders, or 'adopted' Australians like Jimeoin), but we've found that no matter who is on, it's funny whether we recognise them or not. But they had Arj Barker on last week, so some other international stars might make it on. They even had one of the Wiggles on last season (he wasn't as good as the comedians, but it was still funny).
Anyway, I'm rambling. Time for bed, I think!!!!!!!!!
I'm tired and I'd really like to sleep for a while so I can be awake and alert tonight for SNL live, but I can't sleep. :(
My brain keeps spinning. I'm thinking about how I can use my Pace ID from 24 years ago to get into "Inside the Actors Studio", how I should start going to the gym three nights a week, how I should start doing Pilates in the morning again, how I should eat healthier, what time I should leave for SNL to be sure I get in, etc., etc.
Hmmmm.... there are an awful lot of "shoulds" in the previous paragraph!
Oh look - on the Web site with info about SNL tickets, it has info about Bill Maher tickets. That might be fun, too.
Maybe I'll try reading a book - sometimes eye strain makes me sleepy. :P
Another show I'd like to see is The Actor's Studio, which is taped at Pace University. I think possibly only students can attend, though. I'll look it up on the Web.
To get tickets to the Daily Show, you have to be there at 9am - leisurely compared to SNL's 7am. Maybe I'll try that next week. :)
The Colbert Report is supposed to be very hard to get into - tickets are in very high demand. But I've heard standby tickets are possible because many underage people bought the tickets by mail, and they don't let them in. I'd like to see that live, too.
The date stamp on my Pace ID is 9-82. Easily removed. But I'm 24 years younger in that picture (and look pretty good). Probably I look a little different now. Hmmmmm.....
Oh, wait.. I really should read things more carefully (or maybe go to sleep). Pace community gets in for free, but anyone can purchase tickets. You have to purchase 8 tapings, and it's $200. I'll stick with the free shows for a while.
New York has a down side, but it has its virtues, too. Often I don't take advantage of what's available here, and then all I have is the stress. I want to start doing more things.
The woman in front of me in line for the SNL tickets was a tourist from Cleveland, and she reminded me that you can get discounted tickets for Broadway shows in Times Square. I used to know that, but I forgot. I'd really like to see Martin Short's "Fame Becomes Me", but no way can I afford full price for a Broadway show.
I am the proud owner of a ticket to Saturday Night Live for tonight. It's a standby ticket, so I'll need to get there early if I want to get in. :) :) :)
I hope it stops raining by then - I hear it will. It's been raining for about 12 hours already. I see better with my glasses than my contacts, but glasses are a pain when it's raining.
I wasn't the only looney standing in the dark and the rain to get a ticket. There was a long line!
I'll check out the Australian show another time. Right now I'm going back to bed and sleep!!!!
SNL live is cool, but I can see SNL live any time since I live here (not that I ever have bothered to do it before). What's so great is that Hugh Laurie is the host, and I'm a big Hugh Laurie fan. :) :) :)
I just found out that Hugh Laurie (plays "House" on "House, MD" - my favorite TV show) is going to be the host on Saturday Night Live tomorrow. I looked up on the internet how to get tickets, and it said you have to show up at Rockefeller Plaza at 7am on the day of the taping. Saturday Night Live really is live, so the taping is tomorrow. Do you think I can get anywhere tomorrow morning by 7am (especially considering that it's now 1:25am)? Also, these are stand-by tickets - they don't guarantee a seat. And it's going to be raining tomorrow. Hmmmm.... I think I'll try anyway - why not? I'll set my alarm for 6am, throw clothes on, and jump in the subway unshowered. I'm sure no one will care what I look like.
Of course I want to be able to stay up late enough to enjoy the show... But I'd stay awake, even if I were sleep deprived. I'm gonna try this... Maybe not set the alarm, though. See if my body wakes me up early enough. If I tell it to before going to sleep, it will. I wonder if I really have to be there at 7am - that's really early, and I would at least like breakfast.
