Online Meetings- We need YOU!
Hi there! We just had a business meeting today in the chatbox after the recovery meeting, and we want YOUR input on some stuff!
Number One- Right now there are recovery meetings on Saturdays and Sundays at 7:30 GMT, which is 2:30 Eastern. Everyone is welcome! You don't have to share if you don't want to, and it's not intimidating. You could even just watch to see how it goes. To be perfectly honest, I'm not super into the steps, and I go to meetings sometimes to take a moment and reflect and "get it all together". And if you ARE into the steps, that's great too. Try it sometime!
Number Two- It was suggested that in addition to the weekend meetings, we have one "mid-week" meeting (maybe a little later) so that people can share the progress of the week and prepare for the rest of it. Again, a nice chance to stop and review. So. . .
->Do you like the idea of a mid-week meeting? If so, what day and time do YOU think it should be?
Number Three- The meetings do not have "official" leaders every week; rather, the meeting info is on the site and it is copied and pasted so anyone (even a newbie!) can lead. However, it is important that the chatbox meetings have an "anchor"- someone who is there every week and basically makes sure the meeting happens.
->Would YOU be interested in being an anchor for the Sunday meetings?
I have never done that, but if you have questions, you might want to contact movingalong, as she has done an AWESOME job anchoring for a few years now! Lennon is also doing a great job on the new Saturday meetings :)
So yes. That was alot of info, but I hope you guys can share your opinions and we can make this awesome site even awesomer :)
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thanks for your service in planning the meetings
I'm not big on attending the meetings, I normally just use the forums and that works for me . . .but I know the meetings are valuable and I really appreciate you guys stepping up and doing them, and I'm sure PRO does too! <3 <3 <3
"I'm tired of pretending I'm not a total freaking rock star from Mars." - Charlie Sheen
Thanks Jo
Thanks Jo- however, I think movingalong and lennon should get more of the thanks for showing up and anchoring every week :) I just made a thread.
Appreciated all the same though.
At the risk of sounding blasphemous, I don;t even really follow the 12 steps- I just think this forum and the sunday meeting are the kick in the butt I need to keep moving :grin
Have a great weekend!
Not reliable
Sorry I cannot help with the hosting.
But I will try to turn up on the recovery meetings.
Thank you Katia
is it possible to have meetings at a different time?
I'm new here, but I'd really like to attend an online meeting. But since I live in Japan, the meetings are at 4:30AM local time and for me that's about the hardest time to attend. If the meeting started 3 hours earlier or later or any time in between, I'd be there in a heartbeat. I'm not really suggesting CHANGING the time, more like wondering if there are others who would like to set an additional meeting at another time?
I know that I *should* do it, and it's not that I don't *want* to do it, but I can't get myself to *just do it!* Sometimes it's because I don't know *how* to do it, and sometimes I'm afraid of failing, but to be honest most of the time, I don't know WHY I don't do stuff.
We will have a business meeting this weekend. Come to the business meeting. We all share our concerns there. The business meeting is after the recovery meeting. I hope to see you there.
RE: Midweek Meeting
So it's been brought up that a bunch of people like the idea of a midweek meeting, and we have 2 (out of 2) votes for 9 PM GMT.
I'm guessing by "midweek" we mean "Wednesday" (Thurs morning in Australia). But other days can be considered.
If anyone else would like to vote for a time, please do so! This way it can be organized around what the most people want.
For this meeting, we need an anchor. Unfortunately, my classes change every 12 weeks and I have no idea if I will be available at 9 GMT (I'm Central and sometimes Eastern time). If anyone is available and willing, I can assure you that it will help alot of people AND you're own recovery! :)
RE: Midweek Meeting
I am in Japan (GMT +9:00)
9PM GMT would be 6AM. That would work if it was WED or possibly FRI morning (so TUE 9PM GMT, or THU 9PM GMT) Later on TUE would also be OK, but for THU later wouldn't work.
Hope we can do it!
midweek meeting
Hello guys!
A midweek meeting would be great for me too... I've been to a couple of online meetings, and really enjoyed them, but I generally find it difficult to attend them at the weekend... something at 8 or 9pm GMT would suit me too..
Midweek meeting
I have to confess that I have never been to an online meeting. Now we are in daylight saving time in Australia it's not strictly impossible; the evening meetings work out at 6.30 am Sunday and Monday Eastern Australian time. So far I always seem to "forget", so going to put one in my diary now to get rid of that excuse.
But I would love a meeting that is more in work hours for me, say 9 pm GMT would be great. Then I wouldn't have to dodge any questions from my husband as to why I was on the computer so early - that's right, I am still 'in the closet' with my procrastination. Although my husband and I are currently having a separation, but that's another story.
re: online meetings
if it wasn't for movingalong's faithful adherence to the principles of the 12 steps, i would feel guilty. I like the meetings, i get a lot out of them, but i find it hard to make the time to attend them. But movingalong always says, no obligation, so i believe it.
So i can't commit, but i do hope they continue!
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb