Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Tuesday, 24 October 2006
(...not over here, but where Milo is. :) It's also not Tuesday here yet, but I'm posting this for Milo, since I was distracting her with musings about astronomy.)
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pro's last check-in - 1am (WEDNESDAY!)
Well, I blew off the dishes and my pills, and I'm going to bed way too late, but at least I didn't crash on the couch fully dressed.
Tomorrow I'm going out of town overnight.
pro's CI - 11:30pm
It's freezing in here, and I'm late getting to bed again. According to NYC law, the landlord doesn't have to turn on the heat after 10pm unless it's below 40 degrees outside, and then the landlord has to maintain an apartment temperature of 68 degrees. Right now it's 46 degrees outside, there's no heat, and my apartment is 65 degrees. :(
pro's CI - 9:35pm
pro's CI - 7:50pm
A film crew was shooting something on my block again today. This time I didn't bother to ask what. It's amazing how many TV shows and movies are being shot within a block of my apartment lately.
I still have not taken my "midday" pills. Unbelievable. I'm doing that right now!
Since I'm obviously not going to do any back accounting today, I may as well fix my other sweaters. I might also start packing so I can leave early tomorrow.
todayfirst 4:20 PM
Why do I keep programming as if someone might someday look at my code? Nice and neat. Plenty of comments. Trying to follow best practices. Nobody ever looks at my code. They only care if it works and I get it done quickly. They SAY they want quality but they don't ACT like they want quality. There's definitely a gap between what they say they want and what practices that are actually followed.
Things I've done so far today:
- Cleaned up email
- One AM meeting
- Converted 2 reports and fixed up the first one I worked on
- Completed report conversions
- Started work on a separate programming task
Things I'd still like to do:
- Review code from contractor - defer (low priority)
- Cut/Install cabinet toekicks (tonight)
coding practices
My code is meticulously neat and well commented, too. Nobody besides me looks at it, but that doesn't matter. The neatness of my code is why it's relatively bug-free, and the comments I need for myself.
I didn't comment a program once (first big program I wrote), and when I had to come back to it later to fix a problem, it was like someone else had written it. I couldn't make heads or tails of it, and had to think it all out again. I have always commented my code extensively since then.
pro's CI - 4:10pm
pro's CI - 2:50pm
I need to keep checking in so I keep moving. Shouldn't apologize for it, I guess. I can't do this on my own, and I know it.
pro's CI - 2:30pm
Rexroth 19.17 BST
Well for what its worth
Todo today
prayer and reflection
receive and sort out food delivery
repair people coming sort them out
list things to do before I go on round the world trip (if ever)
send cheque to landlords for ladder (don't ask) oh well if you do they say that if we use the ladder they have provided, for the last 14 years at least, and fall off it we can sue them but it they sell it to us then we can't sue them.
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep
I am not a happy hamster
Love and Peace Rexroth
Rexroth 22.29 BST
Most done but some not in addition I've done a lot of gowing through old stuff and throwing it out. I feel emotional about it. Anyway it's done or rather I did it.
Regards Rexroth
todayfirst 1:05 PM
Looks like I have some rework to do on other items before I can convert the remaining reports. That's next.
Things I've done so far today:
- Cleaned up email
- One AM meeting
- Converted 2 reports and fixed up the first one I worked on
Things I'd still like to do:
- Review code from contractor
- Work on my program - goal will be to complete report conversions today. Maybe more if time permits.
- Cut/Install cabinet toekicks (tonight)
pro's CI - 1pm
When I got up at 7am, I'd be at this point in my day at 9:30am - maybe 10. When I get up at 10am, it takes me until 12:30 or 1pm. This is very late to be starting my day. I simply have to start going to bed earlier!
pro's CI - 12:20pm
pro's CI - 11:45am
iwant2workharder - CI 17:05
So now I have sorted the mess.
I have 120 files to compare with older one and
modify the translations. And then THAT'IT for website1.
I had the feeling I couldn't see the end of the tunnel with this one.
120 files :
- 1 minutes / file ==> 2 hours ) (19:00)
- 10 minutes / files ==> 20 hours ( today and tomorrow-NOOO)
- 5 minutes / file ==> 10 hours ( today and tomorriw - NOOO)
- 3 minutes /file => 6 hours ( 23:00)
So here I am starting and keeping a record of how long I take for each file.
************* DONE :smile: **********************
-step18: sorting correct files
************* TO DO :cool: *********************
- step18: getting changes into correct files
*************** ROLLOVER :wink: I am being REALISTIC *******
- load and check online website1 translation
( the characters can sometimes look funny)
- website2
- do some reading ( 3 chapters)
- report
- start the accounts ( need to get a grip on my finances and my tax returns)
- gather docs and go through them quickly for website2 and 4 ( just to get a first feel)
- gather docs and go through them quickly for hobby site 5 ( just to get a first feel)
- continue tidying
- phone tenants 2 times
- fill up course assessment and gather 2 other docs for it to be ready to send
- search companies offering these 2 equipments
- go to the post and send kid's birthday present ( I think it will be received ONE MONTH after the event)
120 files
120 files is a lot! Do you have a deadline for completing each of these Web site translations?