A major reason I'm still up is because of an allergy-asthma problem - I can't stop sneezing and I'm wheezing as well.
Since I can't sleep, I researched how to get tickets to the tapings of my other favorite shows - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report. The Colbert Report is very hot - they're not even offering tickets anymore. I might be able to get standby tickets, though. David Letterman tapes in New York, too, but he's not as good now as he once was - not worth standing in line for.
I gotta get some sleep!! I really want to be at Rockefeller Center by 7am tomorrow. How am I ever going to manage that?
Now I'm so pumped up about seeing Saturday Night Live "live" tomorrow that I'll never get to sleep. I'm helped in my quest for tickets by the rain - people won't want to stand outside in the rain tomorrow.
Maybe I'll just stay up all night, get the ticket, then come home and sleep until I have to stand in line again. They are standby tickets - not a sure seat.
I wonder what time you have to come back and stand in line again. I guess they'll tell me when I get there. I wonder how many other loonies will be standing in the rain in front of Rockefeller Center at 7am tomorrow.
I am very tired I was out all day. This is the longest I have been on my feet since spinal surgery in july. But I am excited I went to the dentist a thing i have feared all my life. In the past Bad things happened there. I was there from 10:00AM until 2:30. The good news is that by thanksgiving I will have a brand new smile and its free. Yeah me! Went to lunch but forgot meds and vitamins first time booooo!!!!!
Nose is congested I think I am going to do a stream treatment with facial inhaler talk to sister #2 and go to bed. Want to get up early. I know what you are talking about pro - it is easy to fall off the night sleeping track. Lords I am not cured yet, but every day whether I come here or not knowing i can come has really started me moving. Now the key is consistancy. Not showing up is my demand resistance now that I know something works/may I can work. MY rollover list is big
cook pasta
booklet writing list
email brother info
call brother
See car garage owner
Fax IRS transcript 1995-1999 request
Major focus bathroom
clear floor
swiffer floor
clean sink
clean sink wall fixtures and wall tile
clean are under the sink
clean toilet inside
clean toilet outside
clean mirror
clean medicine shelf 1
clean medicine shelf 2
clean medicine shelf 3
Wall stand shelf I
Wall stand shelf 2
Wall stand shelf 3
Wall stand shelf 4
Wall stand shelf 5
Wall stand shelf 6
toilet stand shelf 1
toilet stand shelf 2
toilet stand shelf 3
clear out tub
Steamer clean spots
wash tub
clean wall tile behind toilet
clean wall tile on side of toilet
clean wall tile right side of tub
clean wall tile left side of tub
clean wall tile behind tub
clean wall tile behind wall stand
clean wall tile behind door
I ended up doing something today that was useful and good, but not what I'd planned. My apartment is very, very small - only 208 square feet including the bathroom. The smallest an apartment can be according to NYC Housing law is 200 square feet, so it doesn't get any smaller than this. It's just one room with a small closet and a nice sized bathroom. I don't even have a real kitchen.
I'm not saying this to complain, but to explain why clutter is such a constant danger in here, even though I'm naturally fairly neat. I really like the neighborhood where I live, and my apartment is unusually cheap, so I feel blessed to have it. Nothing's perfect, and the downside of this place is that it's very small.
After I sold my house, I had a lot of extra supplies - dish soap, etc. - that I had no place to store here. I have a storage space where I keep tax records, old photos, and other stuff I don't need every day. I put some of the extra supplies in storage, but that wasn't turning out to be very practical because going to the storage place is inconvenient.
So when I stopped at the storage room last night to get my quilt, I also brought back some supplies I'd been storing there. Also, I've bought some books recently. All this was causing my already full apartment to start to get out of control. I was starting to have books and supplies stacked on the floor, which gets pretty unpleasant pretty fast in here.
So today I did a major purge of books - my biggest problem in here. I also reorganized some cabinets to make better use of space so the supplies on the floor would have a home. It's a significant improvement and I needed to do it, but it took all day.
I'm going to put the books out on the street, where my fellow New Yorkers will snap them up within 15 minutes. I could sell them, but then I'd have to store them while waiting for them to sell. I already regret listing a few books on, and wonder if I can cancel the listings and just throw the books out.
Another thing that would greatly help my space problem would be to finish my back taxes so I could get the records out of here and into storage. I don't have any place to put three years of financial records, so it's in a crate on the floor. I'm going to work on the back taxes this weekend.
There are many things I didn't do today. I didn't start work on my new paid project, I didn't clear my spam folder, I didn't handle my mail, and I haven't gotten dressed yet. I'm hungry and there's nothing to eat here, so I'm going to have to get dressed soon.
Wow - you're so lucky!!!
Seeing Saturday Night Live LIVE - what an awesome opportunity. I would MOST DEFINITELY be getting up even on 2 hours sleep (after all, it's the weekend, you have time to recover!!!!!!!!!!)
I hope you get tickets, PLEASE get them!!!!! (if just to HEAR about it!).
ps - I'm with you on the Letterman thing, I CAN'T STAND that show.
Hey, if anyone likes improv, we have a great new show airing in Australia that is fantastic - we love it. You can download shows at - it's roll-around-the-floor-in-tears kinda funny (to us at least, I won't assume Americans/Brits will find it as funny but you never know!). Most of the personalities are Australian (or New Zealanders, or 'adopted' Australians like Jimeoin), but we've found that no matter who is on, it's funny whether we recognise them or not. But they had Arj Barker on last week, so some other international stars might make it on. They even had one of the Wiggles on last season (he wasn't as good as the comedians, but it was still funny).
Anyway, I'm rambling. Time for bed, I think!!!!!!!!!
STILL can't sleep
I'm tired and I'd really like to sleep for a while so I can be awake and alert tonight for SNL live, but I can't sleep. :(
My brain keeps spinning. I'm thinking about how I can use my Pace ID from 24 years ago to get into "Inside the Actors Studio", how I should start going to the gym three nights a week, how I should start doing Pilates in the morning again, how I should eat healthier, what time I should leave for SNL to be sure I get in, etc., etc.
Hmmmm.... there are an awful lot of "shoulds" in the previous paragraph!
Oh look - on the Web site with info about SNL tickets, it has info about Bill Maher tickets. That might be fun, too.
Maybe I'll try reading a book - sometimes eye strain makes me sleepy. :P
Conan O'Brien
Conan O'Brien tapes in New York - that might be fun. They tape early - around 5:30pm, I think.
Bill Maher tapes in California, so that's out.
another show I'd like to see
Another show I'd like to see is The Actor's Studio, which is taped at Pace University. I think possibly only students can attend, though. I'll look it up on the Web.
To get tickets to the Daily Show, you have to be there at 9am - leisurely compared to SNL's 7am. Maybe I'll try that next week. :)
The Colbert Report is supposed to be very hard to get into - tickets are in very high demand. But I've heard standby tickets are possible because many underage people bought the tickets by mail, and they don't let them in. I'd like to see that live, too.
oh good!
Actors Studio tickets are available, too. Eddie Murphy will be a guest in December.
oh, bad
I didn't read carefully. You have to have a Pace ID (students, faculty, staff, and alumni) to get in. I thought that might be the case. :(
I worked at Pace once many years ago. I still have my ID. Maybe they won't notice it's 20 years old?
read it wrong again
The date stamp on my Pace ID is 9-82. Easily removed. But I'm 24 years younger in that picture (and look pretty good). Probably I look a little different now. Hmmmmm.....
Oh, wait.. I really should read things more carefully (or maybe go to sleep). Pace community gets in for free, but anyone can purchase tickets. You have to purchase 8 tapings, and it's $200. I'll stick with the free shows for a while.
"New York, New Yooooooork
...What a wonderful plaaaaaace!!"
it has it's virtues
New York has a down side, but it has its virtues, too. Often I don't take advantage of what's available here, and then all I have is the stress. I want to start doing more things.
