Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

egfraz- Journal Article


Reading (Theme/Question)

Research Question Paper
--First Draft
---- Outline
---- Composition
---- Content/Spell Checker
---- References
--Second Draft
---- Final Content Revision
---- Manual Spelling Check
---- Grammar/Diction/Flow Check
---- References Final Check

Bibliographic Essay/Draft Outline
--First Draft
---- Outline
---- Composition
---- Content/Spell Checker
---- References
--Second Draft
---- Final Content Revision
---- Manual Spelling Check
---- Grammar/Diction/Flow Check
---- References Final Check

Research Proposal
--First Draft
---- Outline
---- Composition
---- Content/Spell Checker
---- References
--Second Draft
---- Final Content Revision
---- Manual Spelling Check
---- Grammar/Diction/Flow Check
---- References Final Check

Further Reading

Research Paper
--First Draft
----Content Chech/Spell Check
----Graphs & Charts Composition
--Final Draft
----Content Revision
----Manual Spelling Check
----Grammar/Diction/Flow Check
----Graphs & Charts Final Check
----References Final Check