>go to the post and send kid's birthday present ( I think it will be received ONE MONTH after the event)
I started putting birthdays in Outlook, which would then pop up a reminder for me two weeks prior to the day. That helped me to not do this!
website1 and website2 : no deadline as they have changed the
text non-stop :evil: . Now they just want it done as it is :lol: : no more original text changes. I think we are too flexible with the
customers ( they are king , dixit the sales guy).
I want to get it finished this week as next week we need
to start website3 and 4 and I want to start one for my own
business idea as well.
pro's CI - 11am
I checked my email while eating breakfast, and received a report of a security problem on one of my sites that I thought I fixed. I need to fix that right away - probably best to do it before even finishing my morning routine.
I'm going to try exercising again this morning (my Pilates mat routine).
On second thought... I think I'll stick to walking for exercise until I stop needing 9-10 hours of sleep per night. I'm still not 100% since being sick.
pro's first check-in - 10:10am
I overslept by a lot - just got up! Yikes. And looked at my computer to see a reminder that I'm leaving town tomorrow, which I'd totally forgot (going up to New England for a day - where I used to live).
being kind to oneself
I overslept by a lot -
This must simply means your body needed it and you must have been
stretching it. Also, with your illness, you need far more sleep than when in good form.
I'm leaving town tomorrow - I see you are travelling as well.
It's true my body needs more sleep since being sick, and last night I didn't sleep well because I was cold. That said, I could have gone to sleep earlier last night! When I'm needing so much sleep, I really should be in bed by 10 or 11pm, and I was up pretty late last night - maybe 1pm. I was reading in bed.
todayfirst 8:45 AM
Well last nights plan to install the toekicks didn't work out. DW and DD didn't seem to be continually getting mad at each other so I spent most of the evening hanging out with DD so that DW could do whatever she wanted. Maybe tonight will be a bit smoother.
Things I've done so far today:
- Cleaned up email
Things I'd still like to do:
- Review code from contractor
- One AM meeting
- Work on my program - goal will be to complete report conversions today. Maybe more if time permits.
- Cut/Install cabinet toekicks (tonight)
iwant2workharder - CI 14:20
Hi all,
I can see that yesterday evening was a day of chatting on starts and flags.
Well I started .... procrastinating... when I realise I had been translated the wrong files????!!!!! I suddenly went into internet and looked to completely unrelated websites????? Would it seem that I start procrastinating when I sense it will be too hard or too long?
It is really a shame as yesterday evening I had drawn up a plan for today!
So I am back on track. For website1 :
1. get the RIGHT files and check these are the RIGHT files ( new addition due to disorganisation)
2. copy translations from former to right one
3. checks
It would be nice to do all these within 3 hours.
************* DONE ******************************
- phone admin to get appointment : need to phone tomorrow at 10:00
- tenants phoned once today
************ TO DO ******************************
- part18 : get right files, 2 subsections left and add comparison.
- load and check online website1 translation
( the characters can sometimes look funny)
- website2
- do some reading ( 3 chapters)
- report
- start the accounts ( need to get a grip on my finances and my tax returns)
- gather docs and go through them quickly for website2 and 4 ( just to get a first feel)
- gather docs and go through them quickly for hobby site 5 ( just to get a first feel)
- continue tidying
- phone tenants 2 times
- fill up course assessment and gather 2 other docs for it to be ready to send
- search companies offering these 2 equipments
- go to the post and send kid's birthday present ( I think it will be received ONE MONTH after the event)
hard/long projects
I often begin to procrastinate when things start to look too hard or long. I guess if I can't see the end of something I have trouble beginning it. Maybe that's why it helps to break things up into smaller tasks.
seing the end of things
What's for sure is this project is extremely long.
I am now in the last final stretch for 120 files!!!
No wonder I felt completely discouraged :jawdrop: when I realised
I had worked on the wrong files.
Also, yourself, any news about your lack of motivation
for the job, but enthusiasm for the hobby- fixing houses?
It occured to me that one person actually moved slowly
into house fixing - 2/3 hours daily + week-ends - and for about 3 years. Then moved to part-time for another 2 years, and recently moved full-time into it. Inspite of the downturn, he seems still enthusiastic about his work. :smile:
hobby vs work
I've decided not to make any decisions for a month or two on the job situation. I'm trying to address some other issues first. Then, my mind should be clear enough that if I still don't like the job, I can make a reasonable decision without doing anything rash.
Right now, it seems like I've been saying this FOREVER and maybe I'm just afraid to pull the trigger on something else. I tend to just do what's safe.
I just noticed this!
It's 9pm now and you'll be getting up soon!
Thanks, that's very sweet :)