Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Wednesday July 27, 2011
Happy Wednesday, everybody!
Have a great priactuve day!
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Check-in for Thursday
I've been procrastinating about going to bed!
Here's my "to do" list for Thursday.
9:45 - 10:00 - emails
10:00 - 1:30 - Work on much overdue newsletter
1:30 - 2:00 - Lunch
2:00 - 2:30 - Get ready for and walk to Xray & ultrasound appointment
2:30 - 3:00 - appointment
3:00 - 3:30 - buy groceries at grocery store & pharmacy
3:30 - 4:00 - bring groceries home and leave for coffee meeting
4:00 - 5:00 - coffee meeting
5:00 - 9:00 -campaign
9:00 - 11:00 - 2 job applications
11:00 - 11:15 -plan work for Friday
Finding a way check in
Thursday 2.30 pm
Thanks for the starter, lennon.
I have done some things today, but feeling guilty because I have not posted here for so long; also last night I stayed up way too late and then slept in this morning.
Feeling somewhat overwhelmed by all the things that need to be done before I go away on my holiday/desert trip with my husband on Sunday.
Done: some tidying, shopping, washing, bin out, emails, phone G.
Things to do:
hang out more washing,ring K,timesheet,pile of dishes, rationalise lists,prepare veg. for dinner,exercises,bring in dry washing, go to meditation, cook dinner, music with friends, more from lists if time remains.Thank you all for being here.
Hi Melon!
Welcome to the site! You've made a good start on the daily posts.
Thank you! I already feel
Thank you! I already feel more proactive! Although I am still procrastinating as much... but I think I will get more things done than I would if I wasn't participating in the check-ins! Staying hopeful!
Need to be done:- fold
Need to be done:
fold laundry
- dishes
- edit first 9 pages of thesis proposal
- no facebook or other social media forms of procrastination
Goal: To be done before 12am
Chores to do Thursday:-
Chores to do Thursday:
- dishes
- take out recycling
- handwash clothes
fold laundry
- finish thesis proposal*got to p.4 on Wednesday
Goal for next week: wake up at or before 10am every morning
Looking good
Welcome to the site, wrkinprogrss. I am also the resident verbalist, if you know what I mean. You're doing fantastic so far. Keep it up! Best, Scribbler
thanks for welcome
Thanks for the welcome, Scribbler. I thought you looked familiar! ;-)
wrkinprogrss check-in 27 July 2011
Hi. I'm new, and am not sure I'm clicking the right buttons, so please let me know if I post in the wrong place or need to change something else about my participation here!
Today, I will:
Cultivate recovery motivation by:
Posting at SMART RecoveryPosting at Procrastinators AnonymousChecking my balance mind-map(good enough for today)Improve my personal integrity and job performance by:
Doing at least 4.1 hours of job work, including filing at least 5 bugsAttending9:00,10:00, & 14:00 job meetingsDeal with personal life logistics by:
Making notes re possible tiny mini-tasks for dealing with water heater leakDoing at least 5 of those mini-tasks
Maintain or improve my physical and emotional health by:
Using the Balancer
Attending therapy groupDoing 15 minutes of Qi GongTaking bedtime RxManage my overall time use by:
Postponing recreational computer & internet use until after doing:
At least 4.1 hrs of job workAt least 5 water heater mini-stepsAttending therapy group
computer, audio, orrecreational reading after this time (blew this one by doing a bunch of late reading for distraction from my thoughts)For EXTRA CREDIT, I may also be glad to:
Good luck with your day, everyone!
kromer 9:40 CI
Lots to do today! Both academic and non-academic.
Section frozens*Plan hybs (come up with pos. control, plan for/order lectins, plan for pan-cadherin) (ok, this has turned out to be a big task, but I've at least figured out some good + control options for Rara)
Check expts*Figure out edger error bars (will do this in the evening, I hope)
*run htseq-count on other data
*submit for histology
*Update records and email
*Get together apt. app stuff
*laundry (will do this soon)
*email about erin bday (will do this soon)
*get together apt. app stuff, email CT, one other apt. email (will do this soon)
*make cake (will do this soon)
*if possible, go to goodwill and hardware store.
OK, starting with frozens.
Rexroth Check In
I had a food binge last night the first in many many months but I slept well and slept in until gone nine in the morning
Up prayer and reflection
Checked emails and posts
Phoned landlords to check water heater in bathroom would be replaced today
Went out on exercise walk and practiced using GPS and took some shots with camera
Food shopping on way home
Checked emails again and post
Phone park over poorly ostrich - no I am not joking the poor bird looked like it was dying
Wash in the kitchen where there is hot water as landlords phoned when I was out to say they will be repairing the heater tomorrow not this afternoon
Washup and tidy up in kitchen
Check notes for travel abroad - the banks sometimes won't change torn or written on notes
Phone store over trainers
Keep listing things to do
Regard Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out
Above - have not heard back over the ostrich and the store say I need to phone again tomorrow
Prayed and reflected
Go to bed and go to sleep
Good Night Everyone
1. job
2. breakfast
3. tidy room
4. pre office
5. officework
12: lunch
4:00 2nd lunch
6. 4:30 to 5:30 : trade log and unwind
6 pm gym
Scribbler's Hump Day CI 7:44 a.m.
Thanks for the starter, lennon. I have been struggling with distractions, mostly in the form of online political discussions. There's something compelling about getting involved in these for me. However, participating in them is not advancing my primary concerns. I'm not doing terribly bad, but I'd like to do better and I'll try to today...
Get up at 6Make bedExerciseHealthy breakfastCoffee, paperCheck-insrunMorning
Update QuickenBl,BNSend revised IQ InvoiceDraft MonroeAfternoon
lunchVoice coachEvening
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meeting, and my life.
Thing I have done today
Went to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meetingThings I will do today
1. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting2. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting3. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting4. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA meeting5. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone CLA meeting6. Take shower7. Get dressed8. Fix and eat brunch9. Warm up and eat dinner10. Make bed
11. Wash dishes
12. Get my sleep apnea stuff ready for today
13. Send out Al-Anon literature for today14. Clear couch
15. Clear tables
16. Clear floor
17. Shred more papers18. Gather coins
19. Count money
20. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.21. Go to the 10 p.m. telephone CLA meeting22. Go to the 11 p.m. telephone ACA meeting23. Prayer and meditation morning and evening
24. Go to the 9:30 a.m. telephone PA check-in25. Go to the 10:30 a.m. telephone PA check-in26. Go to the 1130 a.m. telephone PA check-in27. Go to the 2:30 p.m. telephone PA check-in28. Go to the 4:30 p.m. telephone PA check-in29. Empty storage boxes
Thanks for letting me share