The woman in front of me in line for the SNL tickets was a tourist from Cleveland, and she reminded me that you can get discounted tickets for Broadway shows in Times Square. I used to know that, but I forgot. I'd really like to see Martin Short's "Fame Becomes Me", but no way can I afford full price for a Broadway show.
I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am the proud owner of a ticket to Saturday Night Live for tonight. It's a standby ticket, so I'll need to get there early if I want to get in. :) :) :)
I hope it stops raining by then - I hear it will. It's been raining for about 12 hours already. I see better with my glasses than my contacts, but glasses are a pain when it's raining.
I wasn't the only looney standing in the dark and the rain to get a ticket. There was a long line!
I'll check out the Australian show another time. Right now I'm going back to bed and sleep!!!!
It's not just Saturday Night Live LIVE...
SNL live is cool, but I can see SNL live any time since I live here (not that I ever have bothered to do it before). What's so great is that Hugh Laurie is the host, and I'm a big Hugh Laurie fan. :) :) :)
I'm not asleep
I just found out that Hugh Laurie (plays "House" on "House, MD" - my favorite TV show) is going to be the host on Saturday Night Live tomorrow. I looked up on the internet how to get tickets, and it said you have to show up at Rockefeller Plaza at 7am on the day of the taping. Saturday Night Live really is live, so the taping is tomorrow. Do you think I can get anywhere tomorrow morning by 7am (especially considering that it's now 1:25am)? Also, these are stand-by tickets - they don't guarantee a seat. And it's going to be raining tomorrow. Hmmmm.... I think I'll try anyway - why not? I'll set my alarm for 6am, throw clothes on, and jump in the subway unshowered. I'm sure no one will care what I look like.
Of course I want to be able to stay up late enough to enjoy the show... But I'd stay awake, even if I were sleep deprived. I'm gonna try this... Maybe not set the alarm, though. See if my body wakes me up early enough. If I tell it to before going to sleep, it will. I wonder if I really have to be there at 7am - that's really early, and I would at least like breakfast.
A major reason I'm still up is because of an allergy-asthma problem - I can't stop sneezing and I'm wheezing as well.
tired, but still up!
Since I can't sleep, I researched how to get tickets to the tapings of my other favorite shows - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report. The Colbert Report is very hot - they're not even offering tickets anymore. I might be able to get standby tickets, though. David Letterman tapes in New York, too, but he's not as good now as he once was - not worth standing in line for.
I gotta get some sleep!! I really want to be at Rockefeller Center by 7am tomorrow. How am I ever going to manage that?
Setting the alarm...
Now I'm so pumped up about seeing Saturday Night Live "live" tomorrow that I'll never get to sleep. I'm helped in my quest for tickets by the rain - people won't want to stand outside in the rain tomorrow.
Maybe I'll just stay up all night, get the ticket, then come home and sleep until I have to stand in line again. They are standby tickets - not a sure seat.
I wonder what time you have to come back and stand in line again. I guess they'll tell me when I get there. I wonder how many other loonies will be standing in the rain in front of Rockefeller Center at 7am tomorrow.
I am very tired I was out all day. This is the longest I have been on my feet since spinal surgery in july. But I am excited I went to the dentist a thing i have feared all my life. In the past Bad things happened there. I was there from 10:00AM until 2:30. The good news is that by thanksgiving I will have a brand new smile and its free. Yeah me! Went to lunch but forgot meds and vitamins first time booooo!!!!!
Nose is congested I think I am going to do a stream treatment with facial inhaler talk to sister #2 and go to bed. Want to get up early. I know what you are talking about pro - it is easy to fall off the night sleeping track. Lords I am not cured yet, but every day whether I come here or not knowing i can come has really started me moving. Now the key is consistancy. Not showing up is my demand resistance now that I know something works/may I can work.
MY rollover list is big
cook pasta
booklet writing list
email brother info
call brother
See car garage owner
Fax IRS transcript 1995-1999 request
Major focus bathroom
clear floor
swiffer floor
clean sink
clean sink wall fixtures and wall tile
clean are under the sink
clean toilet inside
clean toilet outside
clean mirror
clean medicine shelf 1
clean medicine shelf 2
clean medicine shelf 3
Wall stand shelf I
Wall stand shelf 2
Wall stand shelf 3
Wall stand shelf 4
Wall stand shelf 5
Wall stand shelf 6
toilet stand shelf 1
toilet stand shelf 2
toilet stand shelf 3
clear out tub
Steamer clean spots
wash tub
clean wall tile behind toilet
clean wall tile on side of toilet
clean wall tile right side of tub
clean wall tile left side of tub
clean wall tile behind tub
clean wall tile behind wall stand
clean wall tile behind door
Congrats on going to the dentist. They can be scary - easy to procrastinate on.
I'm going to go to bed now, too. I can't say if I'll go to sleep right away, but I'll be in bed.
After getting a hint of someone else's troubles...
I'm still going to whine about my life.... but I'm going to do so with just a touch of humility.
pro's CI - 9:15pm
Finally I took some pills. I'm getting symptoms again from not taking them, so I don't know why I resist it so much.
pro's CI - 8:30pm
I need to force myself to take my pills.
pro's CI - 7:20pm
pro's CI - 5:20pm
I ended up doing something today that was useful and good, but not what I'd planned. My apartment is very, very small - only 208 square feet including the bathroom. The smallest an apartment can be according to NYC Housing law is 200 square feet, so it doesn't get any smaller than this. It's just one room with a small closet and a nice sized bathroom. I don't even have a real kitchen.
I'm not saying this to complain, but to explain why clutter is such a constant danger in here, even though I'm naturally fairly neat. I really like the neighborhood where I live, and my apartment is unusually cheap, so I feel blessed to have it. Nothing's perfect, and the downside of this place is that it's very small.
After I sold my house, I had a lot of extra supplies - dish soap, etc. - that I had no place to store here. I have a storage space where I keep tax records, old photos, and other stuff I don't need every day. I put some of the extra supplies in storage, but that wasn't turning out to be very practical because going to the storage place is inconvenient.
So when I stopped at the storage room last night to get my quilt, I also brought back some supplies I'd been storing there. Also, I've bought some books recently. All this was causing my already full apartment to start to get out of control. I was starting to have books and supplies stacked on the floor, which gets pretty unpleasant pretty fast in here.
So today I did a major purge of books - my biggest problem in here. I also reorganized some cabinets to make better use of space so the supplies on the floor would have a home. It's a significant improvement and I needed to do it, but it took all day.
I'm going to put the books out on the street, where my fellow New Yorkers will snap them up within 15 minutes. I could sell them, but then I'd have to store them while waiting for them to sell. I already regret listing a few books on, and wonder if I can cancel the listings and just throw the books out.
Another thing that would greatly help my space problem would be to finish my back taxes so I could get the records out of here and into storage. I don't have any place to put three years of financial records, so it's in a crate on the floor. I'm going to work on the back taxes this weekend.
There are many things I didn't do today. I didn't start work on my new paid project, I didn't clear my spam folder, I didn't handle my mail, and I haven't gotten dressed yet. I'm hungry and there's nothing to eat here, so I'm going to have to get dressed soon.
Thank you, thank you, thank you
Having a similar day, boxes of various projects on floor INCLUDING back taxes, just got dressed (its 340pm here), etc etc etc
So THANK YOU for getting my mind OFF self-condemnation, giving me a little perspective. out I go.
thanks for thank you!
I'm glad it helped you - that's nice. :)
There and Back Again
Got out, got errands done, went to new 12 step meeting, and got back. Yeah you made a difference.
Glad to hear it! You can start your day over at any time. :)
Just pro and me?
So what happened while I was away?
Did everyone get "cured"?
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
It's always quieter here on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Dunno how many of us are cured.
pro's CI - 2:40pm
Got seriously side-tracked. Trying to get back on track now...
pro's CI - 10:30am
Still haven't had breakfast yet - hungry.
pro's first check-in - 9:10